“No, wait until the treasure here is transported, BIG· As long as the MOM Pirates don’t appear together with the four stars, or Charlotte Lingling comes over in person, they can’t keep me! Di Mu waved his hand, and immediately returned to the shore from the Dragon Chopper.

It is definitely not possible to stay for long, but Di Mu will not give up the treasure that is about to arrive because Smoogie escapes.

After finding some members of the Chamber of Commerce to clean up the Dragon Slash, Di Mu came to the glacier where the treasure was buried.

The current swirled above the ‘ink blood’, Di Mu flew up, and a sword cut out a majestic sword qi towards the ice below.

After breaking through to the realm of the Great Sword Hao, Di Mu already had the power to cut off diamonds, and under the use of magnetic weapons, the power of the slash was even stronger, even if the glacier was more than ten meters thick, it was torn into a wide huge crack.

Without the shock of the glacier, the treasure was completely exposed, almost covering the empty layer below the glacier, and slowly all gold jewelry and jewelry.

Of course, under Di Mu’s ferocity, no one dared to give birth to greed, and Virgil scanned back and forth fiercely, as long as he found that someone showed a little care, he immediately killed him to deter others.

“Set up the rope ladder, don’t be in a daze!” Under Di Mu’s grant, Virgil took the lead and shouted loudly and urged.

When everyone in the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce used the rope ladder to descend into the glacier, Di Mu also had a large amount of treasure under the glacier.

I have to say that the sudden appearance of such a large amount of treasure still has a great impact, even Di Mu, who does not care much about money, is a little surprised.

“No wonder Green Pepper hates Karp so much, so many treasures can only be seen and not taken, in other words, I can’t stand it!” Di Mu sighed.

Isn’t what men pursue is wealth, power, color, power, these four words, the charm of wealth is still huge, otherwise there would not be so many people because of Roger’s words become pirates crazy into the great voyage, otherwise do you really think that it is to pursue the so-called freedom, adventure.

However, wealth is only an auxiliary for Di Mu, what he is pursuing is strength, at most adding a color word, although he is amazed, but he will not indulge in treasure, and soon he will not care much.

The Black Widow Chamber of Commerce had already prepared, and at this time, the treasure was transported from the glacier quickly and quickly, and it was transported to several warships.

As for Di Mu, he did not return to the ship, but stood in the port of the glacier, using electromagnetic waves to expand the range of domineering perception of sight, warning BIG· The release of the MOM Pirates.

Half an hour later, the countless treasures under the glacier were all transported, and the several warships sent by the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce were almost full, and at this time, Virgil ran to Di Mu with two gem-encrusted knives.

“Lord Di Mu, look, this is what we found under the glacier, it is the pressing cut of the twenty-one work of the big fast knife and the red snow of the fifty work of the good fast knife!” Virgil said.

Di Mu, who was on guard, turned sharply to look over, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the two treasure knives held in Virgil’s arms.

“Really, show me!” Di Mu was pleasantly surprised in his heart, and immediately took over the treasure knife that Virgil respectfully handed over, and immediately pulled out the two knives and watched them carefully.

Because Di Mu asked Betty to help him collect famous knives, Betty specially released the guide of all famous knives to all the members of the Chamber of Commerce, so that they could remember them firmly and lure the members of the Chamber of Commerce to find famous knives with heavy profits.

Virgil was naturally one of them, so when transporting the treasure, when he found that there were two famous knives in it, he quickly sent it to Di Mu.

After Di Mu carefully observed, he was sure that the two knives in his hand were indeed famous knives, one was a big fast knife and the other was a good fast knife.

“Virgil, you did a good job, I will let President Betty reward you well, and when your strength reaches the standard, I will add another giant position and let you take an important position!” Di Mu, who was in a good mood, praised.

“Thank you, Master Di Shepherd!” Virgil was overjoyed in her heart and quickly bowed.

The position of the giant in the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce is not only above the nine group leaders, but also holds great power, and the treatment is also better than the group leader, I don’t know how much.

Originally, Virgil wanted to become a giant only by defeating one of the current giants, but now with Di Mu’s promise, he can directly promote the giant as long as his strength reaches the fifth level, and he is also the fourth giant that has never been before, which naturally makes Virgil overjoyed.

After Virgil left, Di Mu naturally did not hesitate to use ‘ink blood’ to cut off the big fast knife and the red blood of the good fast knife.

‘Ink Blood’ originally after several swallows, the quality has reached the middle level of the big fast knife, and now it has swallowed two famous knives in a row, and one of them is still under the big fast knife, the quality has been immediately improved, directly hitting the top of the big fast knife, compared to the former autumn water is no less.

The improvement of quality suddenly made the ‘ink blood’ sharper and tougher, and even under Di Mu’s attempt, with a flick of the glacier, which was as hard as a diamond, a crack was not shallow.

“You still have to find some famous knives!” Di Mu was satisfied and also a little regretful, he could feel that the quality of ‘ink blood’ was still not a small gap with the demon nature under the top of the big fast knife, that is to say, the potential of ‘ink blood’ has not been fully realized.

Since entering the New World, Di Mu has killed (killed) countless people, killing tens of thousands of people on Fishman Island alone.

It is precisely because of this that the demon nature of ‘ink blood’ has also been greatly improved, and it has long surpassed the level of the great fast knife and reached the level of the supreme fast knife, and the difference is only the quality of the sword.

Of course, not only the demon nature of ‘ink blood’ has been enhanced, but the ‘Seven-Star Sword Qi’ in Di Mu’s body has also grown brilliantly, condensing a very terrifying darkness and the resentment of the death of living beings. _

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