"Really? Just enjoy your meal, sir."

After saying this, the Seven Star Chef, who was an S-level bounty criminal, was stunned. The younger brother who had just been beaten was also stunned.

"Huh? No, I'm here to rob. Damn it, I'm used to cooking......."

The leader then realized that his main job was a robber, not a cook.

Thinking of this, as the leader of the S-level bounty chef robber group, the seven-star chef looked at Ozawa Nami fiercely and said,"Ms. Nami, you have been kidnapped by our chef robber group now."

"If you don't want to be hurt, just meet our requirements."

"Don't even think about it!"

Nami Ozawa also refuted stubbornly. After all, she had three S-class heroes on her side, so why should she be afraid of him?

"Since Miss Nami won't cooperate, don't blame me for being polite. Watch me, tie you up with a soup spoon!"

As he said that, the seven-star leader took out a soup spoon from his back and rushed directly towards Ozawa Nami.

At this time, Lily, as a personal bodyguard, came to Nami again, but with only A-level strength, how could he be a match for an S-level bounty criminal? He was knocked away by the opponent after just a face-to- face encounter. When he was about to fall on the dining table, Fang Xuan hurriedly pulled the dining table back and kicked Saitama's chair out.

In this way, under Fang Xuan's mysterious operation, Lily just fell into Saitama's arms

"Fortunately, Fang Xuan was fast, otherwise he would have hit the seat and it would have been troublesome."

"After all, these dishes are very delicious."


After hearing what Saitama said, Lily, who was in Saitama's arms, immediately complained in her heart:"Hey, what do you mean, am I not as good as a table of food?"

Lily, who was quite confident in her appearance and figure, was very unconvinced at the moment.

"Hey, we are eating, can you please stop bothering us?"

Fang Xuan, who had just eaten a chicken leg, waved his hand, and then saw that the S-level bounty criminal, the seven-star chef, was directly blown away by the palm wind, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

"How can it be!"

"It only took one strike to knock the boss down!"

The other brothers of the Cook Robbery Group were stunned. They didn't expect that the boss of the S-level bounty criminal would be knocked down by others in one blow.

At this time, someone finally recognized the few people who were eating.

"That woman seems to be the A-class hero Hell Blizzard"

"Look, which one of them is the S-class hero devil cyborg?"

"That seems to be the ultimate weapon Tornado, ranked second in S-class!"

"Damn! This guy is not Fang Xuan, the strongest warrior ranked 0th in S-class!"

Looking at Fang Xuan and his companions, the Chef Robbers were already scared. No wonder their boss was knocked down just now. It turned out that this guy was the one who did it.

Saitama said: Strange, why don't these guys say anything about me?

Because of this sudden episode, all the plans prepared by Ozawa Nami before, which had not yet been implemented, were ruined.

After finishing their meal, Fang Xuan and his companions took a car back to City Z.......

The next day, the Hero Association released a message that all the S-level bounty criminals, the Chef Robbers, had been captured.

This news made the rich people very happy, after all, they had been robbed by the Chef Robbers many times.

Afterwards, the Hero Association received a large amount of funds.......

City A, the headquarters of the Hero Association.

Ever since Boros led his men to razed the entire city of A, even in the subsequent aftermath work, the Hero Association has not been able to restore it to its original appearance. Instead, the top management decided to incorporate the entire city of A into the headquarters of the Hero Association.

Now, with the reinforcement of Metal Knight and the inspection of Fang Xuan, the headquarters of the Hero Association has become the most secure fortress in the true sense.

At this time, the important cadres of the Hero Association are holding a major meeting in a conference room. This meeting concerns the future fate of the earth.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if the great prophecy left by Lady Sibabawa before her death refers to the disaster of aliens destroying City A, then there may be some problems with the prophecy."

"But have you ever thought about what if this prophecy does not refer to this event?"

"What would have happened if Lady Xibabawa had not predicted the appearance of Mr. Fangxuan?"

The doubts of the president of the Hero Association echoed in the ears of all the members of the Hero Association.

"It is indeed possible, and we cannot be careless. After all, Mrs. Xibabawa's prediction is valid for half a year, so in order to deal with this possibility, we must be cautious."

The head of the Earth Prophecy Countermeasures Team also agreed with the president's words. He was not flattering, but because it was always better to be careful when the life and death of the earth was at stake.

"And everyone, I don't know if you have noticed that after this incident, although the number of monsters above the ghost level has rarely appeared, the number of wolf-level and tiger-level monsters has exploded dozens of times more than in previous years. This does not include the Z city where monsters frequently appear."

"If things continue at this rate, even if the heroes of our Hero Association are powerful, they will be exhausted and unable to cope with it."

"Note that this is the result of all S-class heroes except Mr. Fang Xuan being dispatched. In other words, we are seriously short of manpower now."

Everyone in the meeting room fell silent because they knew this matter was no joke.

"I suggest that we ask for support from martial artists from all over the world."

"We have already contacted them, but there are only so many martial artists in the country, and they can't solve the current urgent problem."

In response to the cadre's proposal, the president also responded.

"In this case, why don't we use the power of everyone, regardless of good or evil, to gather all the bounty hunters, prisoners and top killers to face this disaster together. I think they should know the importance of the survival of mankind and even the earth."

Another cadre put forward his own suggestion at this time, but as soon as this was said, it was immediately opposed by others.

"Are you kidding me? If we accept these people, what will become of our Hero Association? And can you guarantee that these guys will obey our orders?"

"No, I think this may be the best way at the moment."

The president of the Hero Association interrupted the objection and continued:"We just need to keep this matter out of the open, and we can also deal with unstable factors."

"But, President...."

"There is nothing to worry about. We just need people who agree to follow orders."

The president of the Hero Association said with a gloomy face.

"Since no one has any objection, let's just leave it as it is."

"Xiqi, I'll leave this matter to you."


"Meeting adjourned!"

Just like that, under the tough attitude of the Hero Association's president, the matter was directly finalized.......

(I have a lot of classes tomorrow, so I'm going to take a day off. I'm really sorry.)

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