The generals and officers of the Naval Headquarters have gradually found their opponents and started fierce battles with the powerful officers and men of the BIG.MOM Pirates.

The war between the Marines and the pirates has reached a fever pitch, with both sides suffering casualties, and the scenes on the battlefield are extremely tragic.

However, until now, Charlotte. Linlin, the captain of the BIG.MOM Pirates, has not yet appeared, and the two Marine Admirals have not taken action.

On the warship, an image bug was staring intently at the battlefield ahead, and this picture was directly reproduced in the conference room of Naval Headquarters and the holy place Mariejois.

Because at this moment, Marshal Sakazuki and the other Marine generals who stayed at the headquarters, as well as the Five Elders in the Holy Land Pangu City, these high-level powers of the World Government are simultaneously paying attention to the dynamics of this war.

Not long after, another phone bug on the warship rang, it was Sakazuki himself calling.

Admiral Kizaru's eyes were half drooped, and the corners of his stubbled mouth were slightly pursed. He looked at the battle with a meaningless expression. He picked up the phone and said, "Moxi Moxi, this is Kizaru!"

The phone bug immediately turned into Sakazuki's stern face with a cigar chewed on, and said in a deep voice: "Porsalino, the current battle situation is not advantageous enough for our side, and the progress is too slow! You and the Green Bull still have to watch the show When did you see it?"

Kizaru said with a headache on his face: "Oh, what a embarrassment! Before the Four Emperors pirates take action, tell me not to act rashly. This seems to be the order you gave before! Why are you blaming me now!"

At this time, the green bull on another warship also took the initiative to answer the phone and said: "Mr. Sakazuki, I don't want to worry about others. Anyway, that old thing BIG.MOM must be left to me!"

Sakazuki said angrily: "That depends on the specific situation. I sent you two Admiral this time to not just stand there and look cool!"

"In order to minimize our losses, you must take action immediately! This victory will have a decisive impact on Marine and the world, and there must be no mistakes!"

After hanging up the phone, the two Admirals looked impatient at the moment. They were both obviously dissatisfied with the supervision they had just received from their superior marshal.

At this time, Green Bull also contacted Kizaru through the phone bug and said: "Big brother, the Marshal is angry! It seems that this time it is impossible not to take action!"

Kizaru also had no choice but to joke: "Oh, it's really unpleasant. The first level of official rank will crush people to death!"

"But having said that, I heard the news that BIG.MOM had died of serious injuries. At first, I thought it was nonsense, but according to the current situation, the possibility is getting higher and higher!" Green Bull tilted his head and clamped Phone bug, and then lit another cigarette.

He continued: "If the rumors are true, then we can't really stand here until the end of the war! We won't be beaten to death by him when we go back!"

Kizaru's sunglasses reflected the light, and he couldn't see his eyes clearly. He asked faintly, "So, are you planning to operate on those chicks first and force the Four Emperors out?"

Green Bull grinned at this time and said: "I said that I will not break my promise if I am not interested in other people! Please go ahead and help me lead the way, senior!"

Kizaru screamed strangely: "Oh, that's too much! You want to send me to help you lure the snake out of the hole, you are not small!"

"I'm sorry for bothering Big Brother this time. I'll treat you to a drink when you get back!" Lu Niu said generously immediately.

Kizaru's wrinkled face felt lonely for a while, sighed, and then quietly turned into a ball of photons and shot out.

"I really want to retire early! I'm tired of being bossed around!"

The blazing beam of light immediately traversed the entire vine bridge, and it was so dazzling that everyone around them could not open their eyes at all, and could not understand the situation, let alone stop it.

Almost in an instant, the beam of light reached the sky above the Cake Castle and condensed Kizaru's figure. At this moment, with an indifferent expression, he had already pinched two finger flowers, and the whole body was shining brightly. He planned to use the move that destroyed the outpost island before to deal with it. This pirate base.

However, at this moment, a dark trident came through the air and directly interrupted his move.

The one who intercepted Kizaru was General Katakuri. His movement speed was not as fast as Kizaru, who had the speed of light, but Observation Haki was even better, blocking this move in advance by foreseeing the future.

Kizaru's arms were dark and hardened at this moment, and he steadily blocked the opponent's attack. He did not forget to joke: "Oh, General Katakuri, you can predict my attack in advance, you are really amazing!"

Katakuri said coldly: "With Admiral on the other side, how dare I be careless for a moment!"

"I've been waiting until now, just because I don't want to give you a chance to take advantage of it!"

Kizaru said calmly at this time: "You are really wise and brave, but I have to remind you!"

"I am very strong!"

Katakuri's eyes flashed red and veins appeared on his face as he said, "I know this better than anyone else!"

The next moment, an instantaneous laser beam pierced Katakuri's head, but he deformed in advance to avoid it. Katakuri, with a gloomy face, struck hard with his trident again.

And the attack that entangled the powerful Haki failed to hurt the opponent at all, because Kizaru also used elementalization in advance, turning into a ball of photons and lasing into the square below, triggering a series of violent explosions, and the fire and noise shocked everyone. .

Katakuri also followed closely behind, jumping down from a high altitude, turning into a glutinous ball to remove the impact force, and then re-condensed his body.

At this time, Kizaru's body had already walked out of the explosion. There was no trace of injury or dirt on his body. He still looked calm and composed. He said: "It seems that it is not so easy for me to lure the snake out of the hole! I just agreed to it." Brother Aramu wants to help him lure out the Four Emperors, which is a bit embarrassing now!"

"Not going well is the normal state of life, Mr. Admiral!" Katakuri slowly walked over waving his trident.

Kizaru looked at him with an unkind expression and said faintly, "You are such an arrogant junior!"

The green bull who saw Kizaru being stopped in the distance had already come over in person.

I saw a huge flower growing out of thin air behind him. Countless petals rotated at high speed, completely supporting his tall body of more than 3 meters, and flew towards the cake castle.

At this time, he looked at the square below where Kizaru was fighting with Katakuri, shook his head and said, "Big brother, you can't get rid of this bad habit of being a grinder, what's the point of playing with those guys!"

“In the end, Laozi has to take action himself!”

After Katakuri on the ground noticed the green bull's sudden advance, he was unable to do anything because the Admiral Kizaru in front of him prevented him from being distracted at all.

Just when the green bull was about to enter the cake castle, a burst of shocking laughter came from inside the castle, and mixed with it was an extremely terrifying Conqueror's Haki, which directly turned into a physical sound wave and swept away.

"Ah hahahaha, well, well, well! You are such a ungrateful guy. Now that you are here, be prepared to die!"

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