Di Mu thoughtfully looked at the scalpel found from the infirmary in his hand, turned his hand and turned his palm down, but the scalpel seemed to be attracted by a magnet, firmly stuck to Di Mu’s palm.

“Current, magnetic force, can’t it be electromagnetic force!” Di Mu rubbed his somewhat swollen head and muttered.

Electromagnetic force is one of the four basic forces in nature, the so-called electromagnetism does not divide home, electromagnetism, magnetism, the two are connected.

Now Di Mu undoubtedly directly has electromagnetic force, not just electric energy.

At the same time, under the research, Di Mu also found that it is very likely that the energy of electromagnetic force appeared from his eyebrows, and then flowed into the heart and then transmitted to the limbs of the body.

When Di Mu was on Earth, he had also heard that the most mysterious pineal gland in the human brain was at the center of his eyebrows, and there were even rumors that people’s souls were stationed in the pineal gland.

If this energy that was suspected to be electromagnetic force was really born in Di Mu’s soul, then perhaps those statements of the earth in the previous life were true.

“Electromagnetic force, well, then let’s name it ‘Electromagnetic Source’!”

Although it was not yet possible to determine whether the energy at the center of the eyebrows was really electromagnetic force, Di Mu still preferred to believe, and even very simply named the energy in the eyebrows.

After determining the origin of the ‘source of electromagnetism’, Di Mu’s attention also shifted to the use of electromagnetic force, and his swollen head also became more headache.

He is not a top student, but a scumbag, electromagnetic force such a high thing, he really does not understand much, only knows some very basic knowledge.

“Let’s come one by one first, first study the current energy is saying!” Di Mu, whose head was getting higher and higher, and even sore, finally decided to make it easy first and then difficult, and started to study the current energy that he knew better.

However, just as Di Mu was about to urge the current energy to appear, there was a tingling pain in his suddenly sore head, and Di Mu didn’t even have a chance to speak, so he only felt that he was unconscious in the darkness in front of him, and fell directly to the ground next to the hospital bed with a snap, falling into a coma.


“Uh, I seem to have fainted before!” With a groan, Di Mu opened his eyes in confusion and sat up in confusion.

At this time, Di Mu had already laid down on the hospital bed again, and on the bedside table at the bedside that had become cooled were also placed with steaks and rice.

“It’s already evening!” Di Mu’s consciousness gradually recovered from confusion, his eyes scanned the infirmary, and he was shocked when he saw that the window on the side of the room was already dark and faintly covered with moonlight.

Di Mu tried to recall, but also thought that he suddenly lost consciousness when he seemed to be preparing to study electric energy, and his head at this time still had a faint feeling of swelling.

“How could it suddenly pass out, is it because of the ‘source of electromagnetism’!” Di Mu’s brows furrowed, thinking secretly.

Before he fell into a coma, he did not feel any discomfort or abnormality in his body, the only thing was that his head felt sore and painful, and he was suddenly unconscious, which is easily associated with the ‘source of electromagnetism’ that is also in the center of his eyebrows.

Thinking of this, Di Mu also thought that when he was studying the ‘source of electromagnetism’, he did not play with current energy and magnetic force.

“I feel very much like the feeling of extreme mental fatigue after surfing the Internet overnight before, can it be said that when I urge the ‘source of electromagnetism’, I will consume my mental power!” Di Mu moved his hands and feet, and after finding that there was no abnormality, he couldn’t help but think in his heart.

The ‘source of electromagnetism’ comes from the soul, and judging by the law of conservation of energy on the earth, it is very likely that when the ‘source of electromagnetism’ is urged, it will consume the spiritual power closest to the soul.

It is not unfounded that Di Mu will have this conjecture, just like the Devil Fruit Ability in this world will also consume physical strength when using the Devil Fruit ability, then it is normal for him to consume spiritual power when he uses the ‘Electromagnetic Source’ now.

“It seems that I have to pay attention in the future, but I can’t cause coma due to overloaded use of the ‘electromagnetic source’!” Di Mu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time it was also a secret passage of warning.

If you are in a coma when you are on Earth, you will be in a coma, but not in the One Piece world, since Di Mu chooses to become stronger, then he will inevitably encounter the enemy, if he is comatose because of too much mental energy consumption when he encounters the enemy, it is simply looking for death.

However, although he knew that using the ‘Electromagnetic Source’ would consume mental power, Di Mu was still ready to continue his research before coma.

The ‘source of electromagnetism’ is the biggest guarantee for Di Mu to become stronger now, and he must have sufficient understanding.

After quickly eating the dinner that was brought to the bedside at an unknown time, Di Mu devoted himself to the study of electric energy, and only stopped until he felt a severe pain in his head, and then slept to recover the mental power consumed.


The CP organization is a violent institution hidden in the darkness of the world government, and needs to perform various shady tasks for the world government, so every full member of the CP must have enough strength.

The CP Training Base of the Beihai Division is located on an isolated island somewhere in the North Sea, surrounded by a forest full of primitive atmosphere, and inside the island is a heavily constructed base building.

At this time, on the 100 by 100 cement square of the base, there were two hundred teenagers wearing black vests, all seven or eight years old, who were sweating and running around the square.

100 times 100 square, a lap is four hundred meters, and from the first rays of sunlight in the sky, these two hundred teenagers have begun to run like a sprint, and now they have run 20 laps, that is, a full eight kilometers.

The sprint runs eight kilometers, which is difficult for even adults on Earth to complete, but now the two hundred CP cadets in the base are still continuing.

“Hurry up, whoever is last place, then add another 10 laps!”

“Waste, haven’t you eaten, run like this, just like that, what qualifications do you have to become a member of CP in the future!”


Behind the galloping trainees, several strong men also wearing black vests with bulging muscles, armed with wooden knives, constantly angrily scolded and brandished, and even kicked the slightly backward trainees to catch up with the large team.

“Nima, I just got up and ran until now, I haven’t seen breakfast yet, of course I haven’t eaten!” Hearing the angry scolding from the rear, at the end of the crowd, Di Mu, who was also sweating hotly and his face was a little pale, secretly cursing and spitting in his heart.

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