Not long after Genos defeated the small G4 robot, Fang Xuan and Saitama came over.

After seeing that Genos was fine, Fang Xuan and Saitama prepared to return to City Z.

But Genos said that he had other things to do and would not go back with them. Then he carried the scrapped small G4 robot on his shoulders and left first........

Night in Z City,

Fang Xuan's House

"Fang Xuan, what did Genos do with that strange robot head? And his injuries shouldn’t be serious, right?"

Saitama, who came to Fang Xuan's house for a meal with ease, was now leisurely lying on the soft sofa in the living room, looking at Fang Xuan who was busy in the kitchen and asked.

Fang Xuan skillfully stir-fried the dishes in the pot and answered in an uncertain tone:"I don't know what he did, but his injuries shouldn't be very serious, probably."

Fang Xuan was really unsure about Genos' injuries. After all, Genos was just a devil cyborg, and he couldn't determine the severity of his injuries by his breath, but seeing that Genos was a little tattered but could still walk normally, he felt that it shouldn't be serious.

"Master, so this is how this dish is to be cooked."

Standing in the kitchen, the robot Pupu, dressed in a maid outfit, was watching Fang Xuan cooking carefully and learning Fang Xuan's cooking skills.

This request was made by Longjuan, because sometimes Fang Xuan cooked a little late due to practice, so she asked Pupu to stand aside and learn when Fang Xuan was cooking. In this way, when Fang Xuan was not there that day, she could still let Pupu cook for her.

What, you asked me why Longjuan didn't learn to cook by herself? There was no other way. Longjuan was a level nine disabled person. Apart from her powerful superpowers, her other life skills were almost zero. It was harder than climbing to the sky for her to learn to cook.

So, she could only let Pupu learn.

Fang Xuan glanced at Pupu and said,"Pupu, you have to remember that when cooking, it is very important to control the heat. Different dishes require different heat, so you need to slowly explore it."

"Secondly, I put sugar here to enhance the flavor. Also, be careful not to put the cut meat directly into the high-temperature oil pan, because no matter what kind of meat it is, it will have a fishy smell, and the source of the fishy smell is blood. After the meat is cut, do not fry it directly. Put it in clean water, mix it evenly, and then soak it for 20 minutes to soak out the blood in the meat, and then you can remove the fishy smell."

"Uh, Pupu, what are you writing?"

""Huh? This? I'm recording the cooking method and precautions that my master just taught me."

While answering Fang Xuan, Pupu handed the notebook in his hand to Fang Xuan.

Looking at Pupu's familiar way of recording, Fang Xuan probably guessed who he learned it from, but he still couldn't help asking:"Who did you learn this from?"

Pupu replied naively:"Genos, when I was doing housework before, I always saw him writing down the master's words in a notebook, and then I learned to do it, and found it was really convenient."

After hearing Pupu's words, Fang Xuan was very speechless:"No, you are an intelligent robot, don't you have a storage function? Why use such a primitive method?"

"Besides, it's fine if you just record it, but why do you have to record the gossips I said with modal particles, and also my expression, what's the point of that?"

Looking at what Pupu had recorded, Fang Xuan felt a little helpless for a moment.

"Um, Pu Pu, when you take notes, just pick out the key points, the interjections and expressions are not necessary."

" Why? I think that's how Genos remembers it."......

"Ring Ring Ring......"

The phone at Fang Xuan's house rang at this moment. Saitama, who was lying on the sofa watching TV, heard it and shouted to the kitchen:"Fang Xuan! There's a phone call!"

However, Fang Xuan, who was cooking in the kitchen while giving instructions and taking notes, had no time to answer it. He said,"I don't have time right now, Saitama, please answer it for me."

Saitama stood up and answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Fang Xuan?"

As soon as Saitama picked up the phone, he heard a sweet female voice greeting him from the other end of the phone.

"I'm not Fang Xuan. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Saitama's answer stunned the person on the other end of the phone. The person who called was none other than the national idol-level artist, Ozawa Nami, who had appeared on the show with Fang Xuan before.

Because when recording the show last time, Ozawa Nami didn't get Fang Xuan's mobile phone number, but who can blame this sister for having an unusual background? I don't know how she found Fang Xuan's home phone number, so she called him.

When Ozawa Nami heard that it was not Fang Xuan, a well appeared on her forehead.

"So, may I ask your name?"

"Me? My name is Saitama"


Before calling, Ozawa Nami did a lot of homework on Fang Xuan. She was naturally very clear about the network of relationships around Fang Xuan, and she had naturally investigated Saitama's information.

Saitama, A-level game, ranked 40th, the hero name is Bald Cape Man. According to the top leaders of the Hero Association, he is a hero with very high potential, and he is also one of Fang Xuan's few neighbors and good friends. He is also one of Fang Xuan's disciples and has a high value to be won over.

According to the investigation, this person is very poor and likes to read comics, daydream and eat in his daily life.

In an instant, countless information about Saitama flashed through Ozawa Nami's brain, and she quickly organized a battle plan in her mind. She planned to reveal her identity, and then the other party would definitely agree to what she would do next.

Why is this? After all, she is a super perfect national idol-level artist.

" So that's the A-class hero Saitama! I've heard of your name for a long time, but I never thought I could talk to you! What an honor!"

The reason why Nami Ozawa said this is because she felt that the other party would be very excited to be remembered by her, thinking that they were his fans, and then asked who she was. It’s just a pity that Nami Ozawa overestimated Saitama’s brain cells.

Saitama simply replied:"Yes, what do you want?"

Hearing Saitama’s bland answer, Nami Ozawa didn’t react for a while. After all, according to her assumption, Saitama should be curious and ask who she is at this time.

There is no way. In this case, she can only take the initiative. Although it may miss many important steps, as long as the ending achieves her expected goal, it will be fine.

"You must be Saitama, I am the artist Nami Ozawa"

"Well, I am Saitama. You have said this twice."


Nami Ozawa was a little dumbfounded and thought:"What's going on? Is there anyone in this world who doesn't know me? Fang Xuan is fine, but why is there another one now?"

Thinking of this, Nami Ozawa wondered,"Don't you know me?"

Saitama was somewhat familiar with the name Nami Ozawa. It seemed that he had heard it recently, but he just couldn't remember it. At this time, he looked at Fang Xuan, and then remembered the variety show he watched in the morning. It seemed that the woman who recorded the variety show with Fang Xuan was also called Nami Ozawa.

"Ah! I remember now."

After hearing Saitama's words, Ozawa Nami nodded with a smug look on her face, thinking:"That's right, how could an A-rank last hero not recognize me?"

"You are the girl who participated in the variety show with Fang Xuan. Just as Fang Xuan said, your name is weird."


Nami Ozawa was speechless again. She felt that this man could not be dealt with according to ordinary people's understanding.

So she immediately started the second step of the plan.

"Well, I have a friend who got your help before, so she asked me to tell her if I can contact you. She wants to thank you in person.

Although this matter was just made up by Ozawa Nami, it is not the most important thing. The key is that as long as she said so, then this matter must exist. As for what means she used, it is unknown.

"That's right. You're welcome. After all, I'm a professional hero, and these are what I should do....."

Without waiting for Saitama to finish, Ozawa Nami continued,"In order to repay your life-saving grace, please be sure to come when the time comes."

If other people heard Ozawa Nami's voice and tone, they would probably agree without thinking. After all, a national goddess invites you to dinner, and her attitude is so humble, how can you refuse?

But is our Saitama a normal person? Such a trick doesn't work on him at all

"I've said it all, don't worry about it, I really......"

Seeing that Saitama was about to refuse, Ozawa Nami immediately seized Saitama's weakness and said,"My friend runs a high-end restaurant, so I want to treat you to a super luxurious meal, and you are also welcome to bring your friends along."

After hearing about the free luxurious meal, Saitama's dull eyes lit up.

"Okay then."

Saitama agreed directly

"It's just a meal, there shouldn't be any problem."

After writing down the address and time for the meal, Saitama lay back on the sofa and watched TV.

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