Cake Island, Center Castle.

A burst of heavy roaring footsteps continued to be heard from inside the castle, and along with the spreading terrifying momentum, it immediately attracted the attention of many strong men.

Not long after, a huge, fat woman slowly walked out of the castle, with an evil and cruel smile on her face.

Four Emperors Charlotte. Linlin, who was 68 years old at the time, was nearly 9 meters tall and had a bounty of 4.388 billion Berry. She had long pink curly hair, thick lipstick and light purple eye shadow, and wore a pirate captain's hat. hat and a loose pink dress.

She was accompanied by two anthropomorphic Homitz, the sun Prometheus and the thundercloud Hera.

At this moment, her appearance brought the morale of the Charlotte family and many pirates under her command to its peak.

Only a few core members, including Katakuri, remained calm.

Charlotte. Linlin's big, bloodshot eyes stared at the unruly and calm-looking green bull in front of her, and asked faintly: "It's you, you bastard, who disturbed me from enjoying my birthday cake! It's unforgivable!"

The reason for her anger shocked many Marines.

The green bull was unmoved by the terrifying aura it exuded, grinning and saying: "In the face of a formidable enemy, you still have the leisure to eat. Sure enough, the Four Emperors are all problem children!"

Katakuri and Kizaru stopped at the same time and looked over together.

Charlotte. Linlin laughed and said: "Well, well, if I don't eat enough, I won't have enough strength to kill you all!"

"I've heard about you a long time ago. You are a monster with the same name as Fujitora. You are the only alien among the Admiral who obeys the Celestial Dragons' instructions and behaves mischievously!"

Green Bull said seriously at this moment: "The Celestial Dragons are the core of maintaining the stability of this world. Disobeying them will have an impact on the existing order. You scumbags will not understand! Eradicate all those who resist the gods. As long as the current world order can be maintained, I will not hesitate to kill millions of innocent lives!"

"Although it is cruel, this is an unequal world. Discrimination and difference can create stability and maintain peace. Fight to the death for this. This is my justice!"

Charlotte. Linlin laughed without scruples at this time and said, "Well, well, that's such shameless justice! I'm not ashamed to say that I am the lackey of Celestial Dragons in such a righteous way!"

"Let me tell you, little green cow! Real peace is based on equality. All people of a country should be treated as equals, regardless of high or low! It is because of discriminators like you overseas that the people are living in dire straits and complaining. , that’s why so many people join my Totto Land kingdom!”

Charlotte. Linlin said with pride: "My country is the real solution for this world!"

Green Bull bit his cigarette butt and suddenly sneered and said: "So, you are going to kill all non-citizens without mercy? It's really outrageous to call a den of thieves a country by the euphemistic name!"

The two sides poked at each other's pain points, making each other particularly annoyed.

"Fire from heaven!"

Charlotte. Linlin grabbed Prometheus's cheek and turned it into a huge fire ball with a ferocious appearance, and then sprayed out a pillar of flame towards the opponent.

"Well done!"

The green bull grinned excitedly, and his arms suddenly turned into two huge tree-like plants, growing at an extremely fast speed and rushing towards them.

The two attacks collided with each other, and the impact of the air wave suddenly spread out.

Prometheus smiled ferociously at this moment and said: "Damn you bastard, how dare you disrespect your mother! Watch me burn you to pieces!"

Under the baking of its high-heat flame, the pile of plants was instantly burned to ashes.

Charlotte. Linlin even let out a burst of proud laughter.

Green Bull's expression remained unchanged, unmoved.

At this moment, a dark, hardened and thick vine actually broke through the fireball and rushed straight towards Charlotte Linlin behind. The speed was so fast that she could not dodge at all.

And she was also startled. The next moment, she was already tightly wrapped around her body by countless thick black vines, and the terrifying strange power kept shrinking and squeezing like tentacles.

"Oh no, Mom!" Prometheus turned around in shock.

Hera on the side also transformed into a violent dark cloud form, spitting out several thick snake-shaped thunderbolts in the air and violently bombarding those vines, but except for a few wisps of white smoke, they could not be harmed at all.

Green Bull strode up at this time, looked at Charlotte. Linlin who was wrapped into a rice dumpling, and said coldly: "It's really ugly, BIG.MOM! No wonder you fell into the hands of those brats!"

Unexpectedly, Charlotte Linlin, who was already angry, was directly touched when she heard this. Her eyes turned red suddenly, veins appeared on her face, her huge body trembled faintly, and the countless dark vines wrapped around her body became even more violent. Showing signs of cracking.

Green Bull immediately took off his sunglasses, looked over with surprise, and said, "What a joke! The vines Laozi used Haki to wrap around are three points harder than alloy pig iron!"

"Can you break free with brute force?"

Kizaru, who was watching the battle from a distance, also joked: "Oh, what an incredible power! Four Emperors BIG.MOM is as strong as a monster!"

Katakuri also said calmly: "An angry mother cannot be restrained at all! Nothing can stop her before killing the person who angered her!"

On the other side, Green Bull was expressionless at the moment, using vines to continuously wrap around and strengthen the restraints on his opponent, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of breaking.

Finally, with a strange roar from Charlotte. Linlin, the vines on her body exploded like bombs, and a large amount of filament lightning poured out.

"Damn thing!"

The furious Charlotte. Linlin's fist was immediately colored with a jet-black weapon color, and at the same time, she pulled up a long thread of lightning to break through the air and hit the opponent.

Green Bull, who had sensed the danger, did not dare to be careless anymore, and immediately used his ability to create a thick plant shield in front of him, and at the same time strengthened it with Armament Haki.

Unexpectedly, this impregnable defense was shattered by the opponent's punch. The terrifying Haki and strange power directly hit the stunned green bull from the air. The body was immediately thrown out like a cannonball, and countless lightnings raged.

The green bull only had time to block with his arms, but he was still stunned by the impact of the weirdly strong Haki. His body flew out uncontrollably, smashing through countless buildings and directly smashing a street of houses. , buried in ruins.

The Four Emperors' angry attack immediately shocked countless people.

Kizaru and many other powerful men looked solemn and said nothing.

The members of the BIG.MOM Pirates made loud noises.

"See, this is our invincible mother! This is the strength of the Four Emperors pirates!"

"It's just Admiral, no problem at all!"

"You Marines just wait to die!"

Charlotte. Linlin, who was regarded as a monster by countless Marines, blew out two huge air masses from her nostrils and looked at the pile of ruins coldly.

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