Looking at Jun Wangu's reaction, he knew that what Lin Xingyun had just said was true.

Nine great immortal families, no one would want to see the chaotic body of the Jun family become an emperor, and then the family is the only one, and he is naturally no exception.

At this time, the revenge of killing the son has not yet been determined, and it is even more impossible for him to provoke the Lin family with Jun Wangu.

On the contrary, he now wants Jun Wangu to fight with the Lin family first!"


I saw that he ordered the sage of the Ye family, and he didn't know that Jun Wangu was old, and he raised his hand to shoot a vast fist shadow, accompanied by countless quasi-emperor rules, and actually directly attacked the prohibition of the sky!"

After the "boom —————!"

sounded in shock, the prohibition between heaven and earth was suddenly broken, and together with the vast thunderclouds above, they were all completely dispersed!

Seeing what he did, Jun Wangu knew that the other party had a ghost in his heart, and a bit of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

But he did not rashly strike at a quasi-emperor, but his figure flashed, and he continued to swing his sword towards the golden emperor talisman.

Countless Daoists surged around him, like a glorious heavenly power, and he shot at will, which was dozens of terrifying quasi-emperor divine powers.

The brilliance of thousands of purples and thousands of reds, with a murderous aura that rushed into the sky, continued to bombard the Great Emperor Rune Seal, actually intending to forcibly break the Emperor Talisman before the strong man of the Lin family came to the rescue!

A quasi-emperor made an all-out move, and the entire Lizhou began to shake, and the destruction of life was already close at hand!

However, the talisman seal drawn by the Great Emperor was already a creation of the Immortal Domain, and it still stood majestically in the face of such a shocking offensive.

Lin Xingyun was protected in it, and he didn't even hurt a single strand of hair

!"No, if you let the Lin family come, today's affairs will be difficult

!" "That's it, this little pariah has endless potential, and its roots are extremely deep, if you can kill him, it will be worth paying some price!" Jun

Wangu saw that this emperor talisman could not be broken at all for a while, and his face suddenly sank, and he seemed to have made some kind of decision

! "Young Lord! The seal of heaven and earth has been broken, and the opportunity must not be lost!" Lin

Mo was already pleasantly surprised, and immediately took out the transmission talisman and asked for help!

However, before he could move, suddenly the whole person was strangely stiff in place.

An indescribable monstrous coercion actually struck through the Canjin Emperor Rune, shocking all of them to the point that they couldn't move

! And in Jun Wangu's hand, there was already an extra dark gold magic will, which was spreading out and throwing towards the emperor talisman!

And there is no distinction between the two fights, and there is a tendency to annihilate together!

"Hmm? Great Emperor Dharma Decree?!"

Ye Renwang was secretly shocked when he saw it not far away, because that Dharma was also full of godless power, and it was actually a Dharma decree handwritten by a Great Emperor Realm powerhouse!

It's just that its material is not much stronger than that Sipa, although this magic weapon is infinitely powerful, it can usually only be used once, and then it will turn into flying ash because the carrier cannot withstand it.

"It's really worth the blood, let's see how you end up then!" When

King Ye Ren secretly sighed, he saw that the magic decree and the imperial talisman had gradually exhausted their strength, and they were slowly shattering and dissipating.

And Jun Wangu was already full of sneers, just waiting for that emperor talisman to disperse, he would directly kidnap Lin Xingyun back to the Jun family!

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