1508 year of the sea calendar!

With the white walls, white curtains, and various medicines placed in the glass cabinet, the black-haired boy lying on the hospital bed looked at the room in front of him that looked like an infirmary.

“I’m actually not dead, and I came to the world of One Piece, is it because of the big explosion?!” Di Mu raised his obviously immature palm and touched the equally immature chin and muttered to himself.

Di Mu, whose parents died, once poisoned a rich man’s family of 18 people overnight, and was then arrested by the police who arrived and sentenced to death.

However, perhaps for the sake of ‘waste utilization’, Di Mu was not awarded a peanut rice by his brothers after being sentenced to death, but was stunned and brought into a secret research base, becoming a glorious humanoid white rat, making his last dedication to the country.

However, from the strange crossing of Di Muhui to the One Piece world and occupying the body of a seven-year-old boy, it can be seen that the experiment in which he dedicated his body was obviously unexpected.

Di Mu still remembered that not long after he was tied to the test bench, the laboratory emitted red light and shrill sirens, and then with a deafening roar, he was innocently crushed into slag by countless brilliant currents and distorted space.

Touching his chin, Di Mu unconsciously looked at his immature hands and thin body, and his face was thoughtful.

Perhaps it was fate, after similar rebirth, Di Mu received all the memories of this body before, and also found that this body was at least eight or nine points similar to his own young self, and even his name was very similar.

The predecessor of the body was named Tim, which is very similar to Di Mu’s name, which may be why he possessed this body after death.

After Di Mu accepted all the memories of his predecessor after awakening his consciousness, he already knew that his predecessor was an orphan of a CP9 agent, and now he was also trained as a CP agent as an orphan.

From his memory, Di Mu knew that the place where he was now was called the ‘Beihai Branch CP Organization Training Base’, and he was now one of the two hundred CP trainees here.

CP organization Di Mu is naturally no stranger, once also half an otaku, he has also watched the national anime One Piece, and also knows that the CP organization is a secret spy agency affiliated to the world government, in addition to the mysterious CP0, from CP1 ~ CP9 is divided into nine departments.

Speaking of Di Mu’s predecessor, it was also very unfortunate, after being brought into the base, under the devilish training in the base, he went into shock on the third day because his body could not withstand it, and even after Di Mu occupied this body, his soul had dissipated.


Just as Di Mu was thinking back to his previous past, suddenly the wooden door outside the room was opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a slim black suit with a grim face walked in, and after seeing Di Mu sitting on the hospital bed with his upper body, as if in a daze, he walked directly over.

“No. 110, I didn’t expect you to wake up so quickly, it seems that you recovered quite quickly, so it’s good that your training can continue from tomorrow!” The man in the suit said calmly, and after speaking, he directly turned around and left the room, without giving Di Mu a chance to speak.

Before becoming an official member of the CP organization, all the trainees were called by code names, and Di Mu’s predecessor was No. 110, and the man in the suit was also one of the instructors in this base.

“It’s a bit troublesome!” Seeing that the wooden door was closed again, Di Mu rubbed his head and temples, and his face showed a look of distress.

Sure enough, although he survived the explosion, there seemed to be a nightmare waiting for him.

Although when watching the anime One Piece, I had never heard that Beihai was also a training base for CP organizations, but this is no longer important to Di Mu today, after all, the fantasy world has become real, and what is there to be surprised.

What Di Mu was worried about now was only the training that would start from tomorrow.

As a CP organization that implements dark justice, neither its heart nor strength is absolutely bad, which means that its training is absolutely terrifying.

Di Mu’s predecessor went into shock or even died in three days because of CP’s devilish training, and Di Mu’s memory also knew how cruel and terrifying the training during these three days was.

But Di Mu now has no right to refuse at all, not to mention that he cannot expose his predecessor, and he who knows a lot about the danger of One Piece, he must also make himself stronger.

“CP9’s Rob Lucy once said, ‘Weakness is sin’, and this sentence really reveals the essence of the world!” Di Mu sighed softly, his eyes drooped slightly, and his face gradually became expressionless.

Having already understood the essence of the world, he has long been unable to go back, weakness is sin, so as long as he makes himself strong, he will not feel the pain of despair.

Just when Di Mu’s consciousness fluctuated violently because of the indelible pain and hatred in his heart, suddenly, a tingling feeling suddenly came from his eyebrows, and rushed to his heart at once.

Bang bang bang ~~~!

Di Mu suddenly snorted, his body bent slightly, instinctively covering his violently beating heart, and the powerful heartbeat sound seemed to penetrate his body, bursting out with incredible vitality and strength.

The super beating of the heart did not cause pain because of this, but it was as if a clear stream flowed from the heart into Di Mu’s limbs, which lifted his spirits.

Cracking sound~!

A strange and magical scene appeared, and the surface of Di Mu’s skin actually flashed tiny arcs, and constantly shuttled from his skin, as if it was dancing like an elf.

Di Mu felt the change in his body, and also quickly looked up at his arm, and was immediately stunned by the flickering arc, and at the same time subconsciously jumped off the hospital bed, and kept slapping his whole body with his bare feet, as if he wanted to shoot away the flickering arc.

“No, I didn’t feel pain!” Under the continuous beating, he found that the arc was still flickering on his skin, and Di Mu also reflected it, with an incredible face.

How can there be an arc in the human body, he should not have touched any electricity when lying in the hospital bed, but what is going on in front of him.

Di Mu’s eyes were dead looking at the flashing arcs on his arms and body, and then determined that these arcs did not cause him the slightest damage, as if they were just illusory.

However, when Di Mu looked at the hospital bed, after discovering that the sheets and quilts he was lying on just now had faint scorch marks like electric shocks, he understood that the flashing arc on his body was by no means illusory.

“Could it be the Devil Fruit ability?!” Di Mu couldn’t help but think cranky in his mind, but he quickly denied it.

He knew from the memory of his predecessor that he had not eaten any strange fruits, so that meant that the flashing arc on his body was not derived from the ability of the devil fruit.

Di Mu took a deep breath, tried his best to keep himself calm, then thought about all the possibilities, and tried to make the arc disappear from him.

If there is no accident in the room he is now, it will be the infirmary in the CP base, and if someone will come in at any time, if he sees Di Mu now flashing with an arc all over his body, it will definitely cause a commotion.

Just after coming to this world, Di Mu was not prepared to attract too much attention, and after ruling out that the arc that appeared on his body was a demon fruit ability, he didn’t want people to know his abnormality.

Di Mu’s consciousness is running rapidly, first of all, he is definitely not a fur tribe, and there will be no electricity, and the predecessor in his memory has never appeared in this situation, so it can only appear after his arrival.

Suddenly, Di Mu’s mind thought of seeing the last scene after that big explosion, that is, the scene where he was torn apart by countless currents and distorted voids.

“Current?! Could it be caused by that big explosion! Di Mu’s heart was shocked, and he couldn’t help but think of it.

Thinking so in his heart, Di Mu also unconsciously looked at the electric arc that was still flickering wantonly on his arms and body again, and subconsciously thought about making it disappear quickly.


As if it had never appeared, as soon as Di Mu thought so in his heart, the flashing arcs of electricity on his arms and body suddenly disappeared, leaving no trace.

Di Mu was stunned in his heart, he really disappeared, could it be said that the arc just now could really disappear and appear at his will.

“Experiment and see!” Di Mu secretly said in his heart, and then his consciousness moved, thinking of making the arc appear.

Cracking sound~!

But in an instant, the arc that had just disappeared really reappeared with Di Mu’s consciousness.

“It can really be controlled!” Di Mu’s heart was overjoyed, and at the same time, his heartbeat couldn’t help but speed up again, and he faintly felt that this magical arc or electric current was probably his golden finger as a traverser.

After discovering that he could control the current, Di Mu suddenly had a strong excitement in his heart, he was just an ordinary person before, although he had decided to become stronger in the One Piece world, but how could it be so simple to really implement.

But now, the ability that may be Goldfinger suddenly appeared, which was undoubtedly like a heart booster for Di Mu, making him feel a lot more confident.

After that, Di Mu seemed to have found his beloved toy, and constantly studied the electric current that appeared on his body in the infirmary, and even carried out more detailed control over it.

After half a day, Di Mu roughly figured out the current or this energy.

Perhaps it was really the original explosion that caused Di Mu to accidentally awaken some superpower, and this superpower did not come from the body, but from his original soul, which made Di Mu also bring it with him after being reborn.

However, in the process of research, Di Mu found that his superpower was not only a simple electric current, but also had a magnetic force.

(Without further ado, the new book is released, please collect and tip if you like it!) )

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