However, Lin Xingyun kept stopping.

After entering the front of him, his hands each fused countless sword qi into one.

The lapis gold sword grass is on the left, cutting off Lu Ming's head and killing his divine soul together

! Wanhua sword qi on the right, directly turning Chu Yu's eyebrows into a hollow

! When the two Immortal Martial Peak holy sons were dying, they were still full of disbelief!

The other party was not his opponent at all a year ago, and he had to win with the help of that strange jade sword.

Now they can confront each other head-on, and easily take their lives!

And Lin Xingyun slaughtered these two holy sons, as if he was just walking around and doing a trivial thing casually.

He continued to control the sword domain, slowly contracting while bursting out sword qi.

Continue to kill the cultivators in the field one by one!

The cultivators of all walks of life tried hard to break through the sword domain without success, and they saw the rapid reduction of the same path around them.

In desperation, he had to start wailing to Lin Xingyun for mercy.

"Gongzi spare my life! I am willing to hand over all the Qiankun rings and serve as a slave and a servant!" "

This Gongzi, I just came to make a scene, and I have absolutely no intention of making enemies with you

! "Gongzi spare my life! I have an eight-hundred-year-old mother and an eighteen-year-old girl, beg Gongzi



The only thing that responded to them was countless sword grasses and shrinking sword domains.

Just kidding, since you dare to come and kill, how can there be innocent

? In a moment, this sword domain prison was almost bloody!

"Damn it

!" "It's only been seven days, how can this surnamed Lin become so strong?!" "I'll

avoid it for the time being, let Long Ao and Feng Tian clean him up and that evil beast, and then wait for the opportunity to move!"

Qin Yiren gritted his teeth and resented, his face full of resentment.

But he was already injured and lacked combat power, and it was already a little difficult to deal with the Nine Leaves Sword Domain at this time.

Seeing this situation, he directly took out a large transfer talisman specially made by the Qin family again.

As soon as his figure shook, he moved out of the sword domain and disappeared.

And Lin Xingyun was killing smoothly.

Two terrifying claws, with a roaring hurricane, came towards him in unison.

He didn't raise it again this time, and directly took out the Great Luo Dao Sword and the Blood Killing Sword.

Hold the sword in both hands and swing the sword rung.

"Bang ————!"

was accompanied by the sound of deafening gold and iron clashing.

The two swords finally blocked those two claws

! "Lin Xingyun, right? I didn't expect that in addition to the Primordial Saint Body Lin Feng, there would be a monster like you

!" "This son must not stay! He must be beheaded today!" Long

Ao and Feng Tian both showed endless killing intent.


they are both Taigu royal families, the combat power of these two is obviously much higher than that of Shi Huang and Yuan Chen!

I saw Long Ao and Feng Tianqi turning into phantoms together, and the four claws were like peerless divine weapons, constantly attacking towards Lin Xingyun at great speed.


————!" and "Sonorous ————!"

were accompanied by a loud sound of gold and iron clashing, and Lin Xingyun wielded his two swords and collided with the two primeval royal creatures.

"Wanhua Sword Technique!" After

hundreds of rounds of fighting in the blink of an eye, Lin Xingyun slashed out with another sword.

Countless mysterious sword qi was like a man-devouring ferocious beast, striking towards Long Ao and Feng Tian.

"True Dragon Fighting Heavenly Art

!" "Divine Phoenix Finger!" In

the next instant, a giant dragon tail and a red giant finger slammed into the countless sword qi as if the heavenly power had descended.

When the two sides wear each other down and defuse.

Lin Xingyun saw that the cultivators in this sword domain were almost dead.

That Qin Yiren was even more aware of the current affairs, and directly left the people he brought to escape.

He immediately stopped hesitating, his mind moved, and the black light around him was turbulent.

The eight Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottles flew out in unison, instantly enveloping Long

Ao and Feng Tian! "Well, what kind of magical

power is this?" "Not good, this bottle is sucking our spiritual power!" Long

Ao and Feng Tian noticed the abnormality, and immediately shot with all their strength, and dragon fire and phoenix fire appeared in their eyebrows.


, as soon as their attack was launched, they were swallowed by the eight treasure bottles and turned into spiritual power to absorb them.


!" "We have to break these black bottles quickly, otherwise our spiritual power will be drained!" Long

Ao and Feng Tian glanced at each other, and then raised their heads to the sky in unison.

It actually manifested the Buddha-figure and became a four-clawed golden dragon and a nine-headed mutant fire phoenix!

Even the Nine Leaves Sword Domain was constantly trembling! The

next moment, the golden dragon opened its mouth and spit out dragon breath, and the nine heads of the fire phoenix moved in unison, spitting out the Dao Golden Red Divine Light.

However, under the combined force of the two sides, the eight treasure bottles were still as stable as Mount Tai, devouring their offensive with all their strength!

Then Lin Xingyun raised his hand, and the vision of the Great Avenue Immortal Bell suddenly appeared in the sky.

Repeated rhyme purple qi descended, suppressing those two huge creatures!

He himself also raised his two swords and killed into the dragon and phoenix.

I saw the light and shadow dancing wildly in the sword domain, and the sword qi, dragon claws, and phoenix feathers were constantly fighting, and even Yu Wei was earth-shattering.

The few remaining cultivators could not resist the aftermath of this mutual struggle, and they were killed one by one!

While struggling to resist the Sword Domain, while also being careful of the divine power of those three, it was simply miserable!

However, as the battle progressed, Long Ao and Feng Tian were entangled by Lin Xingyun.

Between the fights, they simply could not break the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle with all their strength!

And their spiritual power was being consumed extremely quickly by the eight Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottles, and the huge divine bodies began to appear one after another.

"If you drag it on, I'm afraid you and I will be consumed by him!"

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