All in all, Chu Bai’s subordinates are more and more, S-class Mikoto Misaka, and five girls of B-class. Chu Bai had already begun to attract the attention of some people.

But now Chu Bai didn’t think about this, because he had just returned to this world not long ago, and there were guests coming to the door again.

“Alright! Another acquaintance! Chu Bai looked at the other party and immediately recognized the identity of the other party.

Long purple hair floated behind him, and a light purple cheongsam was worn on his body, outlining a thrilling arc. This one’s figure is much stronger than the others. Whether it is Mikoto Misaka, the flat girl, or due to the malice of the world, Mikasa Hlista and the others, who have no bright future at all, there is no way to compare with the woman in front of them.

Relatively speaking, Chu Bai prefers the kind of woman in front of him, who is over twenty years old, her body is open, and her development is particularly mature. It’s full of femininity no matter how you look at it.

This woman wears a pair of glasses, looks a little cute, Chu Bai feels that this kind of thing is more suitable for this girl in front of him, ah no, it’s no longer a girl, it’s a beauty! At the same time, Chu Bai also saw the weapon held by this beautiful woman, a huge scissors, and a small bear pattern on the sharp knife.

It is said that this scissors is unusually sharp, and anything can cut two pieces in one piece. As for the name of this scissors, choose to hand over everything and break it (pin hun).

“Huh? Where is this? How did I get here? The cute beauty was cute, and after coming to Chu Bai’s house, she still had a troubled look of hard thinking.

“Ahem, welcome to the Time and Space House, I am Chu Bai, the owner of the Time and Space House!” Chu Bai coughed dryly and reminded.

“Ah, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I remembered that this is the House of Everything in Time and Space! A place where any wish can be granted! The cute beauty suddenly realized, and then said sorry first.

“Hehe, then the beauty introduce yourself, and then say your wishes!” Chu Bai said hehe The eyes constantly look at the beauty in front of him, although it is a little cute and easy to forget, but whether it is the figure or the face, and even the temperament is very perfect. Chu Bai was a little dumbfounded. He can’t do it! It’s a shame to think that it’s already so big, and it’s still a virgin. (The most important thing is that a herd of animals in the book review section has long been waiting impatiently.) )

“Oh, I’m sorry! I haven’t even introduced myself yet! What a faux pas! I’m Hill! Please advise! Hill bowed to Chu Bai in a panic and apologized. However, because the action was too urgent, the glasses on his face suddenly fell off, and he immediately began to panic to find the glasses.

Looking at Hill’s appearance, Chu Bai felt more and more that this kind of woman was definitely more feminine than those previous Mikasa or Mikasa. Especially when Hill bent over, the ditch squeezed out made Chu Bai swallow his saliva, and sure enough, the phrase that there is a ditch must be fired is absolutely correct.

“Sorry, what a faux pas! I beg your pardon! Hill put his glasses back on and apologized again.

“It’s okay, it’s okay! By the way, what is your commission? Chu Bai couldn’t wait to sign a contract with Hill.

“Delegate? What commission? ”


Chu Bai was speechless, really speechless. Speechlessly looking at Hill who looked dumbfounded in front of him, this guy even forgot to entrust anything. Being able to enter the House of Time and Space is absolutely entrusted, otherwise it would be impossible to enter at all. But Hill was so cute that he forgot everything he wanted to entrust.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I, I really can’t do anything! Obviously, there was something I wanted to commission before. But I forgot about it myself. Sure enough, sure enough, I didn’t have any specialties and couldn’t do anything well. It’s just nothing…” Hill lowered his head, his face dark.

“Ahem, Hill, you don’t have to. In fact, the existence of people like you is very necessary! It has a great effect! Chu Bai coughed dryly and quickly comforted.

“Huh? Are you sure? Hill raised his head and looked at Chu Bai with a longing expression.

“Of course it’s true, like in a comic. There are those who specialize in fighting, and there are those who specialize in intrigue. There are unlucky eggs who are constantly unlucky, and there are lucky dragon Aotian. Various pairs of characters have their own characteristics, which is indispensable. As long as one is missing, a comic will be greatly overshadowed. Chu Bai held up an example.

“Huh? Is that so? What about me? Hill also looked surprised.

“You, it’s enough to be specifically responsible for selling moe!”


“Selling moe? I, I’m specifically responsible for selling moe? Hill was stunned: “I, I, I’m really useless!” Useless person. My companions are all working hard to overthrow the empire, constantly fighting, constantly hurting, can I only sell cute? Hill lowered his head and fell into a dead gray again.

“Well, actually, selling moe is a very important thing. It is an indispensable character! There is a lack of such an employee around me now, an employee like you, who can sell cute and warm chuang! Would you like to try it? “Well, warming Chuang is the point, and this point has already exposed Chu Bai’s evil intentions.

“Ah! I’m sorry. That, I, I’m glad you’ll need me, but no! As a member of the Night Raid, I cannot stay with you. Sorry, sorry. I’m so sorry! Hill shook his head repeatedly, but his face was much better. Because she was needed. She was needed by Chu Bai. This also shows that she is not useless.

“Hehe, it’s okay, it’s okay! Now let’s talk about commissioning! What is your commission? Did it mean to let me join the night raid? Become one of you? Or let me help you overthrow empires and build new ones? Chu Bai waved his hand with a smile, and then said to Hill.

Anyway, as long as Hill entrusts, Chu Bai is sure to get Hill in hand.

“Oh, I remembered! Because lately bosses have been complaining about the lack of manpower for night raids! So hope for a new blood injection into the night attack! So, I would like to ask you to join the night raid and help us overthrow the empire! At this time, Hill finally remembered her commission under Chu Bai’s prompt.

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