In a dark and damp box, several masked, black-robed men gathered together, and they were the few remaining ninjas.

After all, ninjas have their own way of obtaining intelligence. Even though the famous ninja village that trained ninja killers had been destroyed, it did not affect these intelligence personnel.

People in the black market called them intelligence dealers. As long as they were willing to pay enough money, there was no intelligence they could not get.

And the Sonic the Hedgehog, who we are familiar with, often got intelligence here.


"Are you saying that the information Sonic obtained from us before was not entirely correct?"

"This is bad......."

The person who spoke was the one who sold the information to Sonic before.

He listened to the reports from his subordinates and learned that Sonic did not find the strongest warrior at the headquarters of the Hero Association, but the special meeting held at the headquarters of the Hero Association was real.

But it was useless.

Suddenly a black shadow flashed by, and before a few people could react, they saw that the person who sold the information to Sonic was strangely floating in the air.

Could this person be a superpower?

Of course not, he was just grabbed by the neck and lifted up by Sonic who came to him because of the wrong information.

Looking at Sonic in front of him, the man's face was very scared and he was shaking all over.

"Search....Sonic, speak up!...You may not believe it, it was all a misunderstanding before.....We have been working together for so long and you know that my intelligence cannot be wrong....."

"" Zheng!"

Sonic pulled out the shiny knife from his back and put it against the man's neck.

Feeling the coldness of the blade on his neck and the imminent threat of death, the man in black robe quickly changed his words and said,"When...Of course, due to the large amount of information, I may occasionally make small mistakes."

"Just a little bit......"


Sonic still didn't speak, but just slashed the knife against the neck of the enemy. Then, the flying pieces of clothes fell to the ground, and the appearance of the man in black robe was revealed. He was a fat middle-aged man.

Seeing Sonic who was angry because of his intelligence error, the information dealer was sweating coldly. After all, he knew Sonic very well.

"Sonic, the last intelligence was indeed a bit problematic, but I have obtained new intelligence about the address of the hero named Fang Xuan. There is absolutely no problem this time."

"As long as 10 million yuan, I will.....Well....Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, I'll give it to you for free, just consider it as compensation for what happened before."

The intelligence dealer who originally wanted to sell the information to you for 10 million yuan immediately backed down after seeing Sonic put the knife on his neck again.

Sonic saw that this guy was quite sensible, so he loosened his hand and let him go. Although the middle-aged man looked a little fat, as a ninja, he was still so agile and fell to the ground from a height in an instant.

Then the intelligence dealer hurriedly presented the newly acquired information with both hands:"This is the address of Fang Xuan. He lives in the most dangerous place, City Z, where monsters frequently break out, and he lives in an uninhabited area."

Sonic took the address and took a look, then warned:"Listen carefully, if I haven't met Fang Xuan this time, then the next time we meet, it won't just be clothes that will be torn."

Hearing Sonic's threatening words, the intelligence dealer couldn't help but shudder.

"Next time, I will cut off your pants as well."


Well, it can't be Sonic the Hedgehog. This is a strange train of thought that ordinary people can't follow at all.

After he finished speaking, Sonic disappeared instantly.

Cool! Very cool!

Sonic just left in a cool way, even though the other party was the information dealer who cheated him not long ago.

Because being a ninja is to be cool......

A few days later. At

Saitama's house

, Genos, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, was discussing the affairs of the Hero Association with Saitama, who was lying on the sofa and had just finished his meal.

Why did you ask me why Saitama didn't eat at Fang Xuan's house? It was because Fang Xuan had won the instant transfer in the lottery interface not long ago, so he was not on Earth. At this moment, he was using his breath to sense and hunt down Blast, asking him to pay back the money he owed him. In addition, he wanted to arrange him and Tornado to the Hero Meeting without his knowledge.

Although Tornado was also involved in this matter, who made Blast the mastermind?

As for the two sisters, Tornado and Blizzard, Fang Xuan left them a special task of superpower training before leaving. At this moment, the two sisters are undergoing special training on an uninhabited island.

"Teacher Saitama and Teacher Fang Xuan left training tasks for Junior Sister Fubuki and Master Tatsumaki before leaving. It seems that I have to do something too."

"Otherwise, why don't you practice according to their methods?

Saitama said without turning his head.

He was playing the computer he brought from Fang Xuan's house. The game on the computer was Genshin Impact.

"Unfortunately, the training provided by Mr. Saitama and Mr. Fang Xuan this time is specifically for superpower training, which may not have any effect on me."

"Is this what Fang Xuan said to you?"

"No, this is what I realized."

"So Genos, although Fang Xuan didn't leave you any special training tasks, it doesn't mean you can't do other things."

"I understand, you are worthy of being Mr. Saitama, why didn't I think of that.

Although I don't know what King Genos thought of, it is obvious that Genos misunderstood what Saitama meant.

Suddenly, Genos stopped washing the dishes.


"Something is approaching here at high speed"

"This speed is impossible for anyone except Mr. Saitama and Mr. Fang Xuan to reach, so it seems to be a monster."

Genos, who was washing dishes, discovered the unidentified creature with high-speed reaction through the newly upgraded early warning system. Looking at Saitama who was busy playing games, he nodded and said,"Mr. Fang Xuan is not here, Mr. Saitama is busy, so I will take care of this monster."

"I just wanted to find an opportunity to test the performance of my newly upgraded device."

At this point, Genos put down the bowl in his hand, untied the apron tied around his waist, and walked out the door.

After leaving the house, he used the detection system to find the reaction of the super-fast unknown reaction creature that had arrived at their location.

"Come out! I know you are here!"

After hearing Genos's calm words, Sonic also leaped to the ground.......

At this time, Saitama, who was playing the game on the computer, saw that the game that was originally good suddenly turned into a restart interface.

"Oops, I deleted the game save file on the computer I secretly borrowed from Fang Xuan. It should be fine."

"I think so. Fang Xuan shouldn't be angry with me......."

Saitama's confidence began to wane. He quickly created a new character and started playing, hoping to finish the game before Fang Xuan came back.......

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