After constant searching, Luffy of the stuck wall and Solon of the card chimney were also rescued.

"The card chimney is okay, hahahaha."

Ye Cheng couldn't help but laugh, Solon is really a card chimney master, how many times has this been?

"Luffy, you guy, laughing ghost! And Ye Cheng, you are too much.

Solon gritted his teeth and looked at the two laughing.

"Okay, don't make trouble, the main thing now is how to get Robin back."

Nami came directly to Solon and Luffy.

Only Ye Cheng, she was not willing to start.

"If you are determined to die, come with me."

And at this moment, Granny Kokoro spoke, leading everyone to see the number one of the locomotive.

This train has not been started for 8 years.

At this time, Mr. Iceberg got off the train and told everyone that the train found no problems under his inspection and was able to sail.

Franky and his gang are also begging to act together, and the team is growing again.

"Nami, your clothes are wet, come and change into dry clothes by my side."

Ye Cheng was very perceptive, and immediately found that Nami in wet clothes was a little uncomfortable.

Entering the carriage, due to the large number of people, and there was only one carriage, Ye Cheng opened up a space supported by hair for Nami to use.

"You go in, I'll show you."

Ye Cheng won't let Nami change clothes in front of these pirates and shipwrights, isn't this equivalent to giving it for nothing?

"Ye Cheng, come in, the button behind me can't be buttoned..." For

such an invitation, Ye Cheng would not refuse.

The group of people also approached and began to eavesdrop on the movements inside.

"What are you all doing around?"

When Ye Cheng came out, he found a large circle of people around him, and immediately drove these people away.

It's just that the way he wiped his nosebleed was seen by everyone.


At this moment, there was a sound of fire outside.

"What's going on?"

Ye Cheng jumped to the front of the car.

I saw a huge wave appear, if this wave hits the number one of the locomotive, I am afraid that the whole train will fly out.

"Leave it to me!"

Solon and Luffy spoke out almost at the same time, and the two stood beside Ye Cheng one left and one right, and opened a hole in the wave with a combined blow.

Ye Chengjian didn't need himself at all, and he was also happy, after all, his current physical strength had not fully recovered (he ran out when he was blackened).

After continuing for some distance, the carriage where Yamaji stayed appeared.

Alone trying to save Robin, he only rescued Usopp, who appeared with a mask and changed his name to Sniper King.

There is a good saying, desperate Usopp, this is not bragging.

Immediately afterwards, everyone also saw the legendary Justice Island without night.

According to Barry's handmade drawings, everyone also knows what Justice Island looks like.

This judicial island is very peculiar and is divided into two parts.

The entrance to the Hanging Island and the Bridge of Justice, as well as the Great Undersea Prison, are also accessed from here.

Entering the door of justice is basically equivalent to pronouncing a death notice, so Robin must be rescued on the way.

That is, before stepping across the bridge of justice, save Robin, then everything is not in vain.

Of course, Ye Cheng would not let such a thing happen, and for this reason, he planned to follow Robin's footsteps directly.

But before that, Ye Cheng had to make some preparations.

Nami is his little thief cat, of course, to protect it.

"Nami, this is something I have prepared, this round ball is a ball grenade, the attack range is a radius of one meter, and I have also strengthened the hair clothes inside you..."

Ye Cheng was fully prepared, even Nami's hair was fused by him with his long hair, and it was almost armed to the teeth.

"Well, what~"

"You'll definitely bring Robin back, I trust you, but you try not to use that life-consuming move again, okay?"

Nami was worried that Ye Cheng would do whatever it takes, so she reminded Ye Cheng emphatically.

"Well, I'll definitely bring Robin back."

Ye Cheng nodded heavily.

The reason why there is no hair doppelganger left this time is actually very simple, just the hair on Nami's body can create two hair doppelgangers, and the key moment can be separated.

And this grenade, that is Ye Cheng's special move for Nami.

It has two stages, the first stage is to pull out the insurance, throw it out, and explode it to be similar to a sea urchin.

In the second stage, the sea urchin exploded directly, and those hairs, with a radius of ten meters, few people could dodge.

Plus the hair bracelet on Nami's hand that can turn into a hair shield at any time, want to hurt Nami? Unrealistic.

Even if she meets Lu Qi, Ye Cheng can separate from Nami's hair and give her time to escape.

As for Ye Cheng, he was going to find Kalifa first.

The reason why I went to find her was also afraid that she would tell her about the six styles.

On Kalifa's side, he and Kagu have swallowed their respective demon fruits.

What Kalifa gets is the bubble fruit.

How to say this fruit, say it is strong, feel okay, say it is weak, not too weak, the main thing depends on how Kalifa is developed.

At this time, everyone also discussed the battle plan.

The plan was simple, let the locomotive rush in, with Franky and his gang and the boatmen taking the lead, waiting for the first two doors to open, and then driving the locomotive in.

"Rush, save Robin, oh~"

For Luffy, he couldn't understand any battle plan, just tell him what the purpose was.

So, Luffy rushed out alone.

"This unsettling fellow, forget it, I'll chase him, these ten puppets will follow you to charge together."

Why did Ye Cheng follow Luffy? Do you want to leave a puppet? Of course, I am ready to harvest experience, which is a lot of experience.

Shaving these simple guys, that's no problem at all.

And Ye Cheng, of course, he wants to harvest a wave with me Luffy, there must be more than a few thousand soldiers on this Justice Island, this is all experience.

As long as he won the experience here, Ye Cheng felt that he should be able to get a big boost.

The lion-headed guy, in particular, certainly offers a lot of experience.

The battle of Justice Island is also officially kicked off!

"Brothers, follow me and save Boss French!"

The battle for the breakthrough of the main gate officially began.

And Ye Cheng's ten puppets also began his harvesting path.

As for Ye Cheng's side, he followed Luffy's footsteps.

"You can't use the Six Styles here, it's really troublesome, but it doesn't matter, the ability to use fruits is not much worse, then try that trick."

Ye Cheng directly wrapped his whole body with his hair, shooting hair out from the palm of his hand, and black Spider-Man Ye Cheng appeared!

"Ya roar~"

Although the buildings here are not high, it can still be used for swinging.

Ye Cheng's imitation spider silk is composed of ten hairs, and when the front end shoots out, it can grasp the building like a claw.

This also made Ye Cheng experience an addiction to being Spider-Man.

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