Two days later, in City B, at the entrance of a super high-end restaurant called Aoshen, several people stood here.

"Wow, this hotel is really impressive."

Looking at the entrance of the six-star luxury restaurant called Aoshen, Saitama said with amazement on his face.

"I think it must be more spectacular inside, Genos, let's go in."

Saitama then swaggered into the restaurant.

"Got it, Mr. Saitama."

The newly upgraded Genos came back last night. After replacing the G4 machine parts, Genos not only improved a lot of performance, but also obtained a new mode, G4 mode, under the research of Dr. Kusno. Genos' strength in this mode can be greatly improved.

After hearing Saitama's words, Genos hurried to follow. As for Fang Xuan, he was looking at Tornado curiously at the moment.

I saw that the girl was wearing a white slit dress today, a pair of exquisite little leather shoes on her feet, a lace hairpin on her head, and she also deliberately painted a light makeup, which looked very beautiful.

I have to say that this little Lolita is still very beautiful when dressed up, just like a porcelain doll.

It's a pity that if this little Lolita grows taller, it will be better, then she will look like a royal sister.

At this time, Tornado lowered her head, folded her arms across her chest, puffed her cheeks and stomped her feet impatiently.

Fang Xuan looked at Tornado and said,"We're going in, little Lolita."

"By the way, your outfit today is very strange. This is the first time I see you wearing a white slit dress since I met you."

Not only Fang Xuan, but even Chuixue was a little surprised by her elder sister today, because in her impression since she was a child, her sister has never worn makeup, and has never worn a slit dress other than black.

Tornado did not pay attention to Fang Xuan, but still looked unhappy, lowered her head and stomped her feet, looking like a little potato. Fang

Xuan was also confused when he saw Tornado's performance. After all, when they set out this morning, the girl was obviously very happy. How could she become like this all of a sudden?

Finally, Tornado raised her head slightly, and the look on her blushing face when she looked at Fang Xuan became a little smart. This look made Fang Xuan, whose combat power was almost reaching 100,000, a little scared.

"Fang Xuan, you bastard, when you called me yesterday, why didn’t you make it clear that so many people were coming to eat?"

"If I had known so many people would come to eat today, I wouldn't have changed into this kind of clothes......"

Tornado thought Fang Xuan called her for a date, so she dressed up today. She took off the black high-cut dress she had been wearing and put on this white dress. But when she got downstairs, she found that Genos, Fubuki, and Saitama had followed her.

It was not what she thought. It was too embarrassing, especially in front of her sister. How could she face people in the future?

Seeing that Tornado's expression was a little strange, Fang Xuan was ready to run away with the seventh sense that men have.

""Well, Saitama and Genos are walking pretty fast. I'll go after them first. Tornado, you and Blizzard, come in quickly."

After saying that, Fang Xuan walked quickly into the restaurant.

"Humph! This guy is really fast."

After turning his head away and snorting coldly, Tornado and Fubuki also walked in.......

Inside the restaurant, the lighting was soft, the environment was elegant, and accompanied by soft piano music, the atmosphere of the entire restaurant seemed both quiet and upscale.

Saitama walked in front, looking curiously at the environment in the restaurant.


Saitama bumped into a fat, middle-aged man who looked like a businessman, and there was a pretty woman next to him.

"Hey, don't you have eyes when you walk?"

""Oh, sorry."

Saitama saw that he had bumped into the other person, so he apologized, but because it was just a small matter, Saitama didn't care, but continued to walk inside.

After the middle-aged man stood up, he saw that Saitama was wearing a very cheap plaid short-sleeved shirt. It was obvious that he was not a rich man, just right for him to show off in front of his new girlfriend.

"Stop right there, boy, do you know who I am?"

"have no idea"

""You blind boy, I'm telling you, I'm the general manager of EIO. Do you think you can apologize just by saying one sentence if you bump into me?"

This fat-headed middle-aged man is very confident, because his EIO company is one of the branches of the four major consortiums, the Didifa Consortium.

And his uncle is a small director of the Didifa Consortium, so he, a fat-headed middle-aged man, can sit in the position of general manager of EIO.

And since this guy has taken this position, poor boys like this one are the objects of his frequent teasing.

"Boy, if you kneel down and apologize now, I might forgive you, otherwise don’t even think about leaving this restaurant today."

Saitama looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and asked in confusion,"What are you talking about?""

"What? How dare you play tricks on me? You wait for me."

The fat middle-aged man called the manager and security personnel of the restaurant. In his opinion, a poor boy like this could not afford such a high-end place. He must have sneaked in.

"Manager, I seriously suspect that this guy is a suspicious person. For the safety of noble people like us, please get rid of this suspicious person."

At this time, Genos came in.

""Teacher Saitama, you're walking really fast."

Before the fat middle-aged man could recognize Genos, his female companion recognized him first.

"He is the Devil Cyborg, Genos! I didn't expect to see him here today."

The fat-headed middle-aged man looked at his new girlfriend looking at Genos with admiring eyes, and was immediately filled with jealousy. He hated this kind of pretty boy the most.

As for why he hated it, it was because he would be compared to him.

"Humph, even if you are an S-class hero, there are no weirdos here, and poor bastards like you are not welcome."

"Teacher Saitama, who is this guy?"

"I have no idea"

"Hello, didn’t I just say that I am the general manager of EIO?"

"Who is it?"


"who are you?"


The middle-aged man was furious when he saw that Saitama didn't even remember his name.

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