Just when Chalanzi and I were about to end here, we heard Genos' unique cold humor.

"How about my acting skills just now? My newly upgraded detection system has a newly installed biometric recognition system, so I recognized you a long time ago."

"By the way, Cha Lanzi, what's with the bandage on your face? Are you okay?"

Hearing that Genos was just joking with him, Cha Lanzi breathed a sigh of relief and complained in his heart:"You are really not funny, I almost thought I was going to die just now."

Cha Lanzi pointed at the bandage on his body and said:"Do you think I am okay like this? And please don't make such jokes in the future, I was almost scared to death by you just now"

"Oh, sorry, what are you doing here?"

Genos apologized and asked the other party.

"I'm here to see Mr. Fang Xuan. Is he at home?"

"Teacher Fang Xuan? He just came back the day before yesterday and is now at home. Come with me."

After saying that, Genos took Cha Lanzi to the apartment where they lived.

With the S-class hero Genos leading her, Cha Lanzi was not frightened along the way and soon arrived at the apartment where everyone lived safely........

Fang Xuan's House.

Fang Xuan, who had used his newly acquired instant transfer skill to go to other planets to look for Blast a few days ago, was now reading comics at home. Tornado was also lying on the sofa, swinging her feet while reading comics.

Since Fang Xuan was back, it meant that there was food to eat, so Saitama was naturally here as well. Fang Xuan also found Blast on an unknown planet. Just when he was about to beat him up, who would have thought that Blast would run away so quickly? Perhaps he knew that Fang Xuan came to him in order to secretly drag him to the Hero Association, so he directly opened the space portal and ran away quickly.

Seeing that Blast had slipped away, Fang Xuan didn't waste any words. After sensing Blast's breath, he used instant transfer again.......

So the two of them started a unique chase in the universe.

Of course, Fang Xuan finally caught Blast and beat him up, then chatted with him for a few words and returned to Earth.

The scene returned to the present. Fang Xuan looked at Cha Lanzi, who looked like a mummy, and took out a fairy bean from the system space and threw it to him.

"Eat this."

Cha Lanzi hurriedly caught the magic bean given by Fang Xuan and asked in confusion:"What is this? Why did you give me a bean?"

Fang Xuan explained:"Eat this, and your injuries will heal."

Cha Lanzi was skeptical about Fang Xuan's words. He had never seen a bean that could heal an injury. After all, if there was such a thing, what was the use of hospitals.

But considering that the man in front of him was the strongest S-class hero, Cha Lanzi chose to believe it and ate it.

The next second, Cha Lanzi, who was bruised all over his body, instantly recovered as if nothing had happened.

"Is it okay now?"

Cha Lanzi looked at her body in disbelief.

After seeing that Cha Lanzi had recovered, Fang Xuan asked,"Then tell me, what happened that made you come to see me?"

"Mr. Fang Xuan, I came here this time to ask you to help Mr. Bangu deal with the traitor."......

When Cha Lanzi went to Z City to seek Fang Xuan's help, the reputation of the Garou spread in the streets.

After the S-class hero, the Vested Sage, and his followers were hunted, the name of the Garou, who specialized in hunting heroes, spread through the media and became a topic of conversation among people after dinner.

"Hey, have you heard? It seems that the Vest Master was defeated by a guy who claims to be a hero hunter."

"Really? That Vest Sage is an S-class hero."

"Of course it's true. This incident was reported in the news, so it can't be fake."

" I can't believe that even an S-class hero can be defeated by such an unknown little character"

"Not only that, I heard that even the vest-wearing followers of the vest-wearing master were beaten beyond recognition and sent to the hospital. No one, whether A-level, B-level or C-level, escaped his brutal attack."

"What, that guy doesn’t even let go of C-class heroes!"

After hearing this, a C-class hero showed a frightened expression.

At this time, another C-class hero next to him comforted him:"Okay, don’t scare yourself. This hero hunter is also a human being. As long as he is not a monster, even our C-class heroes have a chance to defeat him."

"Are you kidding me? The other party has defeated even S-class heroes. With C-class heroes like you and me, I guess they won't even want to watch us."

"That's right, you can't even handle a tiger-level disaster, let alone beat this guy."

"I am not bragging. I have martial arts inherited from my family. Let me demonstrate to you. If the opponent's fist hits me from the left, I will dodge to the right......."

This boastful C-class hero began to demonstrate his family martial arts to his two other C-class heroes.

"Oh? Is your martial arts really that powerful?"

A white-haired young man came behind the three people and asked curiously.

Suddenly, the fourth person appeared, and the bragging man was still immersed in his own world and couldn't extricate himself. He subconsciously replied:"Of course, my Turtle Four-Route Fist is not vegetarian. If that hero hunter appears in front of me, I will beat him to a pulp."

"Ah!...Appeared....Hungry Wolf!"

The boastful hero wanted to continue to brag about how powerful his martial arts were, but when he saw the face of the person behind him, he was so scared that his voice trembled.......

The other two also looked at Garou with horror.

Garou still had wounds from the fight with the Vested Master. After all, the opponent's attack hit him hard, so it was impossible for him to be unharmed.

Garou grinned and said,"I have been listening to you from a while ago. You seem to be very powerful. So I have a question for you.’

"If the attack comes from behind you, how do you defend yourself?"

Hungry Wolf looked at the three people in front of him calmly. Although he was just looking at them, they were already scared to death.

Then, several screams came from the street.



"Hey mom!"......

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