Meeting the Blind Swordsman Again

The Don Quixote family disappeared into the world of pirates.

Dressrosa, from now on, has nothing to do with Doflamingo.

Dressrosa, which Doflamingo had worked so hard for eight years, was completely handed over to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was very satisfied with this.

However, when he learned another thing, Ye Fei was even more excited.

That is: the blind swordsman Yixiao has left Malinfando.

Although the top brass of the navy tried their best to stay, the blind swordsman insisted on leaving.

Regarding this, Sengoku Garp and others felt a little regretful.

The departure of such a strong person would be a heavy loss for the navy.

However, Ye Fei was very happy. The blind swordsman left Malinfando, indicating that his plan had begun to work.

A few days later, he received news that the blind swordsman had appeared in Dressrosa.

He used the ‘Yesi’ account and was gambling in the casino in Dressrosa.

At this time, the pirate Ye Fei just returned to Dressrosa.

Learned that the blind swordsman was gambling in his casino.

Ye Fei had a hunch that it was the perfect time to recruit blind swordsmen.

In order to show his sincerity, the pirate Ye Fei in Dressrosa came to the casino where the blind swordsman was alone without any of his men.

Today, the blind swordsman has particularly good luck.

In front of him, the winning chips were like a mountain.

“Well, my luck seems to be very good today.”

The blind swordsman smiled proudly.

Compared with the original Dressrosa, this place is much more disciplined now.

This may have something to do with Ye Fei’s management.

As a gambler, the blind swordsman is very satisfied with this casino.

The blind swordsman was playing, but he didn’t know that someone had been observing him for a long time.

“Uncle Yixiao, I didn’t expect to see you here again.”

After watching for a while, Ye Fei walked forward with a smile on his face.

The blind swordsman turned around and was slightly startled.

Soon, he remembered that this was Ye Fei whom he met last time in Dressrosa.

“It turns out to be Brother Ye Fei. It’s such an honor to meet you,”

the blind swordsman said with a smile.

Even when facing someone like Ye Fei, he didn’t feel nervous at all.

On the contrary, it was a bit unexpected.

He had only been in Dressrosa for half a day when he was found by this brat.

“It seems that Uncle Yixiao has won a lot,”

Ye Fei said with a smile.

Although he won his own money, Ye Fei was particularly happy.

Compared with money, he is more important now.

“Haha, I’m lucky today.”

“No one dares to challenge me.”

“Captain Ye, you’ve done a good job here.”

The blind swordsman laughed again.

As a gambler, he naturally likes places like this.

“Uncle Yixiao, I am not Doflamingo.”

“If you like, you can always play here,”

Ye Fei said with a smile.

I’m not afraid of him winning money, I’m just afraid of him leaving.

“Brother Ye Fei, if this is the case, maybe I can win the entire casino today.”

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The blind swordsman looked confident.

“If Uncle Yixiao is willing”

“I can give this casino to you now”

Ye Fei replied.

This is what is in my heart.

However, it was said as a joke.

“Wouldn’t that put you at a disadvantage?”

“Although I like gambling, I’m not cut out for this business,” the

blind swordsman joked.

He felt that the purpose of Ye Fei’s coming this time was not that simple.

It seems like a joke, but it has other meanings.

Although he likes to gamble, but let him take over the entire casino? He can’t do it.

The so-called no reward for no merit.

He doesn’t like others giving him things like this.

The reason why he accepted General Ye Xi’s account was just because he didn’t need it, it was a waste, and he happened to need it too.

Ye Fei could tell that the blind swordsman was rejecting him tactfully.

Of course, he is not one to give up easily.

Then he smiled.

“Uncle Yixiao, I wonder if I can treat you to some soba noodles.”

“A new soba restaurant has opened here.”

“I’ve been there a few times and it tastes pretty good.”

Hearing this, the blind swordsman could tell that there was something in Ye Fei’s words.

Today, I won a lot of money from Ye Xi using his account.

He still wants to be so polite.

Suddenly, the blind swordsman felt a little embarrassed.

“I won you a lot of money today, why don’t I treat you?”

Hearing this, Ye Fei smiled and nodded: “That’s okay.”

Immediately, Ye Fei asked the casino to exchange the chips won by the blind swordsman for a penny. Got him.

Afterwards, the two went out together.

Came to a soba noodle shop.

Ye Fei also bought this store in advance.

Ever since I learned that the blind swordsman might come here.

Therefore, Ye Fei bought the store in advance.

The purpose is to give it to the blind swordsman.

The purpose of exhausting everything is to win over him.

“Well, the taste here is really good.”

Not long after entering the store, the blind swordsman ate two bowls of soba noodles in a row.

That was what he had missed for a long time.

When Malinfando participated in the World Conscription, there was no such thing.

Seeing that the blind swordsman has almost eaten.

Ye Fei decided to get to the point.

“Uncle Yixiao, did it go well for you to go to Malinfando to participate in the world recruitment this time?”

Hearing this, the blind swordsman shook his head: “It’s not smooth, even a little disappointing

.” The mention of Malinfando made him very depressed.

Previously, in front of Ye Fei, he revealed his intention to participate in the world conscription.

However, in this competition, not even a vice admiral was obtained.

This hit him hard.

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