"Sanji! Prepare food for me, I'm starving.

Ye Cheng grabbed Sanji and threw him into the kitchen.

Now he has to quickly regain his strength.

"Ye Cheng, you guy, what's going on with Lei Jiu?"

Sanji looked at Lei Jiu, who had woken up on the side, and glared at Ye Cheng beside him.

Lei Jiu's face was a little pale, and her lips were dry, and this state was not good at a glance.

"Yamaji, I'm okay, I also want to eat what you made."

Lei Jiu tightened the hair armor on her body, frowned slightly, and glanced at Ye Cheng.

"Are you Bu Ling?"

Nami didn't have time to pay attention to them, but stopped her gaze on Bu Ling.

Bu Ling nodded, didn't know how to explain, glanced at Ye Cheng, and prepared to leave.

"Don't go yet, I know you're not a bad person, thank you for your help this time."

Nami led Bu Ling off the magic carpet.

In fact, Nami has already noticed the difference, that is, the hair ring around Bu Ling's neck, she noticed it at a glance.

This is definitely Ye Cheng's masterpiece.

In Nami's eyes, Bu Ling should be controlled by Ye Cheng, although she doesn't know what the reason is, she believes Ye Cheng very much.

That's her guess.

The hair ring is the sister, and the hair ring is the person controlled by Ye Cheng.

"Nami, don't you hate me? I'm a three-eyed race.

Bu Ling revealed her third eye.

"It's okay, it's pretty good-looking, thank you for your help, thanks to you, otherwise we'd be afraid..."

Nami began to chat with Bu Ling.

Of course, leaving Bu Ling is not only to thank you, but to understand Auntie's arrangement.

Now that Luffy had agreed on the time, she wanted to know the current situation from Bu Ling's mouth.

Ye Cheng did not take care of Nami and Bu Ling, but came to Lei Jiu's side

, "Lei Jiu, I'm sorry... I..."

Ye Cheng bowed his head and admitted his mistake, his attitude sincere.

"Mo~ don't worry, I'm fine..." Lei

Jiu kissed Ye Cheng's forehead, leaned on him and fell asleep again.

"This curse is also too strong, hey~"

Ye Cheng sighed, stroked Lei Jiu's hair, and quietly waited for Sanjiu to prepare the food.

Fortunately, Yamaji's speed was so fast that it didn't take long to prepare a large amount of food, he distributed the food to everyone's hands, and took the initiative to jump to the observation deck to start guarding.

Everyone also started eating

, and after running away for so long, they were indeed hungry.

Ye Cheng was not polite and began to eat wildly.

He needs to quickly recover his strength at this time and prepare for the next battle.

The battle on Luffy's side continues.

He also groped for the threshold of predicting the future.

Here I have to say the power of Teacher Kaji.

Another point is that Luffy's life is really hard, no matter how he fights, he just doesn't die, and his physical strength is gone, so he will directly eat the opponent's glutinous rice.

It's true that nothing is taboo.

At this time, the chocolate island was already surrounded by a large army.

The mirrors on the island have all been shattered, leaving only one piece.

This is also Luffy's only exit.

Knowing this kind of thing from Bu Ling's mouth, everyone also began to think about countermeasures.

"I think you know the current situation, in this way, I will first sneak into the island with Sanji and Bu Ling, Nami, you are on the ship ready to pick us up."

Ye Cheng arranged the tactics and discovered the pursuers in the rear.

A huge chopping wave flew over, grazing the Sonny and flying by.


Ye Cheng saw a huge figure on the boat in the distance, it was Smoogie who had been paddling.

She never made a move, and now she finally did.

No way, paddling can, she always has to have a reasonable excuse, she can't shoot all the time, she must also pretend to make some effort.

After all, she is one of the three generals, how can she not make a move all the time?

So, her stroke trick begins.

"Ye Cheng, I'm going to do it, you pay attention to dodge, this time I'm going to kill you, hide quickly."

Smoogie used a mini phone bug to contact Ye Cheng, and the movements on his hands did not decrease in the slightest.

"Jinping, prepare to dodge, to the left, and then to the right!"

Ye Cheng smiled and began to command.

In this way, under the command of Ye Cheng, the Sonny dodged all attacks.

"Smooji, my next stop is to go to fight Kaido, next time..." Ye

Cheng was very satisfied with Smooji's performance, and he and Sanji boarded the magic carpet and went to Chocolate Town together.

In front of Shanzhi, Ye Cheng just secretly moved his hand...

Coming to the confines of Chocolate Town, the magic carpet began to fly against the surface of the sea.

"Sanji, you land on the island first, find a way to blend in, and when Luffy comes out, I'll be responsible for attracting their attention, and you take Luffy away."

Ye Cheng arranged to go down and put Shanzhi in a hidden corner.

"Well, leave it to me."

Sanji nodded, glanced at Bu Ling, who was silent, and turned to leave.

"Bu Ling, what~" Seeing

Sanji leave, Ye Cheng kissed Bu Ling on the face to show his gratitude.

"Thanks to your help this time, when are you going to go to your daughter's country? Do you want me to send you?

Ye Cheng put his arm around her and asked.

"Both... All listen to you. Bu

Ling blushed, not daring to look at Ye Cheng.

"Then I'll give you a bracelet, and when the time comes, you will touch the bracelet directly, and use it to take you."

Ye Cheng removed the hair ring around her neck and replaced it with a bracelet, and then ignored her anymore, found a high place to land, and looked at the situation below.

At this time, the situation is very clear, Owen and the children are guarding in front of the mirror, as long as Luffy comes out, he will be madly targeted.

As time passed, Nami's ship slowed down, with Chocolate Town in front of it, and the coast densely packed with cake boats of all nations.

"Slow down, there are only two minutes left."

After Nami finished speaking, she prayed silently.


Just the last second, Bekmus rushed out of the mirror with Bree, carrying a bag behind him.

His appearance directly startled everyone, and they all aimed their weapons at him.

"Don't come here, come again, I'll kill her, she's Mom's daughter."

Taking advantage of the time he had to attract everyone's attention, Luffy sneaked out of the bag and prepared to escape.

However, the sharp-eyed pirates still found him and started directly.

It was like a signal that everyone surrounded Luffy.

Luffy uses his last strength to make a leap and is caught in the air by Sanji.

"It's time for me to play!"

Ye Cheng flew into the air, and the overlord color directly unfolded, instantly stunning some of the pirates around Luffy.

But these pirates continued to intercept as if endlessly.

"By ~ these guys actually use domineering."

Ye Cheng's overlord color only stunned a small number of people, and those who cultivated domineering could withstand his overlord color shock.

Here you can see the horror of the Aunt Group.

"It's useless, then you can only use your full strength, otherwise you won't know how to die."

"Night Moon Lion, open!"

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