Just when Garou was about to show his talent, something happened to Fang Xuan. Fang Xuan's home in Z City Although wolf-level and tiger-level monsters from the outside world frequently appeared, Fang Xuan, as an S-level hero, was very calm because he had a calm heart. So in order to kill time, Fang Xuan planned to play a recently acquired game using virtual reality technology with Tornado, Saitama, Genos and Fubuki. And this game was created by the system lottery page.

"Okay, everyone, put on your virtual devices now.

Fang Xuan said to them.

"How do I use this thing?"

Looking at the fully embedded gaming device in his hand that was similar to a helmet, Saitama was also very puzzled.

"Just put the device on your head.

""It's on."

After Saitama put it on, the others also put the fully embedded devices on their heads. After pressing the switch, a very dazzling light flashed in front of several people's eyes.

""Hey, where are we going?"

Saitama asked in confusion.

Fang Xuan explained:"This is a technological effect that deceives the brain through special means. In fact, we are still in my living room."

After a brief explanation, Fang Xuan recounted the rules of the game.

After a moment,

"I understand. In short, whoever loses all the currency in the game first will be eliminated, right?"

Saitama pointed his finger and stated the only rule he understood.

Fang Xuan patted Saitama's shoulder in surprise and said,"That's right. I didn't realize that you understood the rules after going to KING's house. It's really rare."

"I have another question, is there a resurrection mechanism in this game?"



After the white light flashed, everyone came to the game interface.

"The game officially begins. Please draw your ID card first."

The game prompt sounded, and then countless huge cards appeared in front of everyone, and then these cards began to rotate rapidly.

After a minute, the ID cards stopped rotating.

The positions of the people also changed. Fang Xuan and Long Juan stood together, and there was a huge ID card in front of them.

ID card: Husband and wife card, effect: Both parties will act together before divorce, the game coins held by both parties belong to the common property of the couple, and the rewards and penalties received are doubled. Holders: Fang Xuan, Long Juan


"How could they be husband and wife?"

"And he was with this guy."

Long Juan blushed, staring at the ID cards in front of him and Fang Xuan with wide eyes, and then he cast a questioning look at Fang Xuan.

Fang Xuan looked at Long Juan's eyes and didn't react for a moment. He originally thought that they would each draw a different ID card, but he didn't expect.....

"Ahem, um, what are your ID cards?"

It was a very awkward change of subject, but who cares.

Soon, the identity card disappeared, and then a beam of light surrounded Fang Xuan and Tornado. Because it was virtual reality technology, the characters in it could be changed.

So, after a series of changes, Fang Xuan wore a handsome suit and a ring on his ring finger.

Tornado's change was the biggest. Tornado's height gradually increased, from the original loli height, slowly changed into a graceful girl, and then a mature woman with a curvy figure and full of charm. Her long hair fell like a waterfall, slightly curled at the waist, shining with luster. The original black slit dress was now turned into a gorgeous white wedding dress, and the skirt swayed gently, as light as a cloud.

A ring also appeared on her ring finger, reflecting the ring on Fang Xuan's hand. An expression of surprise and shyness appeared on her face, and her bright big eyes were shining with a different brilliance at the moment.

The two stood together, a talented man and a beautiful woman, nothing more than this

"This...what's going on?" Tornado's voice was trembling, and she was obviously shocked by the sudden change in front of her.

Seeing Tornado's huge change, Fang Xuan couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect that this little loli could be so beautiful. In terms of appearance, she was far more beautiful than Nanami Ozawa.

But he soon reacted and coughed lightly and said,"This is the mechanism of this game. Since we are a couple, the game naturally can't let you always stay in the appearance of a loli, so it uses technology to restore you to a normal state after development."

Tornado was a little excited after hearing this and said,"Then, in reality, I will become like this."

Looking at Tornado's excited expression, Fang Xuan shook his head and said,"This is just a game. After you leave the game, you will still be the same as before."

Sure enough, after listening to Fang Xuan's explanation, Tornado's excitement suddenly turned into a little lost

"Okay, don't be sad, let's take a look at other people's ID cards."

Fang Xuan also comforted Tornado.

Then, the rest of the people came out one after another, and Fang Xuan read out these ID cards.

Identity card: Hero, effect: Whenever a player is punished, if the hero is not in the penalty period, he can take the initiative to attack and accept the punishment on behalf of the other party, and then obtain 20% of his current game currency as a reward. Holder: Saitama (Although heroes are very powerful, they also need a certain economic foundation as a guarantee.)

The moment Fang Xuan finished reading, the card disappeared, and then a light surrounded Saitama's body. Saitama was seen wearing a Superman suit, but it was not the khaki Superman suit, but the standard red underwear, and there was a Superman suit with a $ engraved on his chest.

Yes, the engraving is not S but $, the symbol of the US dollar.

Fang Xuan complained in his heart:"Should Saitama be called Reward Superman?"

Identity card: Lover, Effect: You can choose a couple in the game. Every time the other party gets a reward, you can get the same reward. Conversely, if the other party is punished, you will also be punished, but neither the reward nor the punishment will be doubled. Holder: Fubuki.

The dark green dress on Fubuki's body turned into a thin layer of dark gauze, which made Fubuki's hot figure looming.

However, after seeing that her sister Fubuki's identity card was a lover, Tornado on the side revealed a hint of something strange in her dark green pupils. Then she looked at Fang Xuan, and saw that the other party's attention was only on the card, and that hint of something strange soon disappeared.

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