
Since the other party made a move, Di Mu naturally would not be polite, after dodging and rushing out of seven or eight meters, he did not hesitate to draw his sword and come out, and when he turned around, a sword sword slashed out, bursting out a sword qi that was much weaker than the outer realm.

Under five times the gravity, even the power of the slash was much weakened by oppression, and seeing the sword qi he cut out, Di Mu frowned slightly.

However, although the power was weakened, the sword qi of the Jianhao level was still roaring and fierce, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the wild man who was lifting his bones.


Blood splattered, the wild man screamed in pain, his body staggered back to the side, and a large blood hole was cut off at his waist, which was also the place where the sword qi was struck, and blood continued to flow out of it.

Di Mu’s eyes widened, his heart was full of surprise, although the power of the sword qi was reduced, it should be enough to cut off the steel, he thought that a sword could cut off the opponent’s body, but it actually failed.

“This wild man’s body will not be tougher than steel!” Di Mu suddenly had this idea in his heart.

Even if he lived in an environment of five times gravity, his body would become extremely strong, but it would not be able to reach the level of steel, and Di Mu became puzzled and curious about the island for a moment.

In the outside world, after the wild man was cut by the sword qi, he was like a wounded beast, and he roared at Di Mu with a rage, and with a flick of his arm, he actually threw the thick bone towards Di Mu.

The power of the wild man is very strong, and the bones are thrown out more fierce and faster than the cannonballs, and even the air is whistling.

However, Di Mu naturally would not be hit by the torture and childish attack, and with a little under his feet, he would instantly pass by the whistling bones, and his body would rush straight towards the wild man like an arrow.

“Magnet Slash~!” Di Mu drank low in his heart, and the ‘ink blood’ suddenly burst into lightning, and a sword was cut out like lightning.

The sword qi that flashed with electricity burst out, and almost in the blink of an eye, it slashed through the arms and bodies of the wild man who actually wanted to grab the sword qi.

Blood light emerged, and the wild man was directly broken in half from his waist, and even the arm that grabbed the sword qi was cut open, and with the erupting blood, he fell directly on the beach.

“This island seems a little strange, but the super-gravity environment is really a cultivation holy place, and it has been decided that I will cultivate on this island next!” Di Mu put his sword into its sheath and did not look at the dead wildling, but looked at the island full of excitement.

Through the battle just now, Di Mu discovered that in the case of hypergravity, although it will produce strong oppression on the body, internal organs, and slashes, it can also promote the acceleration of strength.

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In the following month, Di Mu almost explored the gravity island while cultivating, and he found that not only the beasts of the current era lived on the island, but also dinosaurs and beasts of the ancient era.

In addition, when he first came to the island, he encountered more than one wild man, on the contrary, Di Mu found that there were two wild tribes living on the island, each tribe had at least two hundred people, as long as the adult height was at least three meters or more, each of them was not weaker than the original wild man.

Di Mu quickly retreated directly after discovering the wild tribe, joking, the strength of these wild people is not bad, he can solve one, if there are dozens or hundreds, he will be planted here.

Without rushing into contact with the wildlings, Di Mu finally found a wilderness place in the other direction of the island to adapt to the five times the gravity on the island.

Don’t look at Di Mu is less than thirteen years old now, and his height is less than one meter six, but because of years of exercise and the effect of ‘electrode strengthening’, his muscles are extremely tight, looking thin, but in fact, he can weigh about one hundred and fifty pounds.

Five times the gravity, which is equivalent to the pressure of seven hundred and fifty pounds for Di Mu’s body, together with the internal organs.

At the beginning, Di Mu was naturally very unaccustomed, after all, when he was in the outside world, the same action might only need to use one point of strength, but now it takes five points or even seven or eight points of strength to do it.

However, Di Mu is also very persevering, starting with the simplest long-distance running, and then adapting his body to the change of gravity through basic exercises.

During this period, Di Mu also discovered a strange situation, because curious about the weirdness of the island, he deliberately grabbed an animal and threw it out of the island, only to find that the animal directly exploded and died after leaving the range of the island, as if a bomb was installed in the body.

But what is even more strange is that when Di Mu takes the dead animal out of the island, there will be no explosion and death.

Di Mu was naturally surprised by such a situation, but because he found that it was not the case to live on the island for a while, he finally got used to it.

The Great Voyage is a magical place, it cannot be explained by common sense and so-called science, Gravity Island is just one of them, if Di Mu really wants to find out, then he will not cultivate next.

Since it would not cause harm to himself, Di Mu naturally did not care much, and continued to adapt to the environment and cultivation of supergravity.

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In the blink of an eye, most of the year has passed!

After spending three months to adapt to the five-fold gravity environment, Di Mu began to use the beasts of the two eras on the island to hone his strength.

Like the wildlings, living in hypergravity, the beasts on the islands, although they look ordinary, are actually all with extraordinary strength and strong bodies.

Di Mu is the same, although after adapting to five times the gravity, it seems that he has only exerted his unparalleled strength like the outside world, but if he leaves the supergravity environment, his true strength will inevitably erupt.

“It seems that the strength has improved very quickly during this time!” Standing next to a velociraptor whose head had been cut off by himself, Di Mu thoughtfully collected his sword and resisted the corpse, preparing to use it as one of his lunches.

After more than half a year, Di Mu also passed the age of thirteen smoothly, and even thirteen and a half years old.

(It’s been on the shelves for a few days, here I kindly ask you to thank this book for your support, collection, flowers, monthly passes, tips don’t need to be much, meaning it!) )

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