Z City

Fang Xuan's House

""Fang Xuan, you bastard, why do you always ask me to have a baby!"

Tornado yelled at Fang Xuan in a shy voice.

The reason for this is that Fang Xuan's luck value is ridiculously good in this game, so among thousands of identities, he and Tornado will become husband and wife, and Fubuki is still a lover. Although this sounds a bit far-fetched, everything is logical.

So watching Tornado and Fang Xuan, wearing a virtual wedding dress, walk further and further on the road in this game


"A new event card is triggered. Congratulations to the newlywed couple Fang Xuanlongjuan. Because of the wedding, other members came to give gifts, a total of 100,000 yuan."


"A new event card is triggered. Congratulations to Fang Xuanlongjuan and his wife for giving birth to their first girl after marriage. Other members sent their congratulations, totaling 100,000 yuan!"


"A new event card is triggered. Congratulations to Fang Xuanlongjuan and his wife for giving birth to their second girl after marriage. Other members sent their congratulations, totaling 100,000 yuan!"


"A new event card is triggered. Congratulations to Fang Xuanlongjuan and his wife for giving birth to their third girl after marriage. Other members sent their congratulations, totaling 100,000 yuan!"......

I don't know why, every time it's a cute little girl, why are there no naughty boys? How can he vent when he's angry?

Ugh.....It seems that the point of complaint is not here.

Fang Xuan looked at the event card in his hand and complained for a while:"What the hell, why do I always draw this one? Are these all cards for giving birth?"

Seeing the same event triggered three times in a row, Fang Xuan was speechless.

You must know that according to the rules of this game, the number of event cards is as high as millions, which is 1,000 times that of identity cards. It includes various reward event cards or penalty event cards that people encounter in normal life.

Reward cards include: winning the lottery, getting married and having children, issuing bonuses, etc.

Penalty cards include: drunk driving, compensation, going to jail, etc.

But the probability of triggering the birth of a child three times in a row is very small, that is a one in a million probability, which is basically an impossible thing to achieve.

But such a thing happened to Fang Xuan, and this led to Tornado giving birth to three children not long after the game started. Although it was just a game, Tornado still blushed and was very shy.

Well, due to their previous marriages and three consecutive childbirths, Saitama, Genos, and Fubuki lost 300,000 yuan at once. However, due to the characteristics of the couple card, the 400,000 yuan doubled to 800,000 yuan.

However, Fubuki was not affected at all because it was a lover's ID card. Instead, she won some rewards. Genos also did not see any changes in the amount of money he had because of the spectator's card.

Except for Saitama,

"Hey, Fang Xuan, why do you and Tornado always have children?"

Saitama, who was always calm, said seriously at this moment. Because no one has been punished so far, Saitama's ID card is of no use at all.

And because of the continuous expenditure, her initial 1 million yuan is now in jeopardy.

Fubuki on the side also looked at Fang Xuan and Tornado, and said,"Teacher, if you keep having children like this, my sister's body may not be able to bear it."

Fubuki's words made Fang Xuan and Tornado stunned for a while.

"Fubuki, what are you talking about?...This is just a game!" Tornado said with a red face and some stuttering.

Ever since Fubuki became Fang Xuan's apprentice, the relationship between the two sisters has gradually improved, perhaps because of Fang Xuan's mediation.

In the past, Fubuki only wanted to catch up with her unreachable sister. For this reason, she tried all kinds of ways and finally formed the Fubuki Group. At that time, she thought that she couldn't catch up alone, so she would gather her companions.

But even so, the distance between her and Tornado was still so big.

It was not until she became Fang Xuan's apprentice that this idea began to gradually dissipate, because after moving to Z City, looking at the people around her teacher, whether it was the powerful Saitama or the powerful Genos.

Uh...It is a bit far-fetched to say so.

Well, the fact is that Fubuki was defeated by reality, because she was the weakest among the group. Whether it was her senior brother S-class hero Genos, her sister S-class hero Tornado, or her master S-class hero Fang Xuan, everyone was S-class, and she was the only poor, weak and helpless A-class hero.

Ah, you said Saitama is also an A-class hero, right?

Please, although Saitama is only an A-class hero, he has the strength to surpass S-class heroes.

Looking at Fubuki who was full of geniuses in front of her, the things that had been bothering her in the past gradually faded. All she wanted to do now was to become stronger. As for the goal, forget it. Fubuki said:"I know this is just a game, but even though it is a game, I am still not ready to be an aunt."

Hearing this, Tornado's face was already red. Although she was very shy, when she saw the three virtual babies she gave birth to, a trace of tenderness unique to maternal love flashed in her eyes.

Just as Fang Xuan was about to say something, he felt a slight pain in his waist.

"hiss...No, Longjuan, why are you pinching me?"

In reality, Longjuan came to Fang Xuan's side, put her little hand on Fang Xuan's waist, and twisted it hard.......

"A new event card is triggered. Congratulations to Fang Xuanlongjuan and his wife, because they gave birth to their fourteenth girl after marriage. Other members sent their congratulations, totaling 100,000 yuan!"

"It was detected that the hero Saitama could not afford the gift, and was eliminated, and the game ended."

That's right, Fang Xuan once again drew the event card of childbirth. This was his 14th time to draw this card. In addition, Fang Xuan also drew the event card of a rich woman supporting him 9 times, and the event card of a girl repaying a favor by giving herself to him 12 times. In short, there are many tricks, but none of them can escape peach blossoms. And Tornado on the side also couldn't escape pregnancy because of Fang Xuan's luck.

And Saitama on the side was still possessed by the god of poverty, and lost all the currency in the game in the fastest way. Because he couldn't pay the amount of Fang Xuan's gift, he was eliminated.

Although this might make Saitama suffer, at least the game is over. After

Saitama came out of the game, he stared at the ceiling with lifeless eyes. He couldn't understand why he lost. After

Tornado came out of the game, she looked at Fang Xuan with angry and shy eyes, because just now in the game, Fang Xuan made her give birth to 14 children, and this guy also won the lottery to be kept by a rich woman, etc.

Fang Xuan saw that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he could only say:"What an interesting game, so what should we eat in the evening?"

Although the topic change was a bit abrupt, it was better than not changing it.

Sure enough, after hearing about dinner, everyone's thoughts immediately focused on what to eat in the evening, and they didn't care about the game just now.......

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