The sword light flickered horizontally, and Di Mu’s speed did not decrease in the slightest, stepping on the sea surface to swing his sword and slash.

Under the subtle insight of the ‘Killing Realm’, the ‘Ink Blood’ that turned into an afterimage split the bullet at an incredible angle, as fast as a flash, making Di Mu flicker and pass by, quickly approaching the boat.

The killer on the small boat saw this scene with an incredible face, his gun has been closely modified, both in power and speed is more than twice as powerful as ordinary rifles, not to mention the bullet condensed his armed color domineering.

Once this killer used to assassinate a pirate whose strength was no less than that of a vice admiral from a distance by relying on the modified gun in his hand.

Although he knew that Di Mu’s strength of the Seven Wuhai was definitely above the vice admiral, from the moment Di Mu resisted the shot and split his bullets in an instant, the killer immediately felt an unspeakable fear.

However, at this time, the killer could not regret taking on this assassination mission, and in just a few breaths, Di Mu had already chased not far behind the boat.

“Abominable!” The killer cursed secretly, he quickly threw away the modified gun, and the backhand pulled out two long knives from the back waist, and jumped up from the boat in a two-knife posture, and the two knives crossed out.


The sea surface churned and tore apart, and a huge X-shaped sword qi cut through the sea, impacting towards Di Mu with an extremely violent attitude, this killer turned out to be a not weak sword master.

Di Mu’s eyes were cold and did not fluctuate, and the moment the huge sword qi approached, his figure suddenly spun like a hurricane.

Hurricane Breaking Sword~!

The sea surface instantly rolled more violently, and the huge waves more than ten meters high were overlapped and rolled up layer by layer, and the X-shaped huge sword qi was directly torn and swallowed by the hurricane, and at the same time, it was also cut out of the trench several meters dented by the hurricane.


The violent roar of the air wave continued to echo back, seeing the hurricane of the violent impact, the killer who fell back on the small boat was horrified, and the two knives were immediately covered with a black luster armed color domineering, gritting his teeth and slashing over.


Blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the killer and the boat were all smashed by the hurricane, and the hurricane swept across the sea and left a long trench under the sky like a storm, so that the sea surface was also rolled up and turned into a huge whirlpool.

The void trembled, and the storm turned into a shock wave and scattered, causing the sea surface to sink violently as if it had been hit hard, followed by a huge wave tens of meters high.

Di Mu stepped on the moon step in the air with an indifferent expression, and after glancing down at the violently churning sea surface where the corpse was gone, he lifted the ‘current mode’ and flew to the sea restaurant in the void.

At the same time, when Di Mu strangled the killer, Tetsuo and Shangis and the people from the restaurant all ran to the corridor outside.

When he saw the hurricane that Di Mu turned into in the distance strangling the boat, and even finally causing waves and rolling up huge waves, this made everyone except Tetsuo who had not entered the Great Voyage stunned, and Shangis was even more shocked.

The pirates of the East China Sea, even Klick, who can be blessed with a golden armor and some weapons, is enough to imagine how small the concept of strength is for people in this sea.

The wind returned to the sea restaurant lightly, and Di Mu was too lazy to pay attention to Tetsuo and the others, and directly landed on the Dragon Chopper.

After opening the blockade, Di Mu walked directly to the rudder, and then drove the ship away into the distance.

Although he encountered an assassination attack, Di Mu’s face was calm, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, it is also true, although these killers come from the dark world, they are also too underestimated him, thinking that they can deal with themselves with some small tricks and sneak attacks, but in fact they are not much threat to him at all.

But having said that, Di Mu was somewhat unhappy in his heart, and he already thought about letting Betty pay attention to the movements of the Draco after returning to the Great Voyage, ready to find an opportunity to ‘repay’ the other party.

The Dragon Chopper sailed quickly, and Di Mu was not attacked next, and I don’t know if it was because the battle of the Sea Restaurant made the other killers retreat, or if a more dangerous attack was brewing.

He spent many days in Di Mu’s sea cultivation, and before he knew it, Rogue Town had arrived smoothly.

Compared with its Seymour Shiki Village, as the last stop of the Great Voyage Road in the East China Sea, and also the place where One Piece once set sail and ended, Rogue Town is undoubtedly much more prosperous.

Docking and docking, Di Mu saw that the port was full of people, and many merchant ships could be seen here to conduct maritime trade, which seemed very prosperous.

Di Mu came to Rogue Town this time, in addition to finding the weapon shop with the three generations of Ghost Ches with good fast swords and snow walks, and demon blades, he also needed to supply materials.

After coming down from the Chopper Dragon, Di Mu did not rush to find a weapons store, but first replenished the captain’s supplies, spent some money, and hired some sailors in the port before letting them buy materials for themselves and carry them to the Chopper Dragon.

After a busy time, half a day had passed, and when the supplies of the Chopper Dragon were complete, Di Mu was satisfied with blocking the ship and heading to the center of Rogue Town.

“Is this the execution table where Roger was executed?” On the way to find the weapons shop, when Di Mu saw a very old execution table in the square in the heart of the town, his steps couldn’t help but stop and looked thoughtfully.

This execution platform has obviously become a famous sight in the town of Rogue, and in addition to Di Mu, there are many tourists on the square who are not amazed.

As a graveyard to witness a former king, even the unruly Di Mu felt a feeling, gently leaned over, and observed a silence for three minutes.

This is a respect for the strong, but also a tribute to the pioneer, nothing else.

After the silence ended, Di Mu turned around and left the square without hesitation, this is the king’s cemetery, although he does not have the heart of a king, but he has no interest in staying much.

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