Join the Whitebeard Pirates?


“How is this possible? I have also watched the world recruitment competition.” ”

Your results are very good and you have reached the finals. Why are you disappointed?”

Ye Fei asked in surprise, deliberately facing the blind swordsman. I don’t know what happened to me.

However, the blind swordsman was embarrassed by Ye Fei’s question.

It’s good to reach the finals.

But he failed in the end.

Moreover, he was looked down upon by others…

But for Ye Fei, the blind swordsman had no intention of hiding it. Anyway, he had already left the navy, so that was no longer important.

Afterwards, the blind swordsman explained to Ye Fei one by one about his world conscription.

“You don’t even give him a vice-admiral?”

“That’s such a bully.”

“With my uncle’s strength, he can at least be called an admiral

.” “Is this what the navy does to suppress talents?”

Ye Fei said. Extremely angry, he began to complain about the blind swordsman.

Of course, that’s necessary.

The blind swordsman smiled calmly: “Maybe this is because I have no connection with the navy.”

After saying that, he sighed deeply.

If you don’t leave the Navy, you will become popular.

But after leaving the Navy, he seemed to have no purpose.

Life is unpredictable and things are unpredictable.

“I wonder where Uncle Yixiao is going to go next?”

Seeing that he was a little unhappy, Ye Fei felt that the time had come.

“Maybe I still prefer wandering,”

the blind swordsman said with a smile.

Since the navy left, he suddenly felt that he had lost his way.

And I don’t know exactly which stop I should go to.

That’s why I came to Dressrosa to relax at Ye Xi’s suggestion, and then make plans.

“Uncle Yixiao, I wonder if my little Dressrosa can let you stay?”

Ye Fei suddenly asked.

The implication is to let him join the Whitebeard Pirates.

This was exactly his purpose, but he didn’t make it clear.

The blind swordsman was slightly startled.

He understood very well what Ye Fei meant when he said this.

Since Ye Fei appeared in front of him today.

He had already had a premonition that Ye Fei would join him again.

Now it seems that this is indeed true.

However, he just left the navy and immediately joined the pirates?

Wouldn’t that go against your own wishes?

For a moment, the blind swordsman, who had always been mature and steady, suddenly didn’t know what to do.

“You mean to let me join the Whitebeard Pirates?”

The blind swordsman’s face was full of doubts.

“That’s right, it’s our Whitebeard Pirates. Here, we are like family.”

“There is no distinction between superiors and subordinates.”

Ye Fei nodded. Since he took the initiative to point it out, of course he had to confirm it.

Then he looked at the blind swordsman expectantly, looking forward to his answer.

As long as the blind swordsman can be successfully recruited, Dressrosa’s white group will gain a powerful combat force.

“I’m just a defeated general who was abandoned by the navy.”

“Captain He Laoye personally invited him???”

the blind swordsman was a little touched.

In Malinfando, he experienced despair and the helplessness of being suppressed.

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And now, the pirate with the highest bounty on his head would actually invite him personally.

Compared with the extremely embarrassing situation of the Navy.

The blind swordsman felt that he was respected by others.

Moreover, he is still a person like Ye Fei.

It’s just that the word ‘pirate’ made him a little uncomfortable.

“Uncle Yixiao, I never thought you lost.”

“You were just too polite to your opponent.” ”

I also saw that game.”

“If it had been anyone else, that young boy might have been beaten long ago. “Kill”

“I believe you have always been a very righteous person, and our Whitebeard Pirates need such an upright person,”

Ye Fei replied.

The match between the Blind Swordsman and Dekar Ganon.

Ye Fei saw it clearly, and he saw it on the spot.

In a competition where he must defeat his opponent at all costs, the blind swordsman’s ability to show mercy shows that he is very reliable.

“Brother Ye Fei, I didn’t expect that you also saw that game.”

“Maybe it’s because of that reason.”

The blind swordsman sighed.

Seeing him sighing, Ye Fei seemed to understand something.

The Blind Swordsman probably really wants to stay in the Navy.

However, faced with the suppression of Dekar Lily.

He may not just want to cause conflicts in the navy.

Moreover, from his words, he realized that the blind swordsman seemed to be repelled by ‘pirates’.

“Since the Navy doesn’t want to keep people like you”

“Why not join our Whitebeard Pirates?”

“Compared to the Navy, we have absolute freedom here”

“Join our Whitebeard Pirates, Uncle Yixiao, what do you want to do? Anything is fine.”

“The most important point is, although we are pirates, we have never done anything to disgrace the common people or deceive others,”

Ye Fei replied.

Since occupying Dressrosa, he has done nothing to harm the residents of the city.

Compared with other pirates, at this point, he has at least won a lot of hearts.

Moreover, Ye Fei’s actions are also in line with the character of Edward Newgate, the whitebeard.

Therefore, he was very relieved about Ye Fei.

“Haha, brother Ye Fei, you did a good job.”

“I heard a lot about your deeds along the way.” ”

The residents of Dressrosa are very grateful to you.”

“Including the king here, I respect you very much too.”

The blind swordsman suddenly smiled.

As far as he knew, King Riku hated pirates very much.

But Ye Fei was able to handle this matter very well.

This also shows Ye Fei’s strength and responsibility.

Besides, what Ye Fei said was all true.

He also saw with his own eyes and felt the love that the people of Dressrosa had for Ye Fei.

The purpose of coming to Dressrosa this time is precisely because it is peaceful here.

Otherwise, he would never come.

In addition, he vaguely wanted to find a ‘home’.

I have been wandering around the world for decades, but I cannot wander forever. I must have a place to stay.

Since the Navy looks down on us, then let’s choose the Whitebeard Pirates.

After struggling with his thoughts, the busy swordsman had made up his mind.

“So, I hope to invite you, Uncle Yixiao.”

“I can guarantee that the Whitebeard Pirates will never rob the common people.”

Seeing that the blind swordsman had relaxed, Ye Fei decided to strike while the iron was hot.

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