After dealing with Zefa, Tiechui went to the logistics department again and put all the documents that needed to be stamped and signed into the ring and took them away.

After all, the work that needs to be done still needs to be done.

When he returns to the G88 branch, he will sort it out slowly. If he sees someone he doesn't like, he will deduct his needs and then use the money for the G88 branch.


The current training camp has been carried out for the 8th session.

Zefa looked at the trainees in training with a look of satisfaction, and Xiu Zuo beside him was saying something helplessly.

"Teacher Zefa, are you really going to Vice Admiral Hammer's G88 branch?"

"I can't handle it myself."

Shuzo really couldn't figure out why Teacher Zefa suddenly left the headquarters training camp and went to the G88 branch in the new world.

Vice Admiral Hammer must have used some magic to confuse his favorite teacher.

"Shuzo, don't underestimate yourself. You can be on your own now."

"This is also my test for you."

"I'm just going to the G88 branch temporarily for a while. I'm not not coming back. What are you afraid of?"

Zeff looked at the very strong Shuzo and smiled.


"But what but, the old man went to the G88 branch to recuperate, Shuzo, you just need to help him look after the training camp."

Before Shuzo finished speaking, Hammer retorted to him with a loud voice.

"Have you finished your work? Can you leave?"

"You can leave. I've brought all the work I need to do. I'll just go back to Greenbit and do it."

"Okay, let's go now. Shuzo, please."

After that, Zephyr and Hammer walked towards the office building together. After all, Zephyr had to put on his Iron Wave Plus Fist if he wanted to fly.

Shuzo looked at the two people leaving and was very speechless.

Then, two figures flew out of the office building one after the other.

They left Marinford very quickly.

The wings transformed by the cloud armor are very strong, after all, they are the product of the iron cloud.

This made Zephyr and Hammer fly very fast.

"Hammer, what do you think of Roger becoming the Pirate King?"

On the way, Zephyr suddenly asked Hammer about Roger.

"What do you think? Just lie down and watch. Whether he becomes the Pirate King or not has nothing to do with me. The World Government should be the one who is worried."

"After all, Roger is a thorn in their eyes."

Iron Hammer has no feelings for Roger.

Zeff laughed. He guessed Iron Hammer's attitude.

"You little bastard, I guess there is nothing else in your eyes except iron forging."

"Roger becomes the Pirate King, and this sea will be in chaos again, hey..."

"You called me to Green Bit, isn't it to prevent the things that will happen later?"

Iron Hammer smiled and didn't refute. After all, he dragged Zephyr to his branch to deal with what was going to happen later.

"But after Roger became the Pirate King, he immediately disbanded the Roger Pirates. This bastard, I don't know what new things he is brewing."

"Tsk, it's just that he achieved his goal and is ready to retire. Isn't Roger such a person?"

Zeff fell into silence after listening to Iron Hammer's words.

Retirement? A pirate? How can it be so unrealistic.

"Do you think you don't want to show up? Tsk, old man, you have to understand that even if he is the Pirate King, he is still a human being, and humans get tired."

"Instead of thinking about Roger, it's better to capture the rest of Roger's pirate group."

"For example, Rayleigh? Jabba? Kozuki Oden..."

Halfway through his words, the hammer suddenly got stuck.

Kozuki Oden? ? ? ?

"Fuck, it's broken! How could I forget about this!"

The hammer braked suddenly and stopped in mid-air, his face full of seriousness and irritability.

Zeff also slowly stopped, looking at the hammer in confusion.

"What's wrong with you? Isn't this Kozuki Oden a samurai from Wano Country?"

"What's wrong with him?"

The hammer did not respond to Zefa's words, but muttered to himself:

"No wonder, no wonder. ”

“I destroyed his weapon but he didn’t come to me for revenge. Wano Country, Wano Country, damn it, how could I forget Wano Country!”

Ever since he destroyed Hachisai, he has been on guard against Kaido’s revenge, but he has been waiting for a year.

Kaido didn’t come to Greenbit to seek revenge on him. Tiechui was puzzled for a while, wondering when Kaido became so cowardly.

Now it seems that Kaido is not cowardly at all. He obviously has a bigger plan.

Wano Country!

As Seastone

The main production area of ​​Wano Country.

This year, Kaido is estimated to have completely moved into Wano Country, and Kozuki Oden should have returned to Wano Country.

The conflict between the two sides is imminent.

Damn it, he actually forgot such an important thing.

"Iron Hammer, what happened?"

Zeff's tone was a little urgent, and Iron Hammer slowly raised his head.

"Teacher Zefa, if I'm not mistaken, Wano Country is undergoing great changes at this time."

"If it weren't for Kozuki Oden, I would have forgotten Wano Country."

Changes in Wano Country? This made Zefa stunned.

What does the disbandment of Roger's pirate group have to do with Wano Country.

"Teacher Zefa, let's speed up and return to the G88 branch as quickly as possible."

"Regarding the matter of Wano Country, I need to think about it. Even if it has become a foregone conclusion, I have to deduct some benefits from it."

That's Wano Country, the origin of seastone.

Tie had been jealous for a long time, but the establishment of G88 branch made him forget such an important thing.

Alas, I don’t know if it’s too late to take action now.

Then, Tiechui and Zefa accelerated again, and the wings transformed by the cloud armor flapped wildly.

Leaving two white lines in the air.



New World Greenbit Navy G88 Branch.

"Welcome Zefa teacher to G88 branch!"


All the people in G88 branch, led by Lance, warmly welcomed Zefa who came from the headquarters.

Zefa looked at the stronger Lance, the heroic Shirley and the slightly wretched flying squirrel, and couldn't help but smile slightly, and then moved his body.

"Asshole! You applied to G88 branch with great difficulty, just to become like this!"

"Flying squirrel! I'll beat you to death!"

A heavy punch landed on the flying squirrel's abdomen.

Zefa was furious when he saw the flying squirrel. He was a qualified soldier before, but how come he became so wretched after coming to the G88 branch?

Flying squirrel: ??? What's wretched about me?

Yes, he, the flying squirrel, just changed his hairstyle. The previous Mohawk is gone, and now he has a bunch of alopecia, but can he be blamed for this?

It was those bastards who killed him to prevent him from getting the quota of G88 and beat all his hair off.

But something surprised Zefa.

Originally, he thought that his punch would at least make the flying squirrel suffer a little.

But the fact is not like this.


"Hehe.. Mr. Zefa, I haven't given up my training at all. How about my Armament Haki + Iron Block·Steel?"

Yes, the flying squirrel launched the strongest defense at the moment of being attacked.

Iron block, steel + Armament Haki covered, took Zephyr's punch.



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