In an unknown laboratory,

Genos threw the small robot on his shoulder to the ground, and opposite him was an old man.

"This is...."

"Genos, where did you get this thing from?"

The old man with a pot-cut haircut in front of Genos is actually Dr. Kusno, who has modified Genos many times and helped him repair every time he was injured. Dr.

Kusno looked at the robot Genos brought back. Having studied robots for many years, he could tell at a glance that this seemingly inconspicuous robot had technology that was no less advanced than his.

Genos replied,"Dr. Kusno, this is a robot that calls itself G4."

"This guy not only has amazing artificial intelligence, but also has unimaginable firepower configuration. Even though it is scrapped now, I want you to install the usable parts of this guy on me."

"This way I might become even stronger."

Genos looked at the scars on his body, clenched his fist and said

"Is that so? OK, I get it. Then the upgrade work will be done while I repair you."

After listening to Genos' words, although Dr. Kusno wanted to continue to persuade Genos not to lose himself on the road of power, he still didn't say it. After all, he had advised Genos countless times over the years, but it didn't work, so he agreed to it.

Then, Dr. Kusno began to upgrade Genos countless times.

Lying on the huge research equipment, Genos looked at the several large and small robot arms around him, and several mini robot arms were replacing basic parts for Genos.

"The energy core is intact, the energy supply system is normal, and the output ratio is normal......."

Dr. Kusno sat on a chair, monitoring various data about Genos's current body through the mapping on the large screen.

"The body components are damaged, with a damage rate of 41%. The limbs and torso parts need to be reassembled and repaired."

"The power system has been damaged by 62% due to continuous overload, and needs to be repaired and the power output system needs to be optimized."

Dr. Kusno stared at the colorful data on the screen, and the robotic arms surrounding Genos were also rapidly replacing parts on Genos.

At this time, Dr. Kusno looked at Genos lying on the research bed and asked,"Genos, although the original purpose of your transformation was for justice, you shouldn't be too reckless. You see, fortunately the core system didn't suffer any damage this time, otherwise you would be in danger."

Dr. Kusno spoke to Genos earnestly, like a parent.

Genos said seriously,"I can't help it, Dr. Kusno. The enemy is too powerful. It won't work if we don't mess around."

"I knew you would say that. I won't say anything more, but Genos, don't push yourself too hard."

Dr. Kusno, the pot-cut guy, said to Genos with an expression that he knew you would say that.

After hearing what Dr. Kusno said,"Dr. Kusno, I know what you said, but when I really realized how weak I am, I realized that if I can't go all out and risk my life to become stronger, then I have no right to say that I am a devil cyborg who upholds justice."

"Moreover, only in this way can I complete the trial task given to me by Teacher Fang Xuan"

"I often hear you mention those two teachers. If I have a chance next time, I really want to meet them and see who they are that you can follow them so wholeheartedly."

"Doctor, my two teachers are both very powerful people. In this world, I guess no one can be their opponent, and there will be no one more powerful than them."

Genos, lying on the research bed, said to Fang Xuan and Saitama with admiration.

"To describe them like this, they must be two very outstanding people."

"Yes, the two teachers are the strongest and most outstanding heroes."

Uh, Genos, are you sure that Saitama, who has lost a lot of nerves and does not know the importance of the occasion, and Fang Xuan, who likes to stay at home and play games or tease little girls all day, are the two most outstanding heroes in your mind?

As time went by, Genos's repair work gradually came to an end.

"Okay, Genos, your repair work is all done. If you have time, please wait here for a while. I will start analyzing the robot you brought back to see if there is anything added to your body."

"Please, Doctor, I have to become stronger no matter what."

Looking at Genos, Dr. Kusno smiled confidently:"Don't worry, in terms of scientific research, I have lived for decades and have never been afraid of anyone."

After that, Dr. Kusno took little G4 into another laboratory.......

Fang Xuan's House

At this time, Fang Xuan had already prepared all the food and put it on the table.

However, there were only Fang Xuan and Saitama at the table. Genos was not there because he was upgrading, Fubuki was not there because she had to deal with the Fubuki Group, and Tornado was not there because of a mission.

Saitama told them that Ozawa Nami had called and wanted to invite them to dinner.

"That's it, so you want to go with me the day after tomorrow?"

After listening to this, Fang Xuan felt happy for Saitama. After all, Saitama's heroic journey was not smooth before. Even if he saved people, no one would thank him because he was not famous.

But now this kid actually has fans. Although Saitama usually likes to come to his house for meals, he is not very good at playing games, and he often causes him some trouble.....Um...I don't know why Fang Xuan suddenly felt like beating up Saitama when he thought of this.

Anyway, as one of Fang Xuan's few friends and sparring partners, Fang Xuan was sincerely happy for Saitama.

So he agreed to go with Saitama the day after tomorrow.

After dinner, Saitama went back, Fang Xuan lay on the sofa, and the robot Pupu was washing dishes in the kitchen.

"It seems that we can bring a few more people, so let's call Tornado, Fubuki, and Genos as well."

As he said that, Fang Xuan directly dialed Tornado's phone number.

"Hello, is this Little Lolita?"

After answering the call, Fang Xuan also directly stated his meaning

"Do you have time the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, what's the matter with you?"

"Of course, this is a good thing"

"What good thing?"

"Please have dinner"

"please...Treat me to a meal! Is this too fast?"

"What do you mean by too fast? What are you talking about?

Fang Xuan listened to Tornado on the other end of the phone and didn't understand for a moment.

"So, will you come the day after tomorrow?"


""Okay, I got it. See you the day after tomorrow."

After hearing that Tornado was coming, Fang Xuan hung up the phone and called Fubuki.

After hearing Fang Xuan's invitation, Tornado's face turned red. After all, this was the first time a boy asked her out for dinner.

"Oh, why did I agree so quickly?"

"This is an invitation to a date, isn't it? Could it be that Fang Xuan wanted to take the opportunity to confess his love to me, and I just agreed to it like this? Doesn't this make me look worthless?"

Uh...Tornado, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but you may be thinking too much.......

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