"What? Are you still going to take her with you?

Nami stopped doing it instantly, and looked at Ye Cheng breathlessly.

"You can take the second key, give me the remaining two keys, and I will definitely bring Robin back."

Ye Cheng wrapped Kalifa's delicate body with her hair, picked it up, took out two keys from Nami's ravine with her hair, and then left directly.

"Ye Cheng, you... Hmph, wait until Robin is rescued safely, see if I can't clean you up.

Nami clenched her fists and shouted viciously.

"Is this really good? You actually got into trouble with your favorite little wildcat for me.

Kalifa, who was in her arms, suddenly opened her eyes, and the small glasses were also put away by her.

"Don't move, the demon slaughter order will begin immediately, where is the safest for you? Hmm~"

Ye Cheng lowered his head and asked, but he didn't expect to be kissed by the other party.

"Don't make trouble, now the time is urgent, I'll send you to the real door."

Ye Cheng did not respond, but hurried away.

"Where is the secret passage?"

Coming to the first floor, Ye Cheng looked at Kalifa.

"Want to know? Then be proactive.

After Kalifa took off her glasses, she seemed to have changed into a person, and her face was still flushed, and Ye Cheng couldn't guess her thoughts at all.


Ye Cheng met Kalifa's conditions and asked.

"Just 10 meters ahead."

Kalifa ruffled Ye Cheng's long hair with satisfaction and pointed in the direction.

"On my back, I'm going to accelerate."

Ye Cheng came to the secret passage, squatted down, and let Kalifa get on his back.

In fact, the reason why Ye Cheng brought Kalifa under Nami's opposition was to let her show her the way.

After all, this is the same as the maze, many places, unless there is the luck of the protagonist, you can't find it at all.

"Don't touch it, can you settle down?"

Although Kalifa would show him the way, her hands were not at all restless and always moved.

It's too different from her with glasses.

"Is this the legend, when you wear glasses, no one loves them, take off your glasses, and you are sick and perverted?"

Ye Cheng complained in his heart, ignored Kalifa behind him, and continued to hurry.

After these roundabouts, I finally saw the gate that was broken by Luffy, and the passage to the Gate of Justice was finally found.

"Hey, don't go too far."

Ye Cheng had to remind that she would bite his ear and forget it, and stretch her hand into his clothes, taking off the appearance of a female hooligan alive.

"I'm afraid Robin is almost at the gate of justice, if you don't hurry..."

Kalifa's face was sickly red, and Ye Cheng's hair was still in her mouth.

"Damn, I'll find you later to settle the score."

Ye Cheng also knew that now was not the time to care about other things, so he directly bit the finger that reached into his mouth and began to run wildly.

"Ye Cheng? There you are! Great, Robin is right behind that door, I'll hold him back, you go quickly. "

At the end of this passage is the battle site of Luffy and Luki, surrounded by potholes.

"That's up to you, Luffy."

Ye Cheng wanted to break through Lu Qi's defense, but Lu Qi was not a vegetarian, and directly used his shaving to block in front of Ye Cheng.

"Kalifa, what's going on?"

At a glance, Lu Qi saw Kalifa, who was wrapped in Ye Cheng's hair.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course I was captured.

Ye Cheng immediately interjected, afraid that something would come out of Kalifa's mouth, which would make Luffy hear Nami that he would shed his skin if he didn't die.

"Rubber bundling! Ye Cheng, go quickly.

Luffy seized the opportunity to control Lu Qi and buy time for Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng immediately kicked the gate in front of him and rushed over.

The exit behind the gate also appeared bright.

At this time, on the bridge of justice at the exit, the commander of CP9 was laboriously dragging Robin, who was lying on the ground, forward, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Haha~ Robin, no one can save you, obediently accept your life."

"Is it? She's my woman, do you think you can walk to that door? A

terrifying coercion appeared from Ye Cheng's body, and countless hairs wrapped Robin and snatched it from the other party's hands.

"You are?!"

"The man who killed you!"

Ye Cheng directly nailed this person to the ground without the slightest spare, and countless hairs began to prick towards the other party's limbs.

"Ye Cheng, leave him to me, okay?"

Robin obviously hated this man, leaning into Ye Cheng's arms and begging.

"Well, don't move, I'll uncuff you."

Ye Cheng hurriedly took out the key and began to try to untie Robin.

"Damn, it's not keys 3 and 4, it seems that you can only wait for them to send the keys."

Ye Cheng put Robin down, and Kalifa behind him had been settled under the bridge by him.

"Up! Give it to me, kill him!

The commander of this CP9 shouted hoarsely, and all four limbs were tied into hedgehogs by Ye Cheng's hair.

Receiving the order, countless navies appeared, armed with long guns, and began to shoot towards Ye Cheng's side.

"More than people? I have it too, Golem Spirochete! Ye

Cheng's hair began to grow rapidly and wildly, and almost every ten hairs converged into a small person.

These villains are not tall, only about one meter, and their appearance is very simple, like dolls made of ball of thread.

But they all have a unified spherical brain, which is spiral-shaped with a hole in the center.

From this hole, they can shoot needles.

Bang bang bang ~

The bullet hits them, but it is only an opening, and it will soon recover immediately.

These spirochetes also immediately fight back, and although the hair shot out will not kill, it will also make the other party lose the threat.

Moreover, they can shave, and through shaving, they can grow slowly.

『Stamina +3




"Sure enough, the increase in physical strength has doubled."

Ye Cheng also discovered this, after all, these spirals can grow, and each gang of people will grow 5 centimeters tall.

And the bigger the head, the stronger the strength, and the reason why Ye Cheng chose to consume hair instead of physical strength was also to prepare for the next battle.

Because the Demon Slaying Order has begun!

There are five lieutenant generals, although these lieutenant generals should have sold the face of Karp and Qingheasant, but Ye Chengbao was not sure what to do if the other party suddenly started.


Suddenly, several attacks flew from afar, and Frankie's voice was also heard behind him.

"Hey, long-haired fellow, that red package under your feet is the key, uncuff Robin!"

Franky appears with a phone bug that he got when he met Nami.

"Haha, that's awesome, Usopp."

Ye Cheng praised the phone worm.

The movements in his hands were not slow, and he began to try one key at a time, and finally used the number five key to open Robin's sea lou stone handcuffs.

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