“Aaaaah! What kind of look are you? What do you mean? Bastard…” Ma Yin was stimulated by Seliu, and the whole person was like a cat with its tail trampled, and she yelled angrily at Seliu.

“Ah, sorry. I didn’t think of anything. Don’t get me wrong! Seiliu quickly waved her hand, but her expression was enough to explain everything. But then Seiliu looked at Chu Bai with stern and scumbag eyes: “Hmph, it’s really scum who becomes too much, if you adjust Xi is a normal woman, it’s just a matter of attacking this kind of little girl, too, too changed.” It’s unforgivable! You have to know what children are, but the future flowers of the empire, you don’t even let go of children who haven’t grown up yet, it’s too changed! ”

“Huh?” Chu Bai and Ma Yin were both stunned at the same time.

“Hey, hey, who did it to the children!”

“You bastard says who’s a kid! I’ve been an adult for a long time, I’ve been an adult for a long time! ”

Seiliu ignored Chu Bai and Ma Yin’s words, his face was still serious: “In view of the seriousness of your crime, you will spend at least ten years in prison in the next year…”


Chu Bai and Ma Yin were speechless, and both of them felt that this Seiliu in front of them was really, too hateful. Especially Ma Yin, originally felt quite good about this girl who was full of justice and justice, but a little girl and a little girl called Ma Yin full of chagrin, and even wanted to find needles and thread to sew up Sei Liu’s mouth.

“Let’s go! Everything that follows will be presented in court, and you will wait for the court to punish you! Seiliu grabbed the handcuffs, pulled Chu Bai and walked forward.

“Sorry, I said it was a misunderstanding, so the prison or something, I can’t go with you! That, goodbye! Chu Bai’s hands gently squeezed, click, and the handcuffs were easily torn off: “Ma Yin! Let’s go! ”

Seiliu didn’t expect that Chu Bai actually wanted to run, and he easily handcuffed the whole section, slightly stunned, and watched Chu Bai turn around to run.

“Stop! Don’t run! Seiliu shouted, stepped fiercely under his feet, and the person had already jumped up in the air, and his right leg turned into a steel whip, and he violently pumped towards Chu Bai’s neck.

Chu Bai’s right hand was raised and blocked on his neck, just blocking the whip leg of the plugged flow. Seiliu’s leg has some strength, compared to ordinary people, it is really a more powerful character, and it can be seen that Seiliu did not go through the back door to become a guard.

Seiliu saw that his attack was blocked, and it was so easy, his face showed a little surprise, but the attack did not stop, the person in the air, with the help of the power transmitted from the right leg, twisted his waist in the air, turned around, and the power was transferred to the left leg, kicking towards Chu Bai’s back vest like a sharp sword.

If it is an ordinary person, even people like Ma Yin and even Hill, when facing this kind of attack, they have to deal with it carefully, but this is nothing to Chu Bai, the body sways gently, as if the willows in the wind are fluttering, no matter how sharp the attack of the stream, Chu Bai can always easily dodge, and the posture is beautiful, no matter how it looks at it makes people feel leisurely and comfortable.

“Hey, hey, I’ve said enough! I still have something to do, I don’t have time to play with you.” Chu Bai casually dodged or blocked Seiliu’s attack, and said with a hint of rambling in his tone.

“Hmph! As a partner of justice, we must not compromise in the face of evil! Small ratio! Come on! Se Liuyuan shouted full of energy, how to give people a feeling of middle two.

“Second middle school? It’s really embarrassing~! Chu Bai smiled, but Chu Bai did not expect that the Xiaobi in Sei’s mouth was not a simple dog.

Xiaobi, the puppy dog who originally looked cute and stupid, suddenly transformed at the moment when Seliu’s voice landed, and suddenly became many times larger than a person, and his cute appearance was about to become extremely hideous, and he roared viciously, and opened his mouth to bite towards Chu Bai.

That little boy was several meters taller at this time, and he was fierce and terrifying to drive. The mouth full of hideous and sharp teeth looks like a monster.

“Well, what the hell is this disgusting guy?” Chu Bai looked at Xiao Bi, who suddenly transformed, and his face changed. It’s not because of how strong this little ratio is, it’s just that it suddenly transformed, and it also became this way that made people feel a little disgusted.

The figure flashed, and Chu Bai let Xiaobi attack.

“Hmph! Xiaobi is very powerful! If you don’t want to die in Xiaobi’s mouth, just give me a hand-shackled! Seiliu stood behind Xiaobi and looked at Chu Bai with high spirits. Because she understood how powerful Xiaobi really was. Xiaobi is a bio-type emperor tool, its own strength is infinite, and it can also ignore physical damage, as long as the core is not hit, it will not die.

“Hey, hey, I said. What the hell is wrong with me? You have to be treated like this! Chu Bai smiled innocently bitterly.

“Do you still need to say, indecent underage girls, no, indecent young children is a very serious crime!” Seiliu pointed at Chu Bai with a righteous look and roared.

“You guy who is an underage girl, who is a toddler! Abominable fellow, do you want to die? “Ma Yin is going to be blown up at this moment, and she almost wants to go and fight with Seliu.

“Ma Yin, it’s not the time to think about this!” Chu Bai scratched his head helplessly. This is broad daylight! If he doesn’t explain it clearly, he is going to be wanted. Although he himself is already a member of the night raid. It is natural to be wanted, but Chu Bai only does not want to be wanted for such a crime as indecent young children.

“Bastard, what is it to think about this, this is very, very, very important!” Ma Yin shouted.


“Xiaobi! Come on! Catch that lewd toddler! You must not let him run! Seliu shouted, commanding her Emperor Hundred Armed Giant Xiaobi.

The streets that were once very busy are now empty. In addition to Chu Bai, the three of them and one dog. At the same time, the other guards of the imperial capital also received the news and began to rush towards this side.

PS: hate colds, hate runny noses, how much toilet paper has been wasted …

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