It seemed to be a space of its own, raging with divine fire, still burning vigorously, enough to shock all the Tianjiao in the secret realm, and did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool!

But Lin Xingyun guessed that his two sworn opponents must be among them!

The corners of his mouth hooked a bit of a sinister smile, and he turned his hand to take out the green lotus fire, only to see that the flame swayed and let out a stream of spiritual light to protect his body.

Then he stepped out and entered the Immortal Fire Palace!


At this time, in the deepest part of the Immortal Fire Palace, there was an open and empty hall.

Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao were sitting cross-kneeled opposite each other.

In front of the two people, each had a green lotus flame blooming and swaying, so that the two of them were not affected by the divine fire in the palace.

And those two sparks are both shining brightly and dazzlingly, and seem to have transformed and evolved again.

Not far from the two people, a huge fairy fire in the shape of a lotus flower was floating in the air, slowly rotating non-stop.

Between the rotations of that immortal fire, wisps of supreme immortal aura rippled out, and the terrifying flame power continued to surge.

However, what was strange was that although this Immortal Fire Palace was full of raging flames that were enough to burn all kinds of Tianjiao.

But as long as you get closer to the fairy fire, you can feel that from the fairy fire, a burst of life breath is surging, like the mother of all things, pregnant and healing everything in the world.

A large and small fire spirit was born from the immortal fire, but they all avoided Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao, two terrifying people holding green lotus fire, and continued to flee outside the palace.

And at this moment, that immortal fire lotus flower is floating out of the Dao Immortal Fire Origin, and continues to merge into the green lotus fire in the hands of Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao, it seems that it is going to use the two fires as a carrier to be divided and subdued! However, a moment later, the two green lotus fires

finally transformed to the peak, and were completely filled to the limit by the immortal fire origin.

But there was still a third of that Immortal Fire Lotus Flower, and it could no longer be subdued in the slightest!

"Well, it really stopped..."

"Do you have to collect Qi Three Green Lotus Fire Seeds to completely subdue this Immortal Fire?"

Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao, seeing this, their faces sank at the same time, and they looked at each other with great defense.

The two met in the Immortal Fire Palace at that time, and they were also saber rattling, wanting to snatch the fire in each other's hands.

Helplessly, both sides had injuries at the time, and both sensed that the other was not easy to deal with.

For the sake of safety, I had to make peace for the time being, each of them subdued the immortal fire, and then waited for the opportunity.

But now, after nearly ten days of recuperation, coupled with the healing power of the Immortal Fire Origin, while their injuries were recovering to their peak, their cultivation had also gone further, reaching the half-step prince level.

They can be sure that as long as they are at this time, the transformed green lotus fire in their hands is integrated into their own innate divine fire.


that time, although their foundation has not reached the extreme of the Divine Fire Realm, they can already throw off the Tianjiao of the same generation!

But with the hearts of the two of them, how can they be satisfied with this? The two

looked at each other defensively for a moment, but they both gave up their plans to fight.

Because instead of killing each other and snatching each other's tinder to strengthen themselves, they now obviously have a second choice.

"I sensed that it was that Lin Xingyun who had also broken into the Immortal Fire Palace

!" "The third green lotus fire is actually in his hand!" Wang

Teng's face was extremely gloomy, and endless killing intent burst out in his eyes.

"Not only that, he is now a great cultivator, and now he is not what he used to be!" Jun

Chengdao's eyes also flickered, and he looked in the direction of the entrance of the Immortal Fire Palace.

I saw a white-clothed figure there, straddling the raging fires, crushing all the fire spirits that stood in the way, rushing towards them!

However, when they sensed that it was someone who had broken through to

the Cave Heaven Realm outside, they were even more shocked! That terrifying momentum was probably a hundred times stronger than when they broke through the Cave Heaven Realm

! And they could naturally guess that only Lin Xingyun, an unprecedented Yuanfu Realm cultivator, dared to break through the realm outside the Immortal Fire Palace!

"You and I have no grudges, but we both have a deep hatred with that kid.

"It's better to join forces and slaughter him first, and then the last green lotus fire in his hand, and then compete for each of them according to their skills!"

Wang Teng suggested coldly, and Jun Chengdao agreed without hesitation.

Even if he couldn't get the tinder, he could kill Lin Xingyun, a future scourge here, he felt that he couldn't lose money!

However, a moment later, when Lin Xingyun stepped into the sky, they couldn't even care about each other! Because Lin Xingyun

just appeared, without saying a word of nonsense, he directly punched out a primeval divine elephant phantom and rushed towards the two of them

! "Chaotic Heaven Saint Demon Map

!" "Yin and Yang Divine Light!" Seeing

this, Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao directly performed extreme moves, a heaven-shading map and a two-colored divine light, all manifested and formed, and attacked and killed the divine elephant!

The "Buzz——————!"

attack of the two sides collided abruptly, and the spiritual power was like a wave, instantly dispersing most of the flames in the hall.

However, the power of that divine elephant was obviously stronger, and after a few breaths, it blasted the picture basket and divine light to pieces!

"Block it

!" "Ten Fierce God Slaughtering Method!"

Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao shouted together, only to see the fierce beast door appear behind Wang Teng again, five of the portals opened, and five proud fierce beasts suddenly soared out, all pouring into his body.

His black hair turned pale again, and his momentum suddenly rose!

"Heavy Pupil Heavenly Technique!" Jun

Chengdao's eyes also flashed with a strange light, merging into his limbs and hundreds of remains, making his combat power skyrocket.

Immediately, he struck at the same time as Wang Teng, and while resisting the divine elephant, he quickly wiped it out.

However, in the next instant, Lin Xingyun was wrapped around his body with white fairy light, flew up, and directly put his palms out in unison, and Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao each volleyed a palm

! "Bang ————!

" Then the two figures were beaten together and vomited blood and flew out backwards, until they broke dozens of pillars in the hall, and then stopped their figures!

"This white light... Isn't that woman's magical power?!" "

Damn, why is this kid's luck so strong?!

Especially Wang Teng, he only felt that his heart was blocked!

When he fought with Qin Di Yao before, he was beaten to the head by the opponent's flying immortal light.

It was hard to destroy Qin Di Yao, and he thought that there was one less big enemy.

Unexpectedly, someone now had this terrifying magical power, and it was

Lin Xingyun, who he hated the most! However, before they could be horrified, Lin Xingyun had already attacked and killed in front of them!

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