"Come on, I'm going to beat all of you!"

The arrogant words of the hungry wolf made everyone present very angry. They didn't expect that this young guy in front of them would dare to be so arrogant.

"What are you talking about? You little brat!"

"Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"What benefits will this bring to you?"

"And what have we done to deserve your death?"

"Besides, you seem to be on our side, right?"

For a moment, these gangsters took out their weapons and cursed at Hungry Wolf.

Listening to the noise coming from the surroundings, Hungry Wolf stretched out his index finger, pointed at everyone and said:"Wrong, it seems that you don't understand what a weirdo is."

"Listen, heroes are always late, and weirdos always strike first, because weirdos appear suddenly without any reason."

"As for the here and there, it is totally wrong, because you are human, and I am a weirdo."

After hearing what Hungry Wolf said, Xiqi also began to feel that something was wrong, and cold sweat began to appear on his forehead.

"It is so stupid for a human being to call himself a weirdo!"

"But you are no longer a human being, you are a scum!"

"I, Qingyan, the sixth in A-rank, will cremate you."

Qingyan stood up at this time, and crossed his hands for a while, then pointed the palm of his right hand at the hungry wolf, and then a blue flame rushed straight towards the hungry wolf.

Whoosh! Boom!

The huge blue flame also engulfed the place occupied by the hungry wolf.

Just when Qingyan thought that his flame had killed the hungry wolf, he suddenly found that his right hand had lost consciousness, and then a sharp pain spread throughout his right arm.

As blood splashed on his face, Qingyan came to his senses and found that his right arm was bleeding at this moment. His right hand was actually cut off by the guy in front of him at some point just now.

"What a disappointment! I thought you could really control fire. But it turned out to be just some embarrassing little tricks."

While Garou was speaking, he lifted Qingyan's right hand, pulled out the flamethrower hidden in his sleeve and threw it on the ground.

After discovering Qingyan's little secret, Garou still looked indifferent. After dropping Qingyan's hand, he backhandedly punched Qingyan, knocking him directly against the wall, and then he slid to the ground. After Qingyan completely fainted, only one minute passed, and the three top A-level heroes were defeated by Garou alone.

When Xiqi saw that the three A-level heroes he brought to the scene were all defeated, he immediately called for support through the communicator on his ear.

"Hello, hello, hello, calling headquarters, this is Xiqi, yes, I am in the multi-purpose hall on the 7th floor of the central tower of the association headquarters."

"In order to resolve the bad prophecies about the earth, I have gathered many people from outside the association here, but now the situation is a little out of control!"

"Please ask headquarters to ask the heroes living in the headquarters to come immediately, and there is also a medical team, so hurry up!"

"The three A-level heroes I brought with me have all been defeated!"

After hearing Xiqi's call for help, the hero headquarters also hurriedly contacted the other heroes and medical teams at the headquarters and rushed to the multi-purpose hall on the 7th floor of the central tower.

While Xiqi was contacting for support, Hungry Wolf also began to look at the rest of the people, with murderous intent in his eyes

"Okay, now it’s your turn!"

"Next, let me show you what a weirdo is!"

The wolf rushed directly into the crowd.

"Asshole, didn't he just defeat three A-rank heroes? How dare you be so arrogant?"

"You bastard, you're still getting excited when I'm not saying anything."

"Everybody, let's come together and beat him up, let this kid feel the beating of society!"......

Speaking of which, Sonic was leaving the multi-purpose hall on the 7th floor of the Central Tower and was walking out......

Suddenly, there were various sounds of hitting and howling coming from the floor behind him.

Sonic turned around in confusion and said,"What's going on? Aren't they in a meeting? Why is it so noisy? Is there a riot?""

"Forget it, this has nothing to do with me."

Sonic continued to walk forward and soon left the Hero Association headquarters.......

In the multi-purpose hall on the 7th floor of the central tower of the association's headquarters.

After only a few dozen seconds, the noisy meeting scene just now was now silent except for the sound of hitting. The people from the evil forces who were so arrogant just now were now lying on the ground in a mess, and each of them was seriously injured.

The big-nosed Xiqi, who was in charge of the meeting, was so frightened by the scene that he sat limply on the ground. At this time, a man flew towards him.


The man hit the wall next to Xiqi directly, and then slid down, his life or death unknown.

In the entire meeting, except for Xiqi, only Hungry Wolf, who was doing everything, remained awake.

Hungry Wolf looked at Xiqi, who was already scared out of his wits, and grinned and said,"Okay, the weirdo Hungry Wolf's thrilling first performance ends here."

"Today is just a declaration of war"

"Now if I were to face a few S-class heroes here, I might have a hard time, so forget it."

"However, within half a year, I will become stronger than I am now, and then I will come back here, but I will come in through the main entrance."

"Until then, I will travel around to improve my abilities."

"I hope that you can let the KING who is known as the strongest man to fight with me, or the strongest warrior Fang Xuan recently."

"Well, I'm leaving first. Goodbye, sir, you're scared to death."

As Garou said this, he pushed the door open and walked out.

And our Xiqi was already scared to death at this moment. He was squatting on the ground with his hands on his head, sweating all over his face.

After a long time, Xiqi came back to his senses from the extreme fear. With trembling hands, he picked up the communicator that fell to the ground and called out in a crying voice:"Support... Come and support... I need a medical team here, and please notify the S-class heroes..."

With Xiqi's call, the entire Hero Association headquarters began to get busy. The medical team quickly rushed to the multi-purpose hall and began to treat the wounded. At the same time, some S-class heroes also received the notice and began to rush to the headquarters.

However, Garou had disappeared.......

While Hungry Wolf, who was far away at the Hero Association headquarters in City A, had already made his mark, Fang Xuan and his companions were still playing games.

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