Ye Cheng was suspended in the air, and his white hair slowly grew.

This time, the hair did not grow wildly, but gathered to form a white vortex.

The swirls form a special pattern, which subsequently turns into a special pattern.


Ye Cheng pointed to the sky with one hand, and the roulette wheel behind him began to spin.

"White Thunder Trial!"

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly became manic, lightning and thunder.

With a downward gesture, countless thunderbolts converged in his hand.

"Damn, the paralysis of this trick is really uncomfortable."

Ye Cheng grabbed the thunder and lightning in his hand and threw it in Luffy's direction.

A special ability from Nami, Natural Affinity also played a role.


Thunder and lightning flew out instantly, and a large area of pirates was directly scorched black by electricity.

There were even lightning-like cracks in the ground.

"The damage of this move is still too weak, forget it, let's use the power of control!"

Ye Cheng looked at his record and shook his head, his move only killed hundreds of people, it was not enough to see at all.

"Fa Zhu, give it to me!"

Countless hairs shot out from the wheel behind him, inserted into the ground, and then began to slowly gather eight white hair pillars.


Similarly, such a terrifying consumption naturally has to borrow the hair of these pirates.

All of these hairs converged on the wheel behind him, and then turned into white hair gathered in these eight hair pillars.

Ye Cheng jumped on one of the hair pillars and inserted it into the white hair pillar with one hand.

"Thunder White Snake!"

Ye Cheng shouted, and the white hair pillar under him began to squirm, slowly changing, and finally turned into a huge white snake.

The white snake jumped with thunder arcs from time to time, the blood basin cracked, and the vertical pupils opened mercilessly, looking at the ants below.

"Yes, this physical exertion is really large."

Ye Cheng gasped and patted the head of the big snake.

"Xiaobai, give me a wave, kill all these guys for me!"

As soon as Ye Cheng's order was given, the huge white snake became excited.

I saw that its tail swept, and countless pirates and several houses were instantly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, it opened its mouth, and countless white needles were ejected by it.

Don't underestimate this white needle, it has the paralyzing effect of lightning.

The person who was shot could not move, and then he would be run over by the excited white snake.

Owen had already ordered his men to solve the Beckmus in the state of the moon lion at this time, and then he also saw the scene in front of him.

"It's just a big man, look at me not..." Owen

reacted immediately, looking at the huge white snake rushing towards him, without flinching at all.

And then....

There was no then, and he was ruthlessly crushed over like this.

"One seems to be not enough, there must be another."

Ye Cheng flew into the air again, looking at the situation below, his face was a little bad.

Although Xiaobai is powerful, there are too many pirates below, and there is shelling on the shore, Xiaobai's solitary battle is obviously not enough.

"I'll let you out next, Xiaoqing!"

Ye Cheng landed on a hair pillar again and used the same move to summon another huge white snake.

This white snake is similar to Xiaobai, but it has cyan sharp horns on its head, so it is called Xiaoqing by Ye Cheng.

This is a snake that looks bigger than Xiaobai.

"Xiaoqing, go and kill all the guys on the island!"

Ye Cheng sent Xiaoqing away, and once again a hair pillar was on top.

The guys on the island are dragged for the time being, and it's time to start solving the guys at sea.

"Eight is still too reluctant, forget it, just use three."

Fine beads of sweat had appeared on Ye Cheng's head, and in order to save physical strength, he received the extra five hair pillars into the wheel.

As these hairs poured in, the roulette wheel behind him became even bigger.

Then, a stream of hair sticks out from the roulette wheel and rushes into this last pillar.

Immediately afterwards, the hair column began to change, slowly forming a white eagle.

"Kitty Hawk, let's go, go and take out those ships at sea."

Ye Cheng sat on the back of the white giant eagle and flew towards the coast.

"Kitty hawk, lay eggs!"

Eagles lay eggs, which is reasonable, and

countless white eggs the size of human heads fall from the air and smash into these cake boats.

The white egg exploded the moment it touched the hull of the ship, turning into the appearance of a sea urchin and slamming into the hull of the ship.

These ships are not so easy to destroy, and Ye Cheng naturally has a backhand.

I saw that the roulette wheel behind him began to gather a huge spear, and it fell directly in the direction of the white egg.

With the positioning of this white egg, these attacks will naturally not fall through.

In an instant, one cake boat after another was directly sunk and sank to the bottom of the sea.

"That's Ye Cheng!"

Nami watched with her binoculars as the cake boat in front of her rapidly decreased, and she was particularly excited.

"This guy really retains his strength."

Sanji held Luffy and finally jumped to the Sonny, and at this time, he could only watch Ye Cheng on the ship.

"The situation is not optimistic, the white snake on the island is about to be subdued, and the ship that surrounds us has appeared on the side, so I am afraid that we will be surrounded."

Jinping observed the situation with a telescope.

"Wait, the white snake on the island didn't disappear, it even fused!"

It's the same as what Jinping saw.

White snakes can be fused, as long as the injury is too serious, the two white snakes will be sent and transformed into a two-headed snake.

The strength will be improved.

"See the Straw Hat ship, blast it for me!"

At this moment, the pursuers on the sea had arrived, and countless shells were flying towards the Sonny.

These shells turned out to be conscious, taking the initiative to pursue the ships of the Straw Hat Regiment, and now that Aunt is awake, naturally there will be no strokes.


Just at the moment of the attack, the hull was suddenly wrapped by black hair, blocking the first wave of attack.

A huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, flying over the Sonny.

It was Ye Cheng.

He also discovered the danger of the Sonny, naturally did not care about anything else, and immediately rushed over.

"Nami, hurry up and sail, I'll break the back."

Ye Cheng gasped and ordered the white eagle to attack, and then looked in one direction.

There is a figure coming, yes, it is the recovered aunt.

At this time, the aunt has returned to the appearance of a meat ball and is stepping on the waves.

There are chasers in the rear, Owen, the tricky guy, in front, and Daifuku and Smuggie on either side.

At this time, the Sonny was completely surrounded, and as long as the Sonny reached the range of these ships, there was basically no way to fight back.

"Damn, why haven't the people of the Vince Mock family come yet? It's really unreliable.

Ye Cheng also knew that the situation was urgent, and the reason why he let the chocolate town roll up was also to leave a way back.

In naval battles, he really has no advantage, but in land battles, then there are still fights.

On the Vince Mock family's side, because Ye Cheng took Lei Jiu, the four of them took a lot longer.

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