One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

Chapter 122 Forbidden Forest

Ruins of Cake Island.

Green Bull covered his bleeding head and struggled to stand up from the rubble. He quickly regained consciousness and said with a gloomy face: "Haki from Four Emperors is really powerful! If you are careless, you will suffer a lot!"

Charlotte. Linlin stared at him and said, "You're not bad either. You took a full blow from me and you were able to get up alive and well!"

Green Bull sneered: "Who do you think Laozi is, who wants to kill the Admiral with one punch? I got into this position based on my real qualifications!"

Charlotte. Linlin laughed and said: "Well, well, you didn't know where you were when I dominated the New World! Stop bragging in front of me, you little green bull!"

"So, the pirates of the old era should bow out! The Four Emperors are a thing of the past, and only Marines can rule the sea!" Green Bull walked towards him without fear.

"Forbidden hatred!"

His body turned into a plant in an instant, and quickly affected the surrounding things. Two extremely thick tree trunks broke through the ground from inside the surface, and turned into huge armed arms extending out to attack the opponent.

Charlotte. Linlin laughed when she saw this and said: "Well, well, your ability is good for landscaping, but you are far from good at fighting!"

Four EmperorsBIG.MOM is the soul of Paramecia Soul Fruit. It can extract the lifespan of those who fear it at will, and can give lifespan to objects, making them anthropomorphic and obey their orders.

"Hey, Napoleon!"

"Here, Mom!" The captain's hat Napoleon had been wearing on Charlotte. Linlin's head immediately turned into an evil-looking giant sword.

"Take my move first, Elbaf's Spear! Powerful Country!"

Charlotte. Linlin let out a burst of eerie laughter. She held the giant sword tightly with both arms, and the Napoleon in her hand instantly struck a huge cylindrical slash out of thin air. The raging wind and air waves swept away the dense trees in an instant, and the tree man The green bull in the form of a green bull had its upper body blown off.

The terrifying violent wind attack did not stop there, but continued to advance unstoppably, spanning half of the island, even blasting a huge gap in the vine bridge outside the island, and a large number of Marine and sea creatures were swept away. The thief fell into the water below.

This strange swordsmanship, which is enough to blast away an island, has really frightened many strong men, and they are also shocked by the strength of this woman who has been traversing the sea for many years.

"Mr. Aramaki!" After the attack, many Marines who had survived the disaster were staring at the mutilated body of the green bull.

"Great, killed an Admiral!"

"Mom is invincible!" The pirates were all excited.

The powerful men above Vice Admiral in Naval Headquarters still watched this scene calmly.

Many of the leaders of the BIG.MOM Pirates were very calm. They all felt that the dignified Admiral should not be killed so easily.

Sure enough, the half of the tree that had been blasted away strangely grew again, regenerating the upper body of a green cow.

At this moment, the green bull has completely transformed into a towering tree dozens of meters high, with only his face reflected on the tree body.

"Just like the ocean, the forest is the origin of life. In other words, I am nature itself! This kind of attack is too whimsical to kill the endless life of nature!" Green Bull looked unruly.

Charlotte. Linlin sneered: "It's just a little trick of elementalization, but you are so impressive!"

"The new Admiral doesn't have much real ability, but he's really good at talking and talking!"

The Treeman Green Bull immediately looked ferocious and let out a deep roar. The next moment, countless trees and vines burst out of the ground, and thick knots surrounded the opponent from all directions.

Charlotte. Linlin laughed and waved the giant sword, calmly splitting the surrounding plants, while Prometheus and Hera continued to spit out flames and thunder to destroy the plants.

The momentum of the battle between the two was extremely frightening, especially as the Green Bull's ability continued to affect the surrounding buildings, causing astonishing levels of damage. The foundations and buildings continued to show signs of cracking, as if the entire island was about to be affected.


Cake castle interior.

Bree was currently carrying out the mission assigned to him by Katakuri seriously. While Marine was being restrained, she took several younger siblings in the family who did not have much fighting ability to prepare to leave through the mirror world.

There were five boys and three girls, all under the age of 15.

It took her a lot of effort just to find someone before. In such a chaotic situation, the flow of personnel in the Charlotte family was also extremely chaotic.

The 42nd son Angre asked: "Sister Bree, why don't you let us deal with Marine!"

Willow, the 43rd son, said: "Yes, we are also members of the Charlotte family, and we also want to fight for our family!"

Several Young Charlotte members couldn't help but question.

Bree, who was already feeling depressed and anxious, immediately scolded: "Shut up, stop saying such overestimating words! This is Katakuri's brother's order, how dare you not listen?"

The young people who were still angry and confused were suddenly stunned into silence and lost their temper.

Katakuri was the brother they admired and respected the most, and they didn't dare to disobey his words.

At this time, Charlotte's 37th daughter Vihas asked worriedly: "Sister, where are we going to escape to?"

"Yes, this is the home we have always lived in. I really don't know how to live if I leave here!" The 38th female Normand also echoed.

Anana, the 39th youngest daughter, even cried: "I don't want to leave, I want to stay at home, I want my toys and my big bed!"

Bree's tone to her sisters was obviously much gentler, and she comforted them: "Don't worry, we are just going out to hide for now. Once the brothers and sisters fight off Marine, they will come to pick us up!"

The 44th son Taka then questioned: "If my brothers and sisters can fight off Marine, why do we have to run away?"

"Sister, are you lying to us?"

Bree was stunned, not knowing how to answer, whether they could win this war or not. Thinking of Katakuri's anxious look before, she no longer had any confidence.

"Sister is lying! Sister is lying!" Delshe, the 45th son, and Draj, the 46th son, were also dragging their beloved balloons into the sky at this moment, shouting repeatedly.

Bree looked at the fear and doubt in their eyes, and immediately said seriously: "This is the guarantee that Katakuri brother made to me personally. Don't you believe him?"

As soon as these words came out, the boys and girls no longer had any doubts. They had unconditional trust in this brother at all times.

At this time, the castle began to shake violently due to the fighting outside, and there were even signs of collapse and collapse in many places.

"Go inside the mirror, move quickly!" Bree quickly urged everyone when she saw this.

The boys and girls also took their younger brothers and sisters into the mirror world to escape.

Suddenly, a huge fragment of the wall fell, and the air flow blew Dragger, who was holding the balloon, away.

"Draj!" The others also exclaimed.

At this moment, Bree suddenly looked up and saw the fragment of wall that was smashed towards him.

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