After reading Fubuki's ID card, Fang Xuan turned around and looked at the ID card in front of Genos, and read it out.

ID card: spectator, effect: when an event occurs in the game, such as a guest at a wedding ceremony, a neighbor who sees a couple quarreling, or a bystander when a hero saves someone, in short, every time an event occurs, you must be present and bring a melon. As long as you are present, you will be rewarded, otherwise you will be punished. Owner: Genos. (Although he is just a spectator, but...Well...Just watch.)

As the ID card disappeared, a beam of light shone on Genos, and the handsome Genos instantly turned into a melon-eating crowd wearing a simple T-shirt, big shorts, a pair of flip-flops, and a huge watermelon in his hand. He also wore a straw hat on his head, which made him look very down-to-earth.

Although everyone has changed a lot, it must be said that the biggest change is Tornado. Fang Xuan looked at Tornado's slender thighs and thought to himself:"Hmm..."...Mashiro."

After the identity cards of several people were confirmed, the game officially began.......

At the headquarters of the Hero Association

, everyone present looked over because of what the white-haired young man said.

The A-level hero Magic Hands looked at the young man's crazy appearance and sighed,"Another lunatic has appeared? As expected, those who live in the dark corners of society are not mentally normal." The white-haired young man stepped forward, shook his finger and said,"No, no, no, you may not understand what I just said."

"Because, I am the impending god-level disaster that you are talking about!"

The white-haired young man put his left hand on his waist and looked up at the hero above the platform.

Xiqi looked at the young man below the stage and wondered in his heart:"It seems that a strange person has come."

At this time, someone in the audience said:"Hey, boy, do you dare to tell me your name?"

"I, huh, I am a hungry wolf!"

"Because he started practicing because he wanted to be a monster, he has destroyed countless dojos so far!"

After saying that, Garou glanced at the people at the scene and sneered,"Oh, it seems that there are a lot of baits here, maybe there will be a few good opponents."

"Well, to be the bait to stimulate my strength, come on! Let's decide who is the most powerful here!"

Gorilla looked at the evil forces at the scene and the three A-level heroes on the stage with great excitement. In his eyes, these people were all baits for him to become stronger.

After hearing Garou's arrogant remarks, the people present all showed angry expressions.

"Who is this guy? How dare he speak like this in front of us?"

"Damn it, how dare you not take my S-rank bounty criminal seriously?"

"It seems necessary to teach this kid to speak properly!"

For a moment, everyone in the venue began to gather towards the location of the hungry wolf.

"Hey, stop it! We didn't gather you here for such a frivolous thing."

"Your name is Hungry Wolf, right? You can go now!"

Xiqi on the stage also looked like he didn't care about Hungry Wolf at all. After all, an unknown person like Hungry Wolf was not worthy of his attention.

"Bored? For the sake of the earth, hahaha...."

"Not bad, not bad. Are you saying this in a self-righteous tone?"

"Ugh, that's really disgusting."

The hungry wolf deliberately put on a disgusting look and waved his hand with a look of disgust.

"Okay, I've decided. Since you are the righteous Party B, I can only choose evil. In this way, we are enemies."

"I have decided to punish you guys!"

"This will be a massacre to execute the crime!"

The wolf said, and the originally mocking expression on his face became ferocious, and his eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

"Tsk, is he a battle maniac?"Xiqi looked at Garou's performance and said with disdain, then he turned to look at the three A-level heroes and said,"I'm sorry, you three may have a job, kick this guy out."

""At your service!" said the Magic Hand. He took out his magic cane like a gentleman and pointed it at the hungry wolf.

"Hey, is it the hero who will make the first move? Haha, interesting, well then let me see what you can do!"

Garou also waved at the A-level hero Magic Hands, and his actions and words showed that he did not take Magic Hands seriously at all.

"How dare you look down on me like that!"

Looking at the actions of the hungry wolf, Magic Hands was also very angry. This was the first time he was looked down upon by others. He decided to teach this white-haired young man a lesson.

Then he rushed forward with his magic wand.

But 10 seconds later, Magic Hands was directly strangled by the hungry wolf with one hand.

"It seems that you are weaker than I thought!"

After saying this, Garou threw the unconscious Magic Hand to the ground like trash.

""Magic Hands!"

After seeing Magic Hands being knocked down, Qingyan and Heavy Tank Dangdoubu, both A-level heroes, immediately rushed forward to rescue him.

As a muscular hero, Heavy Tank Dangdoubu rushed forward first, and after facing Garou head-on, he clenched his right fist and smashed Garou's head!

"Special move! Tank cannon straight punch!"


Although the power of this punch cannot be underestimated, it even broke the hard ground, but unfortunately it did not hit the wolf.

"I am really disappointed. It seems that you are only this good."

Gorilla, who is good at martial arts, has unimaginable skills. When facing a power-type hero, he has an absolute advantage.

As he spoke, Garou threw a punch. The left hand of the heavy tank crotch cloth, which wanted to parry, was directly deformed by the punch, and there was an extremely terrifying arc bending down.

Obviously, his left hand was useless.

"If you don't have that strength, don't learn to play the game of saving people!"

After saying this, Hungry Wolf added another punch, directly knocking Heavy Tank Crotch Bag away.

And Heavy Tank Crotch Bag also fell directly at Qingyan's feet.

In just a few dozen seconds, two of the three A-level heroes present were knocked down.

This scene made the evil forces who were watching the show extremely excited, and they applauded.

"Hahahaha, good job, boy, you defeated that A-level hero!"

"Good fight, keep going, there is another A-level hero, knock him down too!"

After hearing what these people said, Garou turned around and said,"What are you talking about, you bunch of losers?"

"You will be killed by me soon, yet you are still so happy. Your comprehension ability is really poor!"

After hearing what Hungry Wolf said, those people who had just applauded changed their expressions instantly, and they all wanted to rush up and kill Hungry Wolf.

Hungry Wolf looked at the expressions of the crowd and shouted even more arrogantly:"You are so unconvinced? Well, I will give you bunch of trash a chance."

"Come on, I'm going to beat you all!"......

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