
“In other words, you actually know each other?”

“Eun!” Chu Bai and Ma Yin both nodded at the same time.

“So you guys just had fun, and then you landed?”


“That is to say, in fact, he, oh, Chu Bai is not molesting you?”


“In other words, I’m actually nosy?”



“Sorry! I’m really sorry! I misunderstood you! I’m sorry! Especially since I even shot at you! I’m so sorry! Seiliu bowed apologetically, and the whole person was at a ninety degree angle, apologizing sincerely.

“Well, forget it, there is no loss anyway. And you’re well-intentioned! Chu Bai waved his hand generously, not paying any attention to what Seiliu did before, and Chu Bai also felt that although Seiliu was a little impulsive, he was still a good person. (Seryu’s master Oka is not dead yet, so his personality is not bad, and he is not twisted to the extent that he is particularly changed.) It should be said that Seiliu at this time should be a good person. Well, even if there are good people from time to time in the original book. At this time in this book, he is also a good person. After all, this is a fan, not the original. A little change is also expected. )

“Hmph!” Ma Yin held her head high, and her face was still a little angry, because she was still anxious to say that she was a minor or even that she was a child. These words were like a sharp sword, piercing his heart.

At this time, Seiliu’s colleagues ran over, although these people did not like Seiliu very much, after all, as members of the garrison, all of them were not good things. And Seiliu still prides himself on justice, and even occasionally spoils some of their good deeds before. But in any case, Seliu is also a member of the garrison. So if something happens, you still need to rush over.

However, the colleagues who rushed over were sent away by Seiliu. After all, those before were just misunderstandings, and they had been explained clearly, and they couldn’t let the garrison arrest Chu Bai and them again.

“I’m so sorry. I delayed you for so long, and I almost arrested you. As an apology, I invite you to eat! Seiliu scratched his head with an embarrassed look and said with a smile.

“No thanks, hum!” Ma Yin raised her head and snorted coldly, she was still very concerned about the title of young child.

“Sorry. You should also know that in general, children care most about what others say they are small or naïve. So Ma Yin’s temper is a little not very good. Chu Bai explained.

“Chu Bai, what are you bastards talking about? Who do you say is small! Bastard bastard bastard, really a scum! Seliu, quick, arrest this changer and imprison me for a hundred years!” Ma Yin shouted as she jumped to her feet.

“Hee-hee, your relationship is so good! Well, I’m going to continue my duty too! Bye! Little Bi, let’s go! Seiliu looked at the way Chu Bai and Ma Yin fought each other, smiled, and then pulled Xiaobi to turn around and run away, and she ran without caring about her Xiaobi, poor Xiaobi was dragged like this, rolling sloppily on the ground.

Back at the night attack base, Ma Yin was like Chipu and Najeta, and they said something about the girl Seryu. It is said that this girl has the potential to be recruited for night raids.

“Sei-flow? Imperial capital guard? Ma Yin, you didn’t talk nonsense. The other party is an abominable guard! After hearing Mayne’s words, Lubbock immediately slapped the table and shouted. In a sense, the guards of the imperial capital are two forces that are opposite to their night attacks, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are mortal enemies. Now that Ma Yin said that he would recruit an imperial capital guard to enter the night attack, it is no wonder that Lubbock’s reaction was so great.

“Shut up! You guy! Ma Yin looked at Lubbock with disdain, for Lubbock, a guy who always wanted to peep at the girl’s bath, Ma Yin didn’t have a good attitude.

“Okay, Ma Yin, tell me why you want to pull an imperial capital guard into the night attack, did you meet outside before? What happened? Najeta shook her head and asked Ma Yin.

“Well, this…” Ma Yin’s face changed, not knowing what to say. She didn’t want to tell her previous humiliation, otherwise God knows how these people in the night raid would mock her.

Looking at Ma Yin’s hesitant look, Leonai and the others, who were not too interested, suddenly became interested, because Ma Yin’s appearance represented that something definitely hesitated happened.

Ma Yin refused to say, isn’t there still Chu Bai who went out with Ma Yin? Thinking so, Leonai turned her head to look at Chu Bai. Leonai even moved directly, suddenly pounced in front of Chu Bai, put his arms around Chu Bai’s neck, and did not hesitate to put the pair of flesh in front of him against Chu Bai’s shoulders.

“Chu Bai, say, what happened? You can’t say anything that you missed! Leonay giggled.

“Shut up Leonai, Chu Bai, you, you can’t say, if you dare to say it, I, I, I will definitely kill you, I swear!” Ma Yin blushed and said anxiously. She didn’t want to be laughed at by everyone who attacked the base at night, saying that she was a minor or even a young child.

“Red pupil, pull Ma Yin. Hill, gag Ma Yin’s mouth! Leoney shouted directly at Chitomi and Hill.

“Hey, you can’t do this…” Ma Yin was covered by red pupils, while Hill directly covered Ma Yin’s mouth with his hand, preventing Ma Yin from speaking.

“Okay Chu Bai, now, come and tell big sister, what happened when you went out?” Leonai grinned, the person hung on Chu Bai’s neck, and all the strength of the whole person was pressed on Chu Bai’s body.

Chu Bai didn’t expect that he would encounter this kind of welfare and treatment, and he couldn’t help but be slightly stunned, and then blushed. Although Chu Bai was very, urgent, and impatient to break the body of Virgin. But anyway, he is still a virgin, and it is still a little difficult to bear this kind of benefit.

PS: Sure enough, the cold or something is the most annoying

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