『Stamina +15




Countless physical strength began to pour in.

"Good fellow, has the puppet started over there? Then it's time for me to act. After

following Luffy through the second door, there was already a piece lying on the ground.

"Good, good, Luffy is really first-class, I will accept those experiences."

Swish ~

Ye Cheng began to get busy, practice makes perfect, his shaving speed is also fast, almost in a second, a bald head appeared.




Since each person's hair length is different, the harvesting experience is also different.

However, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is also meat, and Ye Cheng is still happy.

"Who are you? Ahem

~ "Snap ~

"Well, please call me Spider-Man!"

Some who did not lose consciousness, Ye Cheng would make up for him and directly knock him out.

Will Ye Cheng use his real name? Of course not, if you want to row well, the trumpet naturally cannot be less.

Ye Cheng's outfit is exactly the same as the blackened Spider-Man.

In order to portray it perfectly, he deliberately made a spider pattern with his hair behind him, and in order to make this spider pattern more eye-catching, Ye Cheng also deliberately used red hair.

"Rubber volcano!"

Not far away, Luffy rushed out of the building, once again sharing most of the firepower.

"Luffy is really a good hater, not bad."

With Luffy's attraction of hatred, Ye Cheng's harvesting speed also accelerated again.

"How come there is a sense of immediacy that the big guy takes me to level up and I lick the bag in the back? Forget it, leave him alone, after all, he is the captain.

Ye Cheng did not have any psychological burden and continued to paddle.

On the side of the main entrance, the number one of the locomotives also fell from the sky and fell into the second gate.

At this time, Nami has also improved a lot, and her weapons have been strengthened, and she directly washed her face with a thunderbolt, and gave an electrotherapy to the navy and Solon.

The Straw Hats, too, with the help of the foreman and Franky, headed for the tallest building, and there was the real beginning!

And Robin's side also learned about the arrival of the Straw Hats from the leader of CP9.

What's even more infuriating is that this guy dares to punch and kick Robin.

Ye Cheng, who was originally happy to harvest experience, also felt Robin's situation.

"Robin! Who dares to touch her?

A terrifying roar sounded on the Island of Justice, so loud that it shattered all the glass within a hundred meters.

The body of the man who was stepping on Robin's head was even more frozen.

What hidden strength, what fear to attract the Straw Hat Group to chase and kill, Ye Cheng forgot at this time.

I saw Ye Cheng supporting the ground with both hands, and countless hairs spread out from his palms.

One by one, dozens of them appeared.

"You are here to harvest."


The ground was directly crushed, and Ye Cheng's speed was incredible, and he rushed directly alone.

Then borrowed the moon step and broke through the meeting room of CP9.


"You guy dares to touch her! Find death!

Ye Cheng directly kicked the commander who had no strength and helped Robin who was lying on the ground up.


Ye Cheng, who had just hugged Robin, was directly kicked by Lu Qi.

"Who are you?"

Lu Qi looked at Ye Cheng, who was dressed as Spider-Man, and did not recognize it for a while.

"Want to save her? Then knock all of us down, each of us has a key on us, and the key to her sea-stone handcuffs is among us.

Lu Qi didn't care about the commander who was kicked away, but looked at Ye Cheng who walked out of the smoke step by step.

"Ye Cheng, go quickly, leave me alone!"

Robin immediately shouted out at this time.

"Finger gun!"


Ye Cheng's distraction was directly pierced by Lu Qi's finger gun.

"You guys go first, this guy will leave it to me."

Lu Qi dismissed everyone and left them alone.

"Phew, the hair is implanted, I am also relieved, then I will play with you."

Ye Cheng also knew that he was too impulsive just now, but in the instant just now, he implanted a part of his hair into Robin's hair, and Robin's safety was also guaranteed.

Ye Cheng, who was relieved, also looked at the guy in front of him.

Lu Qi's strength should be above the major general, and below the lieutenant general, it is almost domineering.

According to Ye Cheng's assessment of combat strength, this guy's overall strength is probably hovering around 30,000-40,000.

"Finger gun!"

Luqi did not talk nonsense, straight to the ground.



The shield was directly broken a hole.


Another succession of finger guns, shattering the shield.



Tear and pull ~

The moment Lu Qi used the shave, he directly turned into a leopard form and grabbed Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng didn't expect that this guy would suddenly transform, and the Spider-Man's hair on his body was torn open, and several shallow wounds appeared.

"Sure enough, my actual combat experience is still too weak, and I just happened to practice with you."

Although Ye Cheng's strength is strong, his real combat experience is indeed insufficient, and without using hole cards, it is difficult for him to defeat Lu Qi now.

In addition, Ye Cheng does not want to use the six styles, most of his strength also comes from the six styles, and most of the development of fruit abilities is concentrated on big moves, and there are basically few small skills.

The reason why he did not use it is also because the origin of his six styles is unknown.


"Pieces of iron!"

The hair that shoots

out is all blocked by iron blocks.

"This guy's iron is also to the point of mastery."

Ye Cheng probably tested Lu Qi's strength, he was indeed a real hexagonal warrior, and unlike Ye Cheng, who relied on experience, he was really proficient.

Shaving, in particular, was played by him to the fullest.

"Good fellow, this is not the slightest respite for me."

"Finger guns dance!"

"Shoot and dance!"


.... The two pointed to each other and played evenly.

"How can you point a gun!"

Lu Qi couldn't believe it, after all, Ye Cheng had not shown his six styles.

"Isn't this move easy to learn? What is there to be surprised about. "

Ye Cheng wants this effect, after all, his six-style origin is unknown, you must think of a way to come, and someone must witness it, this Luqi is the best candidate.

"How is it possible!"

"You have used it so many times in front of me, it should not be strange to learn it, right?"

Ye Cheng smiled.

"Finger gun!"

Touch ~


Lu Qi dodged directly, and the wall just now was directly broken through a big hole.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, your hair is also one of the opportunities for me to learn this trick."

Ye Cheng added a truthful sentence.

"That Kalifa's hair tastes pretty good."


Ye Cheng felt almost the same, and began to use the shaving "clumsily".

Immediately afterwards, a handful of hair was pulled off Lu Qi's head by Ye Cheng.

"Damn, this guy's fruit ability turned out to be a copy type."

Lu Qi regarded Ye Cheng's fruit ability as a replicate type of fruit, which actually exists, but very rarely.

"The power of your half-hanging, let me finish it!"

"Arashi foot!"


A huge slash blasted Ye Cheng out, and Lu Qi wanted Ye Cheng to be buried under this big waterfall.

"Want me to go down? No way, but I should quit too, at least I earned it. "

『Physical strength +3111, six-style proficiency increase, can open life return."

Ye Cheng grabbed this huge slash, changed his position with the moon step, and went directly in the direction of Luffy.

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