Of course, the most important thing was that Di Mu found that his strength had improved much faster than before during this time, obviously the same amount of cultivation, but the effect produced had indeed improved.

Just when Di Mu carried the corpse of the velociraptor back to the shore where he had been resting, he finally realized the reason.

He finally began his second development, and as his body grew towards adulthood, he also entered the golden growth period of strength improvement.

Human life can be roughly divided into four stages, early childhood, youth, prime life, and old age.

Di Mu knew that when people were in infancy, because all aspects of their body functions had not been completely perfected, no matter how hard they exercised, their strength would not improve amazingly, but there would be weak cultivation effects.

The difference is that when people enter youth from childhood, with the development of the body, all aspects of functions will not be continuously improved.

This stage is called the ‘golden growth period’ by the instructors of the CP base, which means that the cultivation carried out in this stage of development will fully exert the cultivation effect, and it is also the time when a person’s strength improves the fastest.

As for the prime of life and old age, there is no need to say more, although the prime of life can also improve strength through cultivation, but more is to maintain physical functions will not regress.

In old age, as the body’s functions deteriorate rapidly due to the aging of the body, it is already difficult to maintain strength at this time, let alone become stronger.

Thirteen and a half years old, Di Mu had entered the ‘golden growth period’ of his infancy towards youth, and it was precisely because of this that he felt that he was obviously practicing the same as before, but his strength was indeed improving faster than before.

After reacting that he had entered the ‘golden growth period’, Di Mu was naturally extremely happy, not only because his strength would usher in a blowout state, but also because he had finally begun to develop, and he would soon no longer have to ‘lament Brother Wang’.

Happy to eat the barbecue made of the velociraptor dragon, Di Mu, who felt that he was still not full, caught a huge tiger again and came to a full tiger banquet.

“In the past few days, I have always seen those wild people sneaking back to the valley in the back mountain, and I don’t know what they are doing!” After eating and drinking, Di Mu got up with his teeth and muttered after putting out the fire.

Because he was worried about being besieged, Di Mu usually paid special attention to the situation of the two wild tribes when he was cultivating on the island, but in the past few days, he found that the whereabouts of the wild people were a little strange.

The valley behind the forest was also explored from a distance, and there was nothing special except for the lush growth of plants and a relatively large waterhole in the middle.

The wild man’s strange whereabouts made Di Mu very curious, anyway, since adapting to five times the gravity, the beasts on the island were basically not his opponents, and then he was also preparing the wild man to hone his strength, this time he would go to the valley to take a closer look.

As soon as he thought of it, Di Mu tightened his back to the ‘ink blood’, quickly rushed into the forest like a cheetah, and quickly advanced towards the valley behind.

Soon, under the initiative to avoid the fierce beasts in the forest, Di Mu did not take long to come to the vicinity of the valley, and he could see the entrance of the valley like a gap in the distance.

“Oh, what a coincidence!” Di Mu just continued to move forward, and suddenly his figure stopped, and he saw an elderly wild man and three prime-aged wild men looking at the corpses of various huge beasts appear from not far away, and then carefully walked into the entrance of the valley.

The moment Di Mu saw the wild man, he immediately hid his figure behind a large tree on the side that several people were embracing in his arms, and when he saw the wild man enter the valley, his eyes flickered, and he immediately lurked over.

“This time it’s time to see what these wild men are doing in the valley!” Di Mu secretly said in his heart, after lurking into the valley, he hid his tracks through the vigorous plants along the way, and followed behind several wild people.

But after a while, the wild people came to the middle of the scoop-shaped valley, and this was also where the waterhole that Di Mu had seen when he first explored from afar.

Di Mu hid behind the rocks not far behind several wild men, and from a distance, he saw the old wild man suddenly kneeling towards the waterhole, chanting words in his mouth, while the other three prime-aged wild men carefully put the corpses of various fierce beasts they were carrying to the waterhole.

After doing all this, the old wild man stood up, quickly picked a blood-red fruit like an apple from a few enchanting red plants growing by the waterhole, and then ran quickly towards the entrance of the valley with the three prime-aged wild men.

Di Mu quickly hid in the other direction of the rock to prevent being discovered by the wild people who rushed back, and then watched the other party leave.

“How is the situation just now a bit like a sacrifice, but what is the blood-red fruit that the old wild man picked in the end!” Di Mu’s mind seemed to have appeared one question mark after another, full of doubts about what happened to see it.

Just as Di Mu was thinking about it, a sudden loud sound of waves appeared from not far away, and he was startled in his heart, and hurriedly probed from behind the rock to look at the waterhole.

“This is…?!” The moment Di Mu saw the pool, his eyes almost popped out, and his heart beat violently like an engine with full horsepower.

I saw that in Di Mu’s line of sight, the waterhole had no wind and waves, and on the churning surface of the water, a hideous head the size of a house was slowly lifted after a while.

The head has double horns like an antelope, and its face is horse-like but more hideous and full of sharp teeth, and its skin has scales like large fish scales.

“How can there be a dragon here~!” Di Mu exclaimed in his heart, feeling that there were ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart, where did he think that he was just curious for a moment to see a dragon appear, and his face was full of incredulity.

Yes, that hideous head was the dragon head in Di Mu’s impression, and it was also a black dragon known as the Western Dragon on Earth.

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