Bang! Bang! Bang!

In a certain gym, various sounds of hitting were heard one after another.

"Tsk, I didn't expect you to be so weak and have the nerve to teach others here"

"Come on, I don't want to waste my time on you bastards"

""Let me see how strong you are."

A young man with white hair said arrogantly to everyone.

The disciples who were learning boxing here were looking at this young man with incredible eyes.

They were just having a normal evening class, but suddenly this man came out of nowhere and challenged their master as soon as he entered the gym.

And in the fight just now, this guy only used one move to knock down their master, and it didn't seem to take any effort.

"What? You don't dare to take action?"


"What a bunch of cowards. If that's the case, I won't be polite."

"Let you guys see what real martial arts are!"

"Flowing water and rock-breaking fist!"

After the white-haired young man finished speaking, he used the same moves as Bang to the twenty or so young guys in martial arts uniforms in front of him. Not only that, he was not inferior to Bang in the use of some techniques.

With his superb martial arts skills, the white-haired young man's boxing skills were as unpredictable as flowing water.

Obviously, this white-haired young man was a master of the Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist. Although he was not as good as Bang, he was not much different. I believe that with the precipitation of time, the strength of this young man will definitely be above Bang in the future.

And this person's identity is the one who has a very high martial arts talent in Bang's mouth, but was expelled from the master's school by Bang because he injured many of his fellow disciples-Gang Lang.

He has an extremely terrifying talent in martial arts, and he looks at these so-called martial arts geniuses in front of him as just a joke in his eyes.

Pah! Pah! Pah!

In just a moment, the sound of fists hitting flesh was heard, and the twenty or so young guys who were standing just now were now all lying on the ground with bruises and swollen faces like their master, unable to get up again.

"It's really boring. I thought there would be some powerful people among you. Now it seems that I thought too much."

Gunglang looked at the people lying on the ground and said with a sneer on his face.

"This is... this is...Flowing Water Rock-Smashing Fist, who on earth are you?"

The chief disciple of this gym was quite perceptive and could tell from the moves that Hungry Wolf was using that he was using a certain boxing technique.

"I didn't expect you to have some knowledge. As for who I am?"

"Humph, I am what you understand as a villain."



After Garou finished speaking, he jumped up and kicked the sign of the gym to pieces. Then he turned to everyone and said disdainfully:"You are so weak, I suggest you don't open a gym anymore. It's a waste of time."

After speaking, Garou planned to leave, but before leaving, he saw a recruitment order from the Hero Association dropped on the ground, so he picked it up and took a look.

"Summon all the wanted criminals and top killers to City A to discuss a decision? Interesting."

"Hey, I'll take this thing away."

As he said that, Hungry Wolf waved his hands at everyone, and then disappeared in front of everyone.......

A few days later.

City A, the Hero Association Headquarters.

A bunch of people gathered here in a smoky and chaotic atmosphere. Some of these guys were wanted criminals, some were prisoners, and some were killers.

"I didn't expect that these people would actually come here."

The big-nosed Xiqi standing below the podium looked at the evil forces gathered below. When he saw that the time was almost up, he slowly walked up to the podium and briefly introduced himself.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I am the chief of the Earth Dangerous Language Emergency Response Team. My name is Xiqi. I am one of the cadres of the City Hero Association and the person in charge of this incident."

As soon as he introduced himself, Xiqi regretted it a little, because in front of such a group of people, is it really okay to reveal his name and position?

After thinking about it, Xiqi looked at the three A-level heroes he brought this time.

These three people are the heavy tank Crotch Cloth, who ranks fifth in A-level, Qingyan, who ranks sixth in A-level, and Magic Hands, who ranks seventh in A-level.

Seeing that there are three A-level upper-level combat forces behind him, the big-nosed Xiqi looked at the group of criminals below, and his confidence instantly increased a lot.

"Well, let me first state here that we have not set any traps by calling you here this time."

"Besides, the reason why you dare to come here is that you must be confident that we will not stop you, right?"

After saying that, Xiqi carefully looked at the reactions of the audience and saw that everyone's expressions were normal, and then continued

"Okay, then let me tell you the purpose of calling you here this time. Please take a look at the information you received before coming in......."

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Xiqi wanted to explain further, a questioning voice came from the crowd.

"I would like to ask, among the heroes that came this time, why is the S-class hero Fang Xuan who has been making a lot of noise recently not included?"

"Fang Xuan? He is ranked 0th in S-class. I don't have the right to command him. If you have nothing else to do, I will continue."

Xiqi looked at the person who said this with a strange look, and then he planned to continue to explain the purpose of this time.

"Okay, next....."


"Why do you have so many questions, you guy!"

Qingyan, an A-level hero wearing a gown, heard this man interrupting one after another, and looked at the man who was wearing a black tights and strange decorations with a bad face.

This man was Sonic who was defeated by Fang Xuan before.

The reason why he asked Fang Xuan was that after being defeated by Fang Xuan last time, this kid had been training hard in order to defeat Fang Xuan.

Sonic directly ignored Qingyan's words and cast his eyes on Xiqi again.

"Are you an officer of the Hero Association?"

"So does Fang Xuan live here?"

As soon as this was said, the group of bounty hunters, prisoners, killers and some crazy scientists in the underground began to discuss.

"Fang Xuan!"

"Did I hear it right? The guy was talking about Fang Xuan!"

"He is the strongest warrior ranked 0th in S-class!"

"Although this name is indeed very domineering, why do I always feel that it is just a name in vain?"......

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