One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 74: idea

Five days later, Vegapunk came to Forgo Island on a warship.

After disembarking and entering the steel city, Vegapunk ignored anyone, and did not stop to observe the seamless metal building, but walked straight towards the three-story tower in the city without asking anything, as if there was a It was the smell that was attracting him. As soon as he came here, he saw the tower at a glance.

Simon, who was preparing to welcome Vega Punk at the gate of the city, was speechless as Vega Punk walked quickly into the tower.

Kizaru's index finger was hooked to his forehead, and his expression was rather embarrassing. He was one of the members of the greeting team and the Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, but he was completely ignored by Vega Punk.

No gestures, no nods, no words, just ignored, as if the dozens of people who came to greet them were air.

Looking at Vegapunk's back, Tyr's mouth twitched, and he was silent for a while before sighing: "At that moment, I really thought I was air."

"Is this the most talented scientist, the aura is really strong." Beharie touched his chin, his eyes wandering on the faces of the dark-faced people around him.

Simon rubbed his forehead and said, "I should have thought of this situation."


Huang Yuan sighed softly, raised his feet and walked towards his house, saying as he walked, "I won't be able to communicate with the doctor in a short time, so it doesn't make sense for the old man to stay here."

"The old man is right. Once Dr. Bergapunk enters this state, there is nothing to do."

There were a few black lines hanging down on Zhan Taomaru's forehead, thinking about what happened before, he could only sigh deeply in his heart.

The three lieutenant generals who came to greet him did not say a word, and when they saw Kizaru leave, they also left silently and returned to their posts.

Fuergo Island does not occupy a large area, but there are many points to be defended. In order to prevent enemy aggression, every defensive point needs a lieutenant general to be stationed at every moment.

The arrival of Dr. Bergapunk is very important, because only he can judge whether the island can exist as a branch, or whether the value of the island can promote the establishment of the branch.

Once the island has established a base, it is possible to reduce the manpower and achieve the current defense force.

At first, Kizaru only planned to seek the opinion of Dr. Vega Punk, but judging from the latter's current situation, he could only wait.

Both the general and the lieutenant general left, leaving Simon and the others standing there.

"Go back to your respective posts." Simon turned around and said to everyone.


Except for Yuna and Behari, everyone else returned to their respective posts, while Zhan Taomaru couldn't wait to rush towards the tower.

There were only three of them left in front of the city gate, and Beharie suddenly asked in a deep voice, "Simon, are you hiding something from us?"

Simon frowned slightly and said, "What can I hide from you?"

Beharie stared into Simon's eyes tightly and said, "For example, leaving alone."

His brows were furrowed, and Simon glanced at Beharie in surprise, then fell silent.

Simon's performance in this way undoubtedly made Behari more firm in his inner guess.

"Sure enough, you really want to leave alone." Beharie's face showed anger, "Do you know that this kind of behavior is abandonment!"

Since this time, Behari has discovered Simon's abnormality. He is as smart as him. After a few days of observation and hearing some wind, Behari began to wonder if Simon was planning to leave the island alone. , General plus three lieutenant generals, such a lineup is very gorgeous, Behari understands why the naval headquarters will send such a combat force to Fuergo Island, because this island has such value.

Since the naval headquarters has dispatched such a combat force, it shows the importance it attaches to this island, so the entire crew of the Oath has no reason to leave the island, and can only be incorporated into the garrisoned military force. When Dr. Bergapunk After the arrival, it is even more impossible to change this established fact.

Beharie had reason to believe that the Four Emperors must have also received news of Vega Punk's arrival. Whether they would attack or not was still a matter of choice, but the entire crew of the Oath was bound to stay.

Linking these few factors, Beharie believes that in the case that they have to stay behind, Simon will leave alone.

Standing behind Simon, Yuna's pretty face showed a look of disbelief.

Simon sighed, looked elsewhere, and said calmly, "We need troops to be stationed here."

"Indeed, judging from the current situation, there is indeed a need for maximum troops to be stationed here." The anger slowly restrained, but Beharie's tone became cold, "It is precisely because of this that you need to stay."

Simon suddenly looked directly at Beharie and said in a deep voice, "I have a reason to leave!"

"What's the reason for you to think like this?!" Behari raised his voice, "Now Fuergo Island needs troops to be garrisoned because the current situation has not stabilized. There is a reason to get out, but your idea is not to wait, but to leave alone!"

Simon's lips twitched slightly, speechless.

Wait, Beharie is right, as long as it stabilizes, that is, under the condition that Paul Goer is completely intact, the Oath can continue to fight pirates in the new world, but Simon can't wait, and doesn't want to wait.

If he wants to become stronger, he can't waste any time.

If you are stationed in Fuergo, you may encounter battles, but there has been no movement in the past ten days. Simon decided that even if the Four Emperors will move, it will not be much. Besides, Kaido doesn't necessarily reveal the secret here, and if the redhead had this idea, he would not have left empty-handed that day.

In other words, if you are stationed in Fuergo, then you don't know when you will have the opportunity to become stronger. After the battle with Kaido, Simon has no patience to wait. Leaving is an inevitable fact, because Simon needs more and more battles, in this new world, even if he may die in battle!

Yuna couldn't believe it, and asked sharply, "Lieutenant General Simon, you really intend to..."

"Yes." Simon interrupted Yuna, "When Vega Punk arrived, I decided to leave here and go to the next island alone."

Yuna clenched her lips and lowered her head slowly. In vain, she thought of the battle more than ten days ago. At that time, Beharie said that Simon was alone to contain Kaido, everyone was silent, and everyone fought desperately. Just to end the battle as soon as possible, and then go to support Simon.

Respect, or admire, or admire.

These various emotions include all the people on the oath.

Yuna immediately understood that Simon's departure was not an abandonment, but an existence that they could trust, and an existence who did not need them to worry and fight desperately when they were alone in containing the Four Emperors.

"Lieutenant General Simon, we are waiting for you."

Yuna raised her head in vain and looked at Simon seriously.

This is not an ambiguous This is a word of trust.

Facing Yuna's gaze, Simon was stunned. That gaze was trust, admiration, and reverence.

In an instant, a warm current flowed through Simon's heart.

No one knew how dangerous the battle against Kaido was. If it wasn't for the arrival of the red hair, I'm afraid everyone on the oath would die. It was also at that time that Simon realized that he could not lead a warship or lead the Oath just by now.

At the very least, without the power to guard the oath, there is no such qualification.

So, when Simon made sure that Furgo would be a safe place, he decided to leave for the next island in a short time.

Beharie frowned slightly, glanced at Yuna, and then at Simon. At this moment, he realized his mistake.

"Simon, what's your reason for leaving?"

"Being stronger... At present, I don't have the power to protect everything."

Simon looked serious, and the scene from a few days ago flashed before his eyes.

That day, the indifference of Liliu and Lilith made his heart throb slightly. Afterwards, informed by Qianlba, Simon learned that Liliu and Lilith were not only exercising their arrogance, but also began physical training.

Simon understood the origin of the indifference in an instant, and at that time, the idea of ​​leaving was even more determined.

There is a reason for the path everyone chooses, and Simon’s reason is to become stronger, to become more powerful, to be able to do what he wants to do, and to protect what he wants to protect.

Therefore, staying on Fuergo Island is a waste of time, it is better to leave alone and go to the next island to see the powerhouses in the new world, even if it is attacked by the Four Emperors or Duflamingo!

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