I saw that the light of flying immortals around him was constantly entangled, a pair of jade palms, as if turned into peerless divine weapons, under the bombardment of succession, he beat Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao to defeat and retreat one after another, and his body was injured!

"Impossible, impossible!"

His cultivation is only perfect, this emperor is already a half-step prince, how can he not fight him?!" Wang

Teng showed a crazy look on his face, and once again summoned five fierce beast divine forms to pounce on Lin Xingyun.

He himself also threw out a punch, bringing up a fierce and fierce qi!

"Ten Fierce Emperor Fist!" The

fierce beast divine form and huge fist shadow fell from mid-air like a landslide.

Lin Xingyun still only relied on a pair of palms, surging the light of the flying immortals, smashing all the five fierce beast divine forms!

Then a palm came out horizontally, and the seven hundred and twenty caves and heavens in the body resonated in unison, and the light of the flying immortals gathered in the right palm, and collided head-on with Wang Teng


!Under the combination of fists and palms, Wang Teng flew out upside down again, the bones of his entire right arm were shattered and broken, and blood rushed out

! "Shhh" "———!Is

this kid still human?!" Wang

Teng clenched his teeth, his face became more and more pale, and the surprise in his heart was like the sky falling!

Jun Chengdao is also not good, Lin Xingyun raised his hand and cut out one after another of ten thousand sword qi, turning his pupil divine light into nothingness, and even he had to constantly flash and move, dodging the countless sword qi slashes

! Wang Teng and Jun Chengdao fought hard one after another, only to feel that this scene seemed familiar

! At this time, Lin Xingyun seemed to have become another Qin Di Yao in their eyes!

In the hands of the two, one-third of each of the Immortal Fire Origin could not help the battle situation much at this time.

Because from the moment they entered this temple, they felt very strange.

That legendary immortal fire seems to be naturally missing about half...

As a result, only the ability to conceive and heal living beings remained, and there was no legendary world-destroying power that burned the sky and boiled the sea............

At this time, although the two of them were able to mobilize the Immortal Fire Origin in their hands and quickly heal their injuries.

But helplessly, Lin Xingyun's heavy offensive made their old injuries not healed, and added new injuries, which did not help the battle situation at all!

"Jun Chengdao, if you don't want to die, use your trick to imprison the divine power, and delay for me for a while!" After

Wang Teng was slapped again and vomited blood, he immediately roared fiercely towards Jun Chengdao.

"Okay, I believe you this time

!" "Heavy Pupil Opening Technique!" Jun

Chengdao didn't have time to hesitate, and immediately released thousands of rays of light from his pupils, turning into a giant strange eye, and between the pupil rotations, it seemed to hide the mighty power of opening the sky.

Although Jun Chengdao could only mobilize one of them at this time, he also instantly built the heaven and earth prison of the day, completely imprisoning Lin Xingyun

! When Jun Chengdao's eyes were bleeding, Wang Teng directly put his palms together, his face was as white as dead wood, and he actually wanted to forcibly break through the sixth door from the ten doors behind him!


this time, after he barely broke open the sixth gate with a half-step Wang Hou cultivation, a fierce bird that was proud of the world roared out from

it! As soon as its wings spread, it covered this hall completely, and it was surrounded by scales and feathers, which was actually a rare Kunpeng!

But at this moment, only a violent and brittle sound was heard, and the heavy pupil prison built by Jun Chengdao was actually cut out one crack after another by countless

sword qi! "Bang ————!

" The next moment, the heavy pupil prison burst apart, Lin Xingyun held the Da Luo Dao sword, and the sword was blessed with the light of the flying immortals, and it actually cut the prison into heavenly fragments!


The heavy pupil opening heavenly divine power was forcibly broken, and Jun Chengdao suffered a backlash, and he couldn't contain a scream.

He covered his bloody eyes, and he didn't care about continuing to attack, and immediately turned around and fled!However

, Lin Xingyun had already rushed in front of him at great speed, and while casting the Soul Fixing Magic Ring, he summoned the Heavenly Demon Bottle.

However, they did not reveal the devouring power of the treasure bottle, but repeated the old technique, poured out the half of the ominous evil bead, and directly smashed it on Jun Chengdao!

To deal with this kind of immortal family concubine with many life-saving magic weapons, you must take advantage of it to kill him

! And although Jun Chengdao was only frozen for a moment, the half of the ominous evil bead had already stuck into his abdomen and began to rapidly erode his body

! "Uh-huh————!

" "Lin Xingyun! What have you done to me?!"

"Killing ———!"

Jun Chengdao quickly fell into madness, and his consciousness began to be controlled by bloodthirsty and murderous desires uncontrollably.

Even if his eyes are bleeding now, he is still looking at Lin Xingyun, and he is about to burst out with heavy pupil divine light attack with all his strength! But Lin Xingyun

has long been eyeing his double pupils, and it is even more impossible to let it go at this time!

Then he exerted his strength in unison, steadily and ruthlessly, and dug out that pair of heavy pupils to Shengsheng!


The Great Sage-level magic weapon flashed with spiritual light, wanting to save him.

But it was also the same that it was impossible to expel the Dacheng Holy Body ominous, but one by one was eroded by the ominous force, and even lost its effectiveness!

Lin Xingyun casually threw that pair of pupils into the Heavenly Demon Bottle.

Then he was ready to urge the treasure bottle and swallow and absorb

Jun Chengdao! But at this time, at the mouth of Jun Chengdao's heart, a gray dragon pattern jade pendant he was wearing suddenly burst out thousands of gray halos.

In the next moment, boundless chaotic qi surged out from that jade pei, and the ominous power that could not be dispelled by the Great Sage-level magic weapon was quickly shattered and dissolved!

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