After the fat middle-aged man was left alone, Fang Xuan and his companions were introduced by Ozawa Nami to a super luxurious private room.

The decoration of this private room was as luxurious as that outside, and there were special waiters to serve.

After bringing Fang Xuan and his companions into the private room, Ozawa Nami winked at the two waiters at the door, and then the waiters closed the door of the private room.

After several people sat down, Ozawa Nami also said:"The main course is already prepared, and it will be served in a moment, but before that, I still want my friend to thank Mr. Saitama for saving his life."

As the saying goes, you have to do the whole show, otherwise how can you continue to promote the subsequent plan, and this kind of trivial matter is even simpler for her.

At this time, the door of the private room was pushed open, and a woman with a very delicate appearance walked in. The real identity of this woman was Ozawa Nami's personal bodyguard and Lily, who was not inferior to the strength of an A-level hero.

But at this time she was just a weak woman, not a bodyguard, because this was the role assigned to her by her boss.

Lily walked quickly to Saitama and said happily:"You must be the hero Saitama who saved me before. Thank you so much."

Lily, who could be an actress, said the words prepared by Nami Ozawa.

Saitama was puzzled and said:"Although I don't have much impression of you, you're welcome. After all, I'm a professional hero, and these are what I should do."

Soon, after Lily, who pretended to be a victim, thanked Saitama, the high-end dishes were brought up one by one by the waiter.

"Mr. Fang Xuan, last time I wanted to add your phone number, you refused, can I add it now?"Ozawa Nami said, and looked at Tornado.

After all, she thought Fang Xuan didn't add her last time because of Tornado.

"Probably, possibly, it's not necessary."

Fang Xuan was very clear about the implication of Ozawa Nami's words.

And Longjuan, who was sitting next to Fang Xuan, was looking at the woman in front of him who was winking at Fang Xuan with a sullen look.

To be honest, when Longjuan saw Ozawa Nami, she felt a sense of frustration for the first time, because the other party was not only beautiful and tall, but also had a much bigger proud chest than hers.

Longjuan looked down and said in his heart:"No...It's just a little bigger, ha, what's there to be proud of."

Then Tornado could only turn her grief and anger into appetite, and ate all the high-end dishes that had just been placed on the table as if they were the hateful woman in front of her.

Ozawa Nami noticed Tornado's expression and couldn't help laughing in her heart:"Even if you are the only female hero in S-level, so what? No matter how powerful you are, you are just a woman after all. For men, a woman's appearance and figure are often more important than her strength. Although you have great strength, you are far inferior to me in this regard."

She thought so, but did not show it. Instead, she continued to maintain an elegant and decent smile, watching Tornado finish the food on the table one by one.

"It's so delicious, it's worthy of being called high-end cuisine, even better than the food made by Fang Xuan."

Saitama ate voraciously while commenting on the food.

Fang Xuan's eating manners were no better than Saitama's. As he was of Saiyan blood, his appetite was terribly strong at this moment, and he wolfed down almost every bite.

Compared with these two people, the eating manners of others were much more elegant.

Just when everything was very calm, the door of the box was opened again, and a group of people in chef uniforms walked in.

Looking at these chefs, Ozawa Nami frowned and asked,"Didn't I say it today? Let the waiters serve the dishes, and you just cook in the kitchen. Why are you all here?" Saitama waved his hand and said,

"It doesn't matter, as long as the dishes are served, it's fine. Speaking of the dishes, why did you come in empty-handed?"

"Hahaha, Ms. Nami Ozawa, finally our chef robbers have waited for this good opportunity"

"We are the S-level bounty criminals, the Chef Chef Robbery Group, and I am their leader, a seven-star senior chef. Now I want to inform you, Miss Ozawa Nami, that you are kidnapped by us!"

At this time, Lily, who was Ozawa Nami's personal bodyguard, no longer pretended, and immediately came to Ozawa Nami, ready to fight at any time, and told her the other party's origins.

"The S-level bounty criminals, the Chef Robbers, are composed of robbers who work as chefs in major cities. They specialize in kidnapping wealthy people in restaurants in high-end hotels. Even when facing several A-level heroes, they can easily defeat this dangerous robber gang."

After saying that, Lily thought to herself:"Damn, these guys, I can't handle them alone."

While Lily was nervously thinking about how to fight, the others were doing their own things as if it was none of their business.

Seeing Lily so nervous, Nami Ozawa patted her on the back and looked at Fang Xuan.

Lily was surprised to see that her eldest daughter was so calm when facing such a dangerous robbery group kidnapping, but after seeing Fang Xuan and others, she understood instantly.

There were three S-class heroes on the scene. What should she, a bodyguard with A-class strength, worry about? The people she should be worried about should be this group of robbers.

So she thought about it, then sat back in her seat, and turned back into a weak woman.

The chef robbers who came to kidnap saw that everyone had no reaction, but instead concentrated on eating the high-end dishes on the table, and they couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, we are here to kidnap people, are you guys just ignoring us like this?"

The leader, the seven-star senior chef, couldn't believe it at the moment and shouted at them. You know, they are a vicious robber gang. They usually kidnap rich people and scare them to death.

But today they suffered a Waterloo.

""Well, this dish is really delicious. Could you please make a few servings for me?"

Saitama took an empty plate and handed it to a younger brother in the robber group.

After taking the plate, the younger brother replied inexplicably:"Okay, please wait a moment, I will go make you another one."

After that, the younger brother was about to go out to cook.

The whole scene was seen by the leader.


The leader clenched his fist and hit the younger brother on the head and cursed:"What are you doing? We are here to kidnap, not to cook. Besides, can you cook these dishes? Ah, these are all my exclusive recipes."

Saitama said after hearing this:"So these dishes are all made by you"

"Not bad, what's wrong?"

"It’s nothing, I just want to say that it tastes good."

Saitama gave the leader a thumbs up.

The seven-star chef of the S-level bounty criminal also touched his nose and said embarrassedly:"Really? Just enjoy your meal, sir.""


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