A few days later.....

City E

It was a full-moon night.

An unlicensed rider was patrolling on his bicycle.

Suddenly, a white-haired young man blocked the unlicensed rider's path.

"Hey, you're a hero, right?"

"I want to hunt you."

The person who came to speak was the hungry wolf who had just beaten up the A-level hero vest vegetarian not long ago.

"I am a C-class hero, the unlicensed knight"

"So, what do you mean by hunting?"

Looking at the white-haired man who suddenly appeared in front of him, the unlicensed knight's brain was not able to react for a while.

"This guy doesn't seem to be my supporter......"

The unlicensed knight looked at Garou, who was illuminated by the moonlight, and thought to himself.

Garou raised his hand and said,"In order for me to become a complete monster, please be my food."

Then Garou smiled grimly and said,"I have a feeling that the more heroes I defeat, the stronger I will become as a monster."

But just as Garou was about to take action, a voice from behind interrupted him.

"Boss, it's this guy!"

Under the moonlight, several muscular men in vests walked over from the street behind Hungry Wolf. The one walking in front was the vegetarian in vest who had just been beaten up by Hungry Wolf a few days ago. At this time, he was tied up with sandpaper all over his body. He raised his right hand with plaster on it and pointed at Hungry Wolf and said

"Oh, I was taken care of by you a few days ago......."


Before the vest vegetarian could finish his words, the hungry wolf punched him in the face. The vest vegetarian's nose bled again, and several of his front teeth were broken and he fell to the ground.

"Are you here for revenge? Vest vegetarian, you barely managed to save your life last time, how come you can't wait to die after such a short time, you are really a lovable idiot."

Goo's fist made a 'crunching' sound, and then he looked at the other people in vests and said,"In that case, these muscle men you brought with you can't even think about going back alive."

As soon as he finished speaking, his fist changed into a claw, and then he attacked those muscle men.

After a bang, Goo flew backwards quickly, and blood flowed from his nose. After turning over in the air and landing on the ground, and retreating for more than ten meters, Goo raised his head and looked at the person who had just punched with a look of astonishment and said,"What's going on?"

The person who made the move was the S-class hero Vest Venerable. Seeing Goo beat his younger brother in front of him, he couldn't bear it, and immediately punched back.

"Thank you for taking care of my little brother!" said the Vested Sage with a gloomy face.

When Garou saw that the person coming was an S-class hero, he shouted excitedly:"Hahaha, I didn't expect to catch a big fish! I'm so happy, my blood is boiling, let me see how powerful an S-class hero is!" After listening to Garou's words, the Vested Sage took the lead. He tensed his muscles and then punched the ground.

""Vest Block!"

The next second, the ground beneath their feet instantly broke apart, causing the wolf to stagger.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Vest Master quickly rushed forward and elbowed the wolf into the air, and then landed on the ground.

"There it is, that is the boss’s ultimate move, vest block!"

"Shake the ground to restrain your opponent and deliver a fatal blow!"

"As expected of the Vest Master, you know how many monsters have fallen under this move of the boss."

"Humph, this guy must be finished after receiving such a heavy blow from the boss."When the group of vest-wearing brothers behind the vest-wearing master saw that the vest-wearing master had attacked the hungry wolf, they immediately flattered him.

But before they could be happy for a few seconds, the hungry wolf stood up in front of them. They saw that he was fine except for a little nosebleed.

"Awesome, this shot is really good."

"You are indeed an S-class hero, but this is far from enough."

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Garou turned his gaze to the Vested Sage and said,"Why do you think I came to this place? It's because I discovered you a long time ago, so I waited for you here on purpose......"

At this moment, the look in the vest elder's eyes when he looked at the hungry wolf could not help but become serious.

"Are you unconsciously holding back because you consider that the other person is a human?"

"No, that's not right, is this guy a human?"

Looking at the appearance of the hungry wolf under the moonlight, it was like a prehistoric beast that devoured everything.

The wounded hungry wolf smiled fiercely, as if he had encountered something that made him excited.

Then the hungry wolf suddenly rushed towards the vest master as fast as a monkey.

"Impossible, I have the advantage in strength, why would this guy attack me?"

But before the vested sage could think, the hungry wolf had already arrived in front of him and was ready to attack.

Looking at the hungry wolf's extremely fast and crazy attack, the vested sage dodged quickly. Suddenly, the vested sage caught a flaw in the hungry wolf and punched it backhanded.

""Vest Punch!"

Although the name of this move is very earthy, its power is not to be underestimated. With one punch, the hungry wolf was knocked out.

However, although it seems that the vest master has the upper hand, his expression does not look relaxed at all.

After being knocked out again, the hungry wolf retreated a distance and stopped after leaving a mark several meters long on the ground with his feet.

"Well...I didn't expect to be hit again......"

The wolf who was hit by the vest punch suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his forehead was also cracked by the vest punch, and blood flowed between his eyebrows, which made the wolf feel indescribably creepy.

It was obvious that this blow caused a lot of damage to the wolf. After all, the vest lord was an S-level hero, and his attack was no joke.

"This feeling is so great, is this the power of an S-class hero?"

"However, let's stop here today, because I have seen through your moves."

When a person is beaten by you and spit blood but still speaks nonsense, then this person is either mentally retarded or has some real skills.

Obviously, Hungry Wolf does not belong to the former, so it can only be the latter.

"This guy is undoubtedly a human, but his aura is too much like the weirdos I've encountered before."

"But for some reason, my intuition tells me that if I don't kill it now, there will be endless troubles!"

Looking at the hungry wolf with blood all over its face, the vest venerable said solemnly, and then he once again tensed up all his muscles, ready to give the hungry wolf the final blow!......

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