The fruit of healing is a miracle.

"Superhuman Healing Fruit?"

Ms. He's eyes lit up.

This has the ability to heal "biological injuries"! It can heal all injuries of living creatures.

"Is the news reliable?"

Iron Hammer nodded heavily, he was very sure that the healing fruit was in the dwarfs.

After all, he had explored the Tontata Kingdom with his ability and observation color, and in his perception.

Although Manshili was still young, the breath of life in her body was very strong, which was definitely a symbol of having eaten the healing fruit.

"Hmph, you bastard have a conscience."

"In that case, I won't care, but you are not allowed to let go of the headquarters training camp."

"As for how to proceed, you can discuss it with Zefa yourself."

Of course, Old Man Kong knew Zefa's situation. Although Sakaski and others were strong enough, they lacked experience and needed some time to develop.

Moreover, the training camp was very important. It was the cradle of naval talents. It can be said that Zefa was very courageous.

"Tsk, I know. If it doesn't work, I will go back to the headquarters regularly to help substitute for classes. After all, I was also Zefa's assistant teacher back then, and with my current ability, it's no problem to train a bunch of rookies."

After getting Old Man Kong's consent, Tiechui left the conference room directly.

After he left, the three old cadres looked at each other.

"Xiaohe, Zhan Guo, do you think the situation Tiechui said will happen?"

Old Man Kong leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyebrows.

There were too many troubles recently, making the old naval marshal feel a little tired.

"It shouldn't be, after all, there has never been a case of a pirate surrendering himself, let alone Gol D. Roger who just became the Pirate King."

"But I agree with one thing that Tiechui said, that is, Garp can't catch Roger, hahaha."

Speaking of Garp, Sengoku laughed unconsciously.

Old man Kong also shook his head helplessly.

As soon as Ms. Crane spoke, both of them were stunned.

"I think Tiechui's statement is a bit unrealistic, but it is not necessarily wrong."

"After all, the actions of Roger's pirate group this year are indeed too jumpy."

"And Roger, how to say it? Very self-centered."

"Back then, because someone insulted his crew, he killed the army of a country."

"No one would be surprised if such a person did anything."

Listening to Ms. Crane's support for Tiechui's remarks, Old man Kong and Sengoku were silent.

"Xiaohe, even if Tiechui is right, what is Roger's reason for surrendering?"

"You don't think you have achieved success, do you?"

Zhan Guo didn't want to admit it, but after all, it was Xiaohe who said it, so he held back.

Staff Officer He also rubbed his temples.

"If you have to say it, I don't know, but I always feel that Tiechui must have guessed something, so he said it at the meeting."

"With Tiechui's personality, unless something affects him, he won't bother to participate."

"Anyway, I think we should keep an eye on it, after all, it's better to be prepared."



Navy Elite Training Camp.

"No! I'm staying well in the headquarters, why do you want me to go to your G88 branch."

Tiehchui looked at Zefa who was blowing his beard and glaring at him, and shook his head helplessly.

He just wanted Zefa to go to Greenbit with him to rest, but was ruthlessly rejected by this old man.

"No, Dad, you just need to take a rest. I'm not stopping you from being an instructor."

"Your Iron Wave and Fist can now fly. We can fly back and forth."

For Zefa's physical condition, Tiechui still persuaded him.

Zefa shook his head like a rattle and refused to agree.

There was no other way, Tiechui could only use his trump card.

"Dad, I found a group of Kung Fu sea cows that can practice Armament Haki. Aren't you curious about 50 of them?"

"Besides, I also have the Dwarfs. I tell you, the Dwarfs are very fast and powerful. They are definitely good candidates for being warriors."

What does Zefa care about? If it was defending justice in the past, it is cultivating talents now.

As long as there are people with extraordinary talents, he will be the first to be interested.

Sure enough, after hearing the two races mentioned by Tiechui, Zefa's eyes lit up instantly.

"Are you sure? I know about Kung Fu Manatees. Can this creature cultivate Armament Haki? Are you kidding me?"

"It's the Dwarf Tribe that I know about

I really don't know much. How strong is it? How fast is it?"

Finally he took the bait... It wasn't easy.

"Of course, I tell you, I found that group of Kung Fu Manatees in Alabasta. They are absolutely powerful."

"As for the Dwarfs, they are very fast. After all, they are very small and move very quickly. It is difficult to find them without the observation Haki. In terms of strength, it's exaggerated. They are doing precision work in my place, so it is very important to control their strength."

Zeffa was even more curious.

Seeing the gleam in his eyes getting brighter and brighter, Tiechui immediately stepped up his efforts.

"As long as you come with me to Greenbit, I will let you train these two troops in person."

"As for the headquarters, let Xiuzuo help keep an eye on them for a while, and then you can let them go to G88 for training."

"It's better to let my troops have actual combat exchanges with them than to work behind closed doors here. "

Zefa had no reason to refute now. After all, Tiechui had already thought about the follow-up. What else could he say?

He could only give his silly son a helpless look.

"You are really good. You really put a lot of effort into letting me go to your G88, didn't you?"

Tiechill chuckled when he heard it.

"It's not over yet. If I tell you that Lance is currently trading with Sky Island on my behalf, maybe there will be people from Sky Island joining my branch later."

"Father Zefa, are you more surprised?"

"I tell you, my goal is not just these. It won't be long before I set off to find the Fur Tribe. Such a powerful warrior must be from my G88 branch. "

Zeffa was completely shocked. Did Tiechui want to turn his G88 branch into a special forces assembly station?

Kung Fu Manatee, Dwarf Tribe, Sky Island People, and the future Fur Tribe?

This kid is very ambitious.

But it must be said that this is becoming more and more attractive to Zefa.

After all, these are races with great potential. If they are properly trained, they can definitely become a powerful navy.

Okay, he will definitely go to see this G88 branch.

Even if there are only Kung Fu Manatee and Dwarf Tribe at present, it is enough.

Thinking of this, Zefa directly picked up the Den Den Mushi on the table and dialed it.


"Hello, Shuzo! I have to take a vacation for a while, you keep an eye on the training camp for me."

"When? It's hard to say, it will probably take a few months."

"It's okay, I believe you!"

"Ah? Okay, then I'll find two people to help you when the time comes!"

"That's it!"

"Baji! "

When Den Den Mushi hung up, Zephyr smiled.

Iron Hammer also smiled.

Shuzo cried.



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