"Use the Dragon Phoenix Fusion Method and kill him with one blow!" The

two looked at each other and instantly decided.

Then I saw countless mysterious rays bursting out from the bodies of the four-clawed golden dragon and the nine-headed phoenix, shining on the bodies of the two primeval creatures.

The next moment, the two waved their dragon claws and phoenix wings, and struck a blow in unison, shocking the weather waves, instantly shaking everything around them into pieces, spreading out in all directions

! I saw that the true dragon and the nine-headed phoenix phantom formed by spiritual power fused into one in mid-air, creating a world-beating beast that opened its monstrous mouth and blasted towards Lin Xingyun!

The ancient dragon phoenix in the legend of Emperor Phoenix Mountain has now been forcibly manifested by the combined force of the two Tianjiao, and its majestic power is endless.


this, Lin Xingyun immediately summoned the eight treasure bottles together, blocking them in front of him and devouring the huge phantom, while holding the sword in both hands, they all cast the Wanhua Sword Technique in unison, to block this extreme


move!But the power of that ancient dragon phoenix was extraordinary, and under the sudden collision between the two sides, the eight Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottles did not have time to swallow such a powerful offensive in an instant, and cracks began to appear one after another.

However, when Lin Xingyun continued to cut out his sword qi to resist, a trace of understanding arose in his heart.

On Liu Qiuyan, he had been running the Immortal Devouring Demon Skill non-stop for more than a year, and he had realized this third magical power more than half a year ago.

With his understanding, coupled with Liu Qiuyan's correction from time to time, his understanding of "Immortal Devouring Demon Skill" has long reached the point where he can accumulate thick and thin.

At this time, seeing that the eight treasure bottles were about to be breached, he was blessed with a good heart, and immediately took out the ninth treasure bottle and poured out the Flying Immortal Supreme Bone and the Dark Red Evil Bead in it.

The next moment, he controlled the entire nine Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottles and slowly merged into one.

When the nine treasure bottles were completely integrated, a huge black jar with a deep and dark body gradually revealed its shape!

The black can has a strange shape, resembling a woman's body, and the same pitch-black can lid, just open a small piece, the inside is like another terrifying world, like a cosmic black hole, as if it can swallow everything in the world!"

As soon as he drank, the magic jar instantly tilted, the lid of the jar was removed halfway, and towards the ancient dragon phoenix, it burst out a terrifying devouring force that was more than ten times stronger than before

! The dragon phoenix phantom that originally bombarded Lin Xingyun was immediately firmly swallowed and controlled

by the magic jar, and it was no longer possible to become a momentum! Then it was like a whale swallowing and encroaching, being swallowed by the magic jar, but after more than a dozen breaths, it was completely dispersed into a flood of spiritual power, all inhaled into the magic jar!


"Not good, let's go!" Long

Ao and Feng Tian were shocked when they saw that the fusion divine powers they had exerted with all their strength were devoured.

After this move, their aura was also much weaker, and at this time, they only felt that they could no longer compete with the other party, and immediately took out the life-saving secret treasure and fled directly.

However, before the two could move, Lin Xingyun had already attacked and killed closely.

The next moment, countless magic rings flew out from his eyebrows at an extremely fast speed, fixed on Long Ao and Phoenix Tianzen respectively

! "Soul Fixing Law Ring!" Lin

Xingyun once again consumed nearly ninety percent of the divine soul power, and after exerting this magical power, Long Ao and Feng Tian were all frozen for a moment!

"Wanhua Sword Technique!" This

time he completely urged the Great Luo Dao Sword and swung out a thousand gray sword qi.

Let Long Ao and Feng Tian completely dissolve into ashes from the neck, and separate the corpses of

the two at the same time! The Immortal Devouring Demon Jar followed, and burst out the devouring energy towards the dragon and phoenix with all his strength, and after completely swallowing these two ancient royal family Tianjiao, he aimed at Shi Huang who was struggling to survive in the corner.

"Say, why didn't Jun Chengdao, Wang Teng, and Ye Yu come?"

Lin Xingyun asked him with a sly smile.

These three are his mortal opponents, and there is no reason not to follow Qin Yiren to besiege him.

"Ye Yu... was chased and killed, fled for his life..."

"The young emperor of the Wang family seriously injured him, snatched the Qinglian Tinder, and broke into the Immortal Fire Palace, that heavy pupil... I don't know where I'm going......"

"I... I'm done, can you let me go..."

After Shi Huang said tremblingly, he showed luck on his face and knelt down to Lin Xingyun and begged for mercy.

I'm a person who doesn't like wasting things the most!" However

, Lin Xingyun smiled wickedly, and then turned the magic pot.


"You wait, we Taikoo royal family will not let you go!" Shi

Huang's huge stone body of nearly two thousand zhang was violently lifted up, and after a thick and low scream came out, it was quickly submerged in the boundless darkness inside the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar.

Lin Xingyun waved his robe sleeve and slowly closed the lid

of the jar, and at the same time released the Blood Killing Sword, and began to let it devour wantonly, all the corpses and qi and blood of all the cultivators in this sword domain.


practicing the sword and then moving the activity, I was really refreshed.

He chuckled and breathed a sigh of relief, and then with a wave of his hand, the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar shrank to about three feet, and floated in his palm after falling.

He sat cross-kneeled in the air, controlled the magic pot, and began to perform grinding refining.

In half an hour or so, there was no trace of vitality left in the jar, and it was obvious that it had all turned into nutrients in the magic jar.

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