"No, I will never accept that someone is faster than me." Sonic's self-esteem could not accept Genos's speed.

But Genos just wanted to take off the hair tie that Sonic tied into his tail.

"Look, didn’t I take off your hair that looks like a tail?"

""Very good, kid, you are the first person who completely irritates me."

At this point, Sonic did not intend to continue playing, because this kind of thing was unbearable for him.

The next second, he directly used his unique skills.

Secret Technique - Four Shadow Burial!

Then Genos saw Sonic in front of him quickly split into four afterimages.

"What's going on? Does this guy have super powers?"

Genos was a little surprised after witnessing all this, because he found through the detection system that among the four figures in front of him, only one had life energy fluctuations.

Although there was only one life energy reaction, he saw the survey results of four people. This scene made Genos feel a little familiar.

"Is this the afterimage fist?"

"But isn't this move only known by Mr. Fang Xuan? Why does this guy also know this move?"

Looking at the four Sonic in front of him, Genos was also a little confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Does it feel incredible?"

"Humph, a useless piece of scrap metal like you has never seen such a powerful and gorgeous trick as mine!"

Looking at Genos's expression, Sonic said with a very proud smile

"Hey, you thief, where did you learn the Afterimage Fist that only Master Fang Xuan can do?"

Sonic was stunned when he heard Genos' question, and then he shouted,"What Fang Xuan's Afterimage Fist? This is the secret ninja skill that I have worked hard to practice - the Four Shadow Burial.""

"Bullshit, I have seen Master Fang Xuan use the Afterimage Fist more than once. I understand. You must have learned it secretly."

"What do you mean by stealing knowledge, you piece of rubbish? I'll say it again, this is the secret technique of the ninja that I have worked hard to cultivate - the Four Shadow Burial, not some bullshit afterimage punch."

For a moment, the two began to curse at each other like elementary school students just now.

After cursing for a while, Sonic was completely enraged. He no longer held back, and four afterimages attacked Genos at the same time.

At this time, Sonic's speed was extremely fast, even directly surpassing the speed that Genos could burst out to suppress him under over-frequency overload operation.

Even if Genos turned on the upgraded early warning system to the maximum, he could only barely estimate Sonic's attack trajectory. It was almost impossible to perfectly defend against Sonic's attack under such circumstances.


As expected, even if Genos defended with all his strength, he could not completely block Sonic's attacks from all directions. After a while, he was kicked away by Sonic.

"It seems that you, a piece of scrap metal, have no other skills except for your tough talk."

Sonic looked at Genos who was kicked to the ground by him and said with disdain.

Genos quickly stood up and looked at the Genos in front of him and thought:"In terms of speed, I am not his opponent, but this does not mean that I can't deal with such a situation."

"Since I equipped myself with G4 parts, my core energy has increased several times. If I use the incineration cannon at full power at this distance, it will definitely exceed 100 meters."

"In this range, no matter how many afterimages this guy has, he will definitely be devoured.

Just as Genos was about to launch a full-scale attack, the sound of a door opening interrupted the fight between the two.

"Genos, what's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?

Saitama opened the door and walked out, looking at Genos and Sonic fighting with a puzzled look on his face.

"Who is he? Is he your friend?"

Saitama pointed at Sonic and asked.

Genos immediately replied:"Teacher Saitama, this guy is not my friend, but he is here to cause trouble for Teacher Fang Xuan."

"Fang Xuan?"

"He's not at home recently. Why don't you come back to see him in two days?"

"not at home?"


Sonic couldn't help wondering after hearing Saitama's words:"Then who are you?"

Saitama pointed at himself and replied:"Me? My name is Saitama, I'm Fang Xuan's neighbor, and I'm also a hero"

"Neighbor? So you have a good relationship with Fang Xuan?" Sonic didn't hear the second half of Saitama's words, but only caught the first half. Saitama said without hesitation:"Fang Xuan and I do have a good relationship, what's wrong?"

Sonic smiled his signature smile after hearing it, then pulled out the knife behind him and quickly came behind Saitama and said:"In that case, please be my hostage today until Fang Xuan comes back." Sonic was very confident at this time. After all, Genos, who he called scrap metal, was not his opponent. The bald guy in front of him looked stupid and was not a powerful guy at first glance, so he planned to tie up the two guys and let Fang Xuan rescue them.

Hmm....I always feel that this scene is very familiar.....


"No, I have other things to do."

"This is not up to you"

"You're so annoying. I need to be more serious.

"What, do you think you can be my opponent?"

"Well, in that case, I'll give you this chance."

After hearing what Saitama said, Sonic put his own down with a smile, and then quickly moved to the other side.

Saitama said with a serious expression:"Come on, come over here."

"I can kill a cocky guy like you in just three moves."

Sonic jumped and headed towards���Seeing Sonic kicking towards him, Saitama remained unmoved, but slowly raised his fist, and then Sonic's balls hit Saitama's fist directly.......


After the blow, Sonic put on a mask of pain on his face, and then he lay on the ground, rolling around as if in pain.

"Ah! Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I was just trying to stop, but you were going too fast and I hit you."

"I am Sonic the Speed, a ninja who is capable of both assassination and bodyguarding."

"But I won't take any work recently, and I won't look for Fang Xuan."

"Also, do you dare to tell me your name?"

"Didn’t I just say that?"

"Stop talking nonsense. I can't forget it."

"Well, my name is Saitama"

"Saitama, you wait for me. The next time we meet will be the day you die. I, Sonic the Speedster, will defeat you with my strongest ninjutsu, and then I will defeat Fang Xuan as well."

Sonic said this while shaking his thighs, and immediately disappeared from here to recuperate.......

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