“No problem! Well, come, sign the contract! Chu Bai took out a contract and a pen very cheerfully.

“Oh!” Hill signed the contract dumbly, not even reading what the contract was. It should be said that it really deserves to be a confused cute!

The content of the contract is naturally that Chu Bai completes Hill’s commission, and then Hill sells himself to become Chu Bai’s employee. And this employee must absolutely obey the boss’s arrangement, and the boss will do whatever he wants. Even if you are shy of something, you have to get it done.

In fact, like Hill, the commission fee does not have to be paid by people, like the imperial tools in Hill’s hand, it can also be used as a commission payment for payment. After all, this is an imperial tool, perhaps for Chu Bai, the imperial tool is nothing. But for others, the imperial tool is a great treasure.

When the contract was signed, Chu Bai rubbed his hands, wanting to collect a reward like Mikasa before, but looking at Hill’s cute look, Chu Bai didn’t know how to start.

“Sure enough, I’m not enough scum!” Chu Bai finally couldn’t help but look up to the sky and sigh.

Next, Chu Bai and Hill began to travel to the world of chopping sisters. Although it came to the world of beheading the girl, the plot of the beheading girl was sealed. But Chu Bai knew what his mission was, and accepted Hill’s commission to become a member of the night raid.

Coming to this world, as soon as he opened his eyes, Chu Bai found himself sitting in a hot spring. In addition to Chu Bai coming out of the hot spring, there were two other people, one was Hill, and the other was a girl with pink hair. These two women are very beautiful, and Hill needless to say, both in figure and appearance are very good. The other pink-haired girl has a familiar sense of déjà vu. Because of Ping Xiong, Ping Xiong. Another flat girl!

Chu Bai suddenly appeared in the hot spring, and Hill and the pink-haired girl Ma Yin, who were originally thrown in the hot spring with a comfortable face, were stunned at once, and then looked at the man who suddenly appeared in the hot spring in amazement.

“Aaaaah! Color, color, color! Give me death! Ma Yin exclaimed and screamed, picking up her Imperial Romantic Fort Pumpkin Cannon and aiming at Chu Bai.

“Ouch, it’s too dangerous!” Chu Bai turned around and dodged the attack of the romantic battery. The attack of the romantic battery passed by Chu Bai, and then shot towards the warm doorway.

And at the door, a lewd guy is secretly trying to come in, but he doesn’t want to just come to the door, and he is greeted by the attack of the romantic battery: “Aaaa Don’t! ”


“Say, what the hell are you guy! Why did it suddenly appear, appeared in … Say, how did you get here, are you a traitor of the empire! Say it! Ma Yin looked at Chu Bai condescendingly, holding the romantic fortress tightly in her hand, ready to give Chu Bai a blow at any time.

“Well, didn’t I say that! I was invited to join the night raid. Chu Bai shrugged and spread his hands.

“Invited? Who invited you? A big, blond woman who looked very bold and looked at Chu Bai with interest, and at the same time her eyes stretched out and there was also a guard, after all, Chu Bai was a stranger, but suddenly appeared in the base of their night attack. You must know that this base is very hidden, and ordinary people can’t find it at all.

“Hill, it’s Hill! She invited me to join the night raid, saying that there were too few people in the night raid or something. Invite me to join the night raid and overthrow the empire or something! Chu Bai pointed to the stupid Hill on the side, even if Chu Bai saw his body when he was soaking in the hot spring, he didn’t show anything.

“Huh? Have I invited you? But I don’t think I’ve ever seen you! Hill looked dumbfounded and looked at Chu Bai in confusion.

“Well, if it’s Hill, it’s possible!” Leonay nodded.

“Huh? Why? But I really don’t have any impression of him! Hill scratched his head in confusion.

“Because you don’t remember a lot of things. So, can you tell me about imperial tools? Leoney shook her head and looked at Hill.

“Well, I don’t know! No one told me, right? Hill looked at Leoney innocently.


“No matter what, being able to enter our night attack base without knowing it is also a very good skill! Let me ask you, are you serious about joining us in our night raids? An airplane head muscular man Brand stared at Chu Bai with both eyes.

“Of course, I’ve already signed a contract! If I don’t join the night raid and help you overthrow the empire, I won’t be able to go back!” Chu Bai nodded.

“Then everyone is interested in this…”

“Chu Bai!”

“How are everyone’s senses to Chu Bai! Do you want him to join us in our night raid? Brand looked at the night raiders with a serious face. Because the boss of the night attack is not in the base now, they need to vote for the time being!

“Don’t, don’t! This color must not be a good thing! Should it be killed!!! Ma Yin was the first to jump out and loudly object.

“I think we can leave him here for the time being, whether or not we accept him into our night raid!” Can’t let him leave like this! In case our base is exposed, it will not be good! Leonai shook her head, and then patted Chu Bai: “But my intuition tells me that what he just said seems to be true!” ”

“If you want to join us, you can also join us in the night raid! As long as you tell me how you sneaked into the hot springs without being discovered by Hill, I’m in favor of you staying! The green-haired boy Lubbock said with a lewd look. However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was stared at by several women with eyes sharper than knives, which made him can’t help but hit him.

“Although I don’t remember knowing Mr. Chu Bai! But Mr. Chu Bai’s words should be able to join the night attack. Hill looked at Chu Bai, still not remembering any impression. However, because of the contract, she has a good impression of Chu Bai.

“Hill’s intuition is generally accurate! Since Hill agrees, there is no problem! Brand nodded.

The last red pupil who did not speak spoke: “Since everyone agrees, then, let Chu Bai stay first, and wait for the boss to come back and make a decision!” ”

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