Soon, Nami arrived at Kalifa's room.

At this time, Kalifa was rubbing bubbles, her eyes intentionally or unintentionally looking in one direction, until Nami came over, she didn't have any reaction.

Nami, who had just stepped in, directly softened her body and fell to the ground.

"What's going on? I can't use any strength at all.

Nami looked at Kalifa, who didn't care about her in the slightest, and stood up with difficulty.

"Oh? How good it is to lie like this, why bother.

With that, Kalifa got up from the bathtub, pulled down the curtain, and began to dress slowly in one direction.

"I lean! This is also too material, no, almost falling.

Ye Cheng quickly controlled his figure outside the windowsill so as not to fall.

Ye Cheng originally planned to leave, but he found a strange phenomenon, the hair needle that pierced Kalifa's body was wrapped by another force.

That's why he came back to check the situation, but he didn't expect to see Kalifa rubbing bubbles, which made Ye Cheng unable to resist the temptation at all.

"Thunder Light Whip!"

As soon as Kalifa got dressed, Nami attacked.

Konami is Kalifa's opponent and is directly dodged by her.

Not long after dodging, Nami had already released a killing move, and a dark cloud appeared in the sky, and lightning fell.

"I'm not afraid of your lightning strike."

A piece of soap wrapped Kalifa and blocked the lightning resistance.

"You should have the means that man gave you, right? Use it, without his power, you couldn't have hit me at all. "

Kalifa is in the excitement of Nami, countless bubbles wrap Kalifa, and then a funny sheep appears.

"It's not good, Nami, hurry up and block it with the hair I gave you!"

Ye Cheng said secretly in his heart, and then controlled the hair in Nami's hair, wanting to block the flying bubble.

"Hmph, I can win without his power."

Nami directly grabbed the hair she wanted to shoot, and she didn't mean to use it at all.

But soon, Nami paid the price, countless bubbles wrapped her, and her body instantly lost its strength.


"I don't know if he likes it when you look like this."

Kalifa groped on Nami's body, and in an instant, Nami was wrapped in special bubbles and completely changed.

"What did you do? Why is this?

Nami looked at the changes in her body with some fear.

"It's just to make your body slippery and lose strength, do you say he will come to rescue you?"

Kalifa was not worried about Nami's resistance in the slightest, and suddenly raised her arm, deliberately revealing the bracelet made of hair.

"How can you have his hair?"

Nami could see at a glance that this was Ye Cheng's hair, although it became brighter and smoother, but Nami knew through the resonance of the hair on her body that it was Ye Cheng's hair.

"Don't you think I'm the best match for him? And you are just a vase.

Kalifa mocked mercilessly, her eyes glancing in Ye Cheng's direction.

Obviously, she had already discovered Ye Cheng's location, and the reason why she could find it was also due to the credit of this bracelet.

"Hey, you women fight when you fight, can you not get involved with me, I didn't do anything to you, don't treat me as if I was yours, okay?"

Ye Cheng complained, wanting to urge the hair on Nami's body and untie her.

"You are the vase!"

Nami was furious and tried to stand up.

"Aren't you dead yet? Finger gun! "


Kalifa directly pointed at Nami's shoulder is a finger gun.

However, it was blocked by Ye Cheng's hair.

"Hehe, you see, it's not yet relying on his power, waste."

Kalifa didn't intend to hurt Nami at all, but she knew how terrible the mad Ye Cheng was, although she liked it.

However, remembering Ye Cheng's words before leaving, she gave up the idea of hurting Nami again.


Suddenly, the larger Joba appeared, rushed directly over, and picked up the huge bathtub.

"I lean, the two women fight, you give me something to meddle, go back and lie down."

Ye Cheng grabbed Qioba with his hair and threw it at Frankie, who was climbing up.

Before Franky knew what was happening, he was directly hit by Joba and fell into the sea together.

Seeing that Qioba was rescued from the sea by French, Ye Cheng didn't care anymore and continued to look at the two women.

Women fight, isn't it more interesting than a few of them fighting?

And because of Choba's intervention, Nami also discovered the weakness of the bubble fruit, that is, fear of water.

Immediately, Nami manipulated the weather stick to create rain.

Rinse off the special layer of foam on your body.

And at this moment, a heavy news came out on the radio that the demon slaying order was coming!

"Damn, I can't play with you anymore."

Kalifa is also shocked and intends to knock Nami unconscious and solve the battle.

At this time, Nami also changed her strategy and used her sea market building.

"Won't I just create a few more illusions, and watch me swallow you all together."

Kalifa didn't care in the slightest.

"Finger gun!"


"You still don't have to rely on him? Hehe.

Kalifa stood in front of Nami, the smile on her face undiminished.

"Hmph, say this blow and solve you! Thundercloud gun! An

electric current ran behind Kalifa, and although she saw it, she didn't intend to hide at all, but looked out the window.

"Maybe it's not bad to lie here."

That was Kalifa's last thought.

Crackle ~

Thunder and lightning directly hit Kalifa, and the battle ended with Nami winning.

Ye Cheng also appeared, and just now he went to shave the guy who was thrown out and the zippered mouth.

"Physical strength +6666, six-style proficiency increased, hair growth rate increased, life return proficiency increased."

『Physical strength +2666, six-style proficiency increased."

The rewards given by these two guys are really good, especially this hair growth rate, which is completely magical.

"Nami, are you all right?"

Ye Cheng pretended to come from below, looked at Kalifa who was lying motionless on the ground, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Why did you come here."

Nami immediately saw Ye Cheng's gaze, but didn't care, but walked to Kalifa's side and began to tear up.

She immediately removed the hair ring from Kalifa's hand, began to pull the other party's clothes, and began to violently search for the key.

"I've checked the whole building, there is no trace of Robin, there should be some secret passage, I haven't found it yet, it's okay, Nami, don't pull it, it's gone."

Ye Cheng saw that Nami had found the key, and was still there to vent his resentment, and immediately opened his mouth to stop it.

"You still feel sorry for her, do you know how she treated you yesterday?"

The more Nami thought about it, the more angry she became, and the movements on her hands did not stop.

"Well, did she do something?"

Ye Cheng immediately pretended to be a fool.

"She... Hmph, I don't like her anyway, if you like it, I'll give it to you. "

Nami don't overdo it, you're angry now?

"Eh, Gollum~ Nami, it's better to go and send the key, our goal is to save Robin."

Ye Cheng swallowed his saliva and looked away from Kalifa with difficulty.

"Then let's go and join them first."

Nami didn't get angry anymore, knowing that time was pressing now, and it was less than half an hour before the demon slaughter order was about to begin.

"You go first, I'll let her show me the way."

Ye Cheng was entangled for a moment, but still said it.

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