The reason why Di Mu rarely uses the ‘Seven-Star State’, and most of them only use the ‘Current Mode’ alone to fight, is actually because the side effects of the ‘Seven-Star State’ are greater than the ‘Current Mode’.

Darkness and resentment are very terrifying existences, and every time Di Mu uses the ‘Seven Star State’, not only will his body be corroded, but even his consciousness will be eroded by the darkness contained in the ‘Seven Star State’.

If it is used without restraint, even if Di Mu’s body can withstand it, there will be hidden dangers in his consciousness, such as murder, madness, cruelty, and so on.

Although Di Mu does not mind killing (killing), he does not want to become a madman who can only kill (kill), the ‘seven-star state’ he can not use it, even if he uses it, it will be separated for a long time, so that his consciousness can be affected by darkness.

All the treasure under the glacier was smoothly transported to the battleship, and during this time, BIG· The people of the MOM Pirate Group did not appear, which also relieved Di Mu a lot.

Di Mu was originally worried that it would be more dangerous to transport this treasure, after all, the New World was not peaceful, there were pirates everywhere, and once discovered, it would definitely trigger a large-scale scramble.

However, Betty’s side was obviously prepared, and the several warships dispatched this time were all highly counterfeit steam-powered outer steamers, and they were not prepared to return to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters from the New World from the beginning, but were ready to cross the windless zone, first enter the neighboring West Sea, and then transport them in batches to the headquarters in the first half of the Great Voyage.

For Betty’s such thoughtful deployment, Di Mu also had to sigh that his own woman was smart and casual.

Several warships of the Eight Treasures Water Army naturally could not cross the windless zone, and they were simply thrown on the side of the glacier continent, and the fleet of the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce sailed towards the windless zone under Di Mu’s gaze.

“Sir, shouldn’t we go too!” The ugly bird cautiously leaned over.

“It’s not in a hurry, wait for BIG· After the MOM Pirates appeared, I was not late to leave! Di Mu smiled slightly, turned around and sat on the sofa on the deck.

The ugly bird was stunned for a while, unable to understand why his own master was not ready to leave because the treasure had already been transported.

Di Mu naturally had his own considerations, although the glacier continent was very close to the windless zone, it still needed a little time.

If he leaves now, then IG· After the MOM Pirates arrived, they found that they had left, and they searched around and found the fleet of the Chamber of Commerce, which was not worth the loss.

Of course, this does not mean that Di Mu will cooperate with BIG· Here the MOM Pirates are just trying to use themselves as bait to put BIG· The MOM Pirates go in other directions.

Di Mu is confident in the performance of the Dragon Chopper, even if it is BIG· The MOM Pirates also want to catch up with themselves.

The situation was not expected by Di Mu, and the strange bird who walked Smoogie was BIG· The people of the MOM Pirates, and after untying the slave collar around Smoogie’s neck, Smoogie took a large number of pirates to the side of the glacier continent.

“Sir, BIG· The people of the MOM Pirates have appeared! After waiting for more than half a day, dozens of pirate ships appeared on the sea in the distance, and quickly sailed towards the glacier continent, and the ugly birds who had been watching and watching on guard found it at the first time, and quickly shouted.

Di Mu woke up from his closed eyes, opened his eyes and stood up from the sofa, walked to the guardrail on the side of the deck, and looked away, and sure enough, he saw more than ten sails painted with BIG· Pirate ship marked by the MOM Pirates.

Di Mu grinned, and after letting the ugly bird start the Dragon Slasher, he did not leave immediately, but brought out two silver coins from his pocket.

“Is this it, Smoogie is all right there!” On the deck of the more than ten pirate ships sailing fast, the middle and largest pirate ship, a man with an ugly and rough face and a strange body asked the frosty Smoogie on the side.

This man is none other than BIG· Charlotte Klee, one of the four stars in the MOM Pirates, although the reward amount is slightly less than Smuggie, but it has reached 800 million Baileys, and the current appearance is not his real appearance, just a shell made of biscuits. “I was just sealed by the Hailou Stone, and now after the Hailou Stone collar is taken off, it is naturally fine!” Smoogie shook his head and looked at the glacial continent in the distance, and Meimu was full of resentment.

She can never forget the experience of the previous months, although she escaped, her body has been played with by Di Mu I don’t know how many times, it is estimated that Di Mu may know more about her body than herself.

Smooji is now desperately eager to capture Di Mu, and then torture Di Mu well to avenge the killing, otherwise he will not immediately let the person in charge of finding his own Keliji kill with him after being saved.

Kriji also saw that Smuggie was in a bad mood, but he could also understand that if he was captured by the enemy for several months, he would retaliate madly.

In BIG· In the MOM Pirate Group, although Charlotte Lingling has always used her daughter as a marriage tool, she attaches great importance to her daughter’s chastity, after all, once she loses her virginity, the role of marriage will be greatly weakened, and it may even lead to a break in the relationship between the two parties.

Because of this, after being rescued, Smoogie did not actually say that he was possessed by Di Mu, but only vaguely said that he was imprisoned.

Smoogie knew her mother very well, if she really knew that she had lost her virginity, even if she would not kill herself in terms of her strength, she would definitely deprive herself of a part of her life as punishment, and she didn’t want to feel the pain of losing her life.

However, although the most important thing was hidden, the fact that Smougie was captured still made Charlotte Lingling extremely angry, and she had already issued a killing order to Di Mu, except for the Klee side, BIG· Many of the pirate groups under the MOM Pirate Group have also heard the wind. _

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