“Wait a minute, the gentleman with the sword on his waist in front please wait a minute!” Before he walked out of the square, suddenly a woman’s cry came from behind Di Mu.

Di Mu was stunned, glanced left and right, and saw that only he seemed to be carrying a sword nearby, and immediately turned around curiously to see who was shouting at him.

With short shoulder-length black hair, short sleeves on the upper body, and tight trousers on the lower body, although she wore some cute red-framed glasses, but her figure was indeed quite bumpy, Dusty walked quickly to Di Mu’s body, and at the same time followed by more than ten naval soldiers closely behind her.

“Hello, I’m Sergeant Dusty from Rogue Town, and now I’m going to conduct a routine interrogation of you!” After Dusty calmed his breath towards Di Mu, his cute face was full of seriousness.

Di Mu looked at the other party unexpectedly, as if he didn’t expect that he would actually meet Dusty when he was casually strolling around, but then his eyes were attracted by the exquisite long knife that Dusty hung on his waist.

“Is it raining at night!” Di Mu’s eyes flashed slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Just when Di Mu was looking at the rain in the night, Dusty also kept staring at the ‘ink blood’ on Di Mu’s waist, with curiosity and more expectation in his eyes.

Dusty has an obsessive desire for famous knives, and wants to take them back from all evil people and not let them be defiled.

Although Di Mu’s ink blood is not among those famous famous knives, after becoming a demon knife and devouring the Great Fast Dao Qiushui and the Great Fast Dao Tiger Cher, it is already a newly promoted big fast knife.

Originally, Dusty was patrolling normally with a team of navies in the square, but out of her keen intuition for famous knives, when she accidentally saw Di Mu who was about to leave, or the black ‘ink blood’ on Di Mu’s waist, her intuition was that she suddenly felt that ‘ink blood’ was definitely a famous knife.

Obviously, at this time, Dusty stopped Di Mu, in addition to determining whether ‘ink blood’ was a famous knife, but also to determine whether Di Mu was a sinful person.

However, Dusty is obviously also a very confused and cute person, although he is an elite who graduated from the military academy of the Navy headquarters, but he does not recognize Di Mu.

When Di Mu looked at Dusty’s little night and rain, Dusty also compared with Di Mu from the stack of bounty orders he carried.

After Di Mu became the Seven Martial Sea, the bounty order had already been removed, not to mention that the bounty order that Dasqi brought was only in the East China Sea region, how could he find Di Mu.

When she found that there was no Di Mu on the bounty order, Dusty’s expression was obviously much relieved, but she did not find that the dozen or so naval soldiers who followed were looking at Di Mu in a cold sweat, as if they had seen a ghost.

After the era of sea pirates began, although countless pirates emerged, even those such as Warring States may not be able to remember them all, but those who stand at the top are definitely unforgettable.

Unfortunately, Di Mu, who is the Seven Martial Sea, is one of the top people in the era of sea thieves, and he is also a heavyweight who has been exposed many times.

Dusty was confused, but these naval soldiers under her would not, and after looking carefully, these naval soldiers obviously recognized Di Mu, the Seven Martial Seas, and they were also nervous in a cold sweat.

“Miss Dusty!” A navy corporal saw that his commander did not seem to recognize Di Mu, but kept staring at the sword on Di Mu’s waist, and he was afraid that his commander would anger the other party, and quickly pulled Radaschi’s sleeve.

“What’s wrong, Corporal Gar, what are you pulling me for!” Dusty turned her head to look at her subordinate suspiciously, she was just thinking about opening her mouth to borrow a sword from Di Mu to take a look.

Di Mu looked at this scene with a smile, which also made Corporal Gar, who had been secretly looking at Di Mu, tremble, and quickly lowered his voice: “Miss Dusty, we can’t afford to provoke this person, he is the Seven Martial Sea Dark Sword Hao, let’s quickly withdraw!” ”

“Nanabukai?!” Dasiqi was obviously stunned, but then suddenly woke up, almost instinctively pulled out the little night rain on his waist, held the knife in both hands, and aimed it at Di Mu full of nervousness.

Although the Qiwu Sea is equivalent to the alliance of the Navy, in the hearts of the vast majority of the Navy and even everyone, the Qiwu Sea represents the symbol of the sea thief.

Daschi, who was assigned to the East China Sea after graduating from the military academy of the Navy headquarters, has never been in contact with a sea thief like Di Mu, and naturally draws his sword in panic.

Dusty’s sword drawing directly startled Corporal Gar and a group of naval soldiers behind her, and Corporal Gar was even more shocked.

“Miss Dusty, you have to calm down, the Seven Wuhai is a force recognized by the world government, even our navy can’t make a move with the Seven Wuhai casually!” Corporal Gar trembled (trembled) his body and hurriedly reminded.

Dusty’s breath was sluggish, although she was confused, she remembered some of the rules, and obviously thought of this.

However, Di Mu, who saw Dasiqi drawing his knife, grinned.

“Beauty, you are pointing a knife at me now, but it is equivalent to provoking me, even if I kill you now, the world government and navy will not be able to pursue me!” Di Mu said with a bright smile.

Corporal Gar and the other naval soldiers changed their faces drastically, and their faces suddenly showed horror.

“What do you want to do!” Dusty also panicked all of a sudden, unconsciously took a step back, and looked at Di Mu nervously.

“Nothing, just as the price for you provoking me, your knife belongs to me!” Di Mu stepped forward and said with an evil smile.

He had been looking for a famous knife, and now the other party himself sent a good fast knife to the door, he felt embarrassed if he didn’t accept it, he could only say that Dusty was a good person.

Di Mu didn’t give Dusty extra time to react at all, and the moment he approached, his right hand quickly grabbed the back of the little night rain knife aimed at him with an empty blade like lightning.

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