"This is not what I found, but Jun Chengdao carried it with him.

"I believe that the Ye family master will not be unaware of the existence of the chaotic body of the Jun family.

"I can tell you that the Chaotic Body has cultivated to the Princely Realm. "

Patriarch Ye, are you going to continue to help this old ghost of the Jun family now, offending our Lin family?"

said Lin Xingyun with a playful smile, as if he was saying something ordinary.

But King Ye Ren's face changed suddenly, and he was secretly surprised.

"It's only been twenty years, and that man has cultivated to the prince?!"

He glanced at Jun Wangu solemnly, but did not ask anything more.

Twenty years ago, the Jun Family Chaotic Body was born, and the Emperor Realm ancestors in the immortal-level forces like the Immortal Family were aware and guessed.

Between the highest echelons of these forces, the Jun family has a chaotic body, which is almost a semi-open secret.

It's just that the Jun family has always sealed the chaotic body in the family and can't hide it from the world.

The forces of all parties did not dare to take the lead in attacking the Jun family and launch an immortal war, so they had to wait for the opportunity.

But the threat of the chaotic body was like a sharp sword, hanging above the heads of immortal forces on all sides, and no one dared to ignore it!

At this rate, I'm afraid that in a few hundred years, a quasi-emperor with a chaotic body will appear

in the Jun family! "You little pariah, you are really tired of living!" Jun

Wangu's face was as gloomy as a thundercloud in the sky, and the furious killing intent flourished, and he simply hated to peel Lin Xingyun to his bones!

Everything about his youngest son was an absolute secret of the Jun family.

But now Lin Xingyun was so casual that he made his son's cultivation into the realm public

! At this time, he almost wanted to wipe out the entire audience except

the Jun family! Jun Wangu did not hesitate anymore, and immediately stretched out his hand to shake it in the air, and a big hand of spiritual power that covered the sky and the sun rushed towards where the emperor talisman was! However, that emperor talisman

is extremely mysterious, even if he can crush the stars with his hand, Space, but still resisted by the emperor rune, there was no way to forcibly capture Lin Xingyun and the others!

Seeing this, his eyes were cold, and he flicked his sleeves again and took out a silver-faced long knife.

That blade was cold and cold, and it could cut open the ripples of Dao space with a slight swing, and it was actually a quasi-emperor-level divine weapon!

Then with a wave of the blade, a shocking sword radiance was cut, cutting out pieces of broken space along the way, and slashing straight down towards the emperor rune.


a burst of earth-shattering shrill clashes, the sword mangs and the emperor talismans collided like never before! Countless sword

qi was shattered and escaped, each of which was enough to kill the saint, frightening Jun Hanhai and the others to flee madly!

At this time, the spatial passage of the Immortal Fire Secret Realm had also been completely shattered, and this secret realm, which had existed for an unknown number of thousands of years, finally retreated and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

But above that mid-air, the Canjin Emperor Rune was still motionless, protecting Lin Xingyun and the others from the wind!

Seeing this, Jun Wangu's face became more and more livid, and he looked at King Ye Ren again.

"It seems that Patriarch Ye is not planning to make a move?" "

Patriarch Monarch, I see that this kid may not be the murderer of my son.

"However, if the monarch can catch him and find out what clues to tell him at that time, Ye Mou will naturally be grateful." King

Ye replied coldly, obviously intending to stand idly by.

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