In a narrow alley on the street of E City ,

Garou was looking at the A-class hero he had defeated, the vest vegetarian, with a joking look.

"Oh, oh, is this all you have?"

From the vest vegetarian's awkward posture and staggering body, it can be seen that he is in a very bad condition now.

"Can..."Evil, who are you? I'm an A-class hero, why are you attacking me?"

The vest vegetarian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked in confusion.

"What? Even you, an A-class hero, don't know this? It seems that the Hero Association really didn't take my warning seriously. Forget it, I'll just waste some time introducing myself."

"I am a hero hunter, a villain who specializes in hunting heroes. My name is Hungry Wolf"

"As for why I attacked you? There is no special reason. I am the ninth-ranked A-level vest vegetarian. I just happened to meet you when I passed by here, so I had to hunt you. It's also your good luck. There are so many roads that you chose to go through, but you chose to go through this one."

"However, your strength really disappoints me."

Gorilla said with a look of disdain.

"Just"What did you say, you brat?"

As an A-class hero, how could the vest vegetarian accept being mocked by an unknown little guy like Garou, so he rushed forward with all his might regardless of his injuries.

But unfortunately, his opponent was Garou, who was extremely talented in martial arts, so such brute force attacks had no effect on him at all.

Garou slightly turned his body and easily dodged the collision of the vest vegetarian. At the same time, he hit the latter's waist heavily with a swift roundhouse kick, and then kicked out again, instantly kicking the opponent out, causing the vest vegetarian to have an intimate contact with the wall, and a crisp breaking sound was made.

After being hit twice in a row by Garou, the vest vegetarian obviously couldn't stand up. He fell to the ground and looked at Garou with a cold look. If eyes could kill, he would have killed Garou countless times, but now he could only make harsh words like some urban villains.

" this, I will repay you double for today's shame tomorrow....."


Without waiting for the vegetarian to finish his words, the hungry wolf, perhaps because he was annoyed, stepped forward and kicked the vegetarian unconscious.

"Please, since you are so weak, don't imitate others and say harsh words, OK?"

After saying that, Hungry Wolf turned around and walked out of the dark alley.

"But I am looking forward to fighting a monster-level hero. I will definitely learn a lot from that.

As Garou's vest walked further and further away under the sunlight,......

The most powerful thing about Garou is not his strength, but his terrifying learning ability and talent far beyond ordinary people. After every fierce battle, he can learn the best things from the opponent to make up for his own shortcomings.

After all, One Punch Man 2 has another alias, Garou Heroes......

On the greenest mountain in Z City , in the dojo of S-class hero Bang, there was a sound of beating, but the sound ended after a while.

"What's wrong?"

"Can't stand up anymore?"

Bangu asked with a serious face, looking at Chalanzi who was lying on the ground with a nosebleed and covered with scars.

"Hey, Cha Lanzi, what have you been doing in my dojo for the past six months?"

"I remember that when you first came here, you said that as a disciple of Bangu, you must practice very hard. But you don't look like someone who has practiced very hard."

"It seems that you can't learn my moves. You don't have the talent for martial arts."

"Today I will expel you from my sect, and you will never come here again."......

After Cha Lanzi left, Bang sat alone in the open space, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, an old man who looked older than Bang came up.

He was Bang's brother, Bump!

Unlike Bang, who had thick white hair, Bump's hair was basically bald.

According to the setting in One Punch Man, whoever has less hair is more powerful, so it goes without saying who is more powerful between Bang and Bump. Of course, this setting requires Fang Xuan to be eliminated.

"Did you call me here this time because of your disciple's matter?"

Bump sat down next to Bangu and asked.

Bangu nodded, and Bump immediately asked:"Have you dealt with the things around you?"

Looking at his brother's appearance, Bangpu couldn't help but sigh in his heart that time flies so fast. Fifty years have passed in a blink of an eye. Thinking back to the two who had just debuted in the martial arts world, they were full of vigor and vitality.

Bangpu was not bald at that time, and Banggu was also very young and energetic.

At that time, one of them learned the Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist and the other learned the Whirlwind Iron Fist. Although the two had not practiced their respective martial arts to perfection at that time, they were united as brothers and joined hands. There were few rivals in the martial arts world. Within a few years, they were rated as the talented twin stars of the martial arts world.

But who would have thought that after fifty years, one of the two talented twin stars had become bald and the other had become a lonely old man.

Bangpu could only sigh that time is unforgiving.

Hearing his brother's question, Banggu replied,"I have dealt with it a long time ago. My disciple Cha Lanzi was driven away by me just now with a reason. Although his martial arts talent is indeed a little worse, he is still my disciple after all, and I did this to protect him."

"Now, I am alone like you, my brother."

"No, no, no, I am different from you. I still have hundreds of disciples in my dojo. I said goodbye to them one by one before I came here."

In order to highlight his difference from Bangu, Bangpu hurriedly explained his situation

"You are indeed my most beloved brother. When he heard that I was in trouble, he came over without hesitation."

Hearing his brother's praise, Bangpu, as the elder brother, was very pleased and said proudly,"Of course, and I am not doing this entirely for you, but to get rid of a scourge in the martial arts world. If I continue to leave that guy alone, I guess he will attack my dojo soon."

"So, without further ado, let’s get going!"


Then the two of them set off.

"Oh, brother, you must be careful this time. I don’t know how much stronger my disciple has become."

"I understand, after all, that was the successor you had once reserved."

Hearing Bangpu's words, Banggu's sharp eyes could not help but become cloudy.......

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