Z City,

No Man's Land

, Fang Xuan's Home

Fang Xuan and his companions listened to Cha Lanzi's detailed account of his injuries and the reasons for coming here, the process, and the development of

"So that's it, the hungry wolf you're talking about is the guy who claimed to be a hunting hero in the morning news."

After listening to Chalanzi's story, Saitama also grasped the key words in Chalanzi's sentence, and he ignored the rest of the words.

"And this guy has already defeated the S-rank?...If that's the case, you'll find me soon."

"Yes, it will be like this."

Saitama said very confidently. According to his own understanding of the script, after Garou has challenged all the S-class heroes, he will come to him for a life-and-death duel.

It can only be said that Saitama's own script is indeed very beautiful. Although his hero level has been raised to A-class compared to the original, this guy is only at the end of A-class, and his name is not loud compared to other A-class heroes. According to Garou's target selection rules for hunting heroes, Saitama is completely out of the range.

After all, in Garou's view, the A-class hero Bald Cape Man is just a weak chicken with an ugly name.

After listening to Saitama's words, Chalanko on the side warned with a serious face:"Hey, don't underestimate Garou. Although this guy is a traitor to his master, Teacher Bang said that this guy is the strongest martial arts genius he has ever seen, and he has now practiced the Flowing Water Rock-Smashing Fist to the point of achievement."

"This is the conclusion I came to after personally using my body to receive a complete set of his Flowing Rock Fist moves. His momentum and fluency of moves are no less than that of Bang."

Although Saitama is an A-class hero, Chalanko doesn't think he can defeat Garou.

"Wait a minute, you just said that you were hit by a full set of Flowing Rock Fists from the Wolf, that doesn't make sense, with your strength, you should have been knocked unconscious by the opponent's punch."

Fang Xuan also discovered the loophole in Cha Lanzi's words

"Hey, what do you mean by"with my strength, I was knocked unconscious by a punch from the other party, am I weak?"

After saying this, Chalan looked at them unconvinced.

Genos, Saitama, Fang Xuan, Tornado, and Fubuki nodded at the same time and said in unison:"Yes, you are weak."

" Please don't underestimate me, I am the chief disciple of Flowing Rock Crushing Fist, and also the only direct disciple of Silver Fang Bang, who is ranked third in S-class today, Cha Lanzi!"

Cha Lanzi saw that the five people had such a bad evaluation of her, so she stood up excitedly and introduced herself.

Genos said:"Didn't you say just now that Garou was also a disciple of Mr. Silver Fang? How come you are the only one?"

Cha Lanzi immediately retorted after hearing what Genos said:"Didn't I say that guy is a traitor, a traitor, do you understand? Got it?"

"Moreover, that guy is very powerful, especially in terms of martial arts attainments."

Looking at Cha Lanzi who was getting more and more excited, Fang Xuan also responded:"Okay, okay, I get it, um, you are right"

"Come on, you're not listening at all."

At this time, Saitama heard the word"martial arts" from Chalanko's mouth again and asked,"What are you talking about martial arts?"


Chalanzi was speechless for a moment when asked by Saitama.

"By the way, the last time you came to our dojo, the teacher demonstrated the Flowing Rock Fist to you, but you still don’t know what martial arts moves are?"

Listening to Chalanzi's words, Saitama also said righteously:"Hey, this is not the same thing, our ancient family in Daobang is not for this kind of thing."

"What is your intention? And please don't call Mr. Bangu, a master of his generation, an old man."

"We went there last time to eat beef, but we didn't get to eat 5A grade beef. Also, why can't we call Bangu an old man?" Saitama answered confidently,"He looks like an old man, with a beard and white hair."

"You, you guy……"Chalanzi was so angry at Saitama's answer that he was speechless for a moment. He really couldn't understand why this guy in front of him was so direct and rude.

Fang Xuan saw that Chalanzi was getting excited again, so he said,"So you came here this time just to ask me to defeat Garou?"

"Yes, but I want you to use the Flowing Rock Fist to defeat Garou, and I also want you to use the Flowing Rock Fist to win the championship in the martial arts competition."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because Garou also uses the Flowing Rock Fist, I want him to know that his betrayal of his master and his behavior of turning away from martial arts is wrong." Cha Lanzi's eyes flashed with a determined light,"Only by defeating him with the strongest martial arts he thinks of can he truly realize his mistakes."

"As for the martial arts tournament, Bang-sensei has been unhappy because of Garou, so I want to win the championship to make him happy, but I don’t think I can even make it through the preliminary round with my strength, so I want to trouble you to participate, after all, Bang-sensei attaches great importance to you.

"It would be fine if he defeated Garou, but he actually had to learn the Flowing Rock Smashing Fist to defeat Garou, and also win the championship of the martial arts tournament.

After thinking about it again and again, Fang Xuan felt that it was too troublesome, so he said,"I have some things to deal with recently.

Regarding what you said, I recommend that Saitama come to help you, anyway, this guy is about to be bored recently.


Cha Lanzi pointed at the bald Saitama and said,"Can this stupid guy really do it? You know, even S-class heroes can't do it......"

Before Chalanzi finished speaking, Fang Xuan said,"Don't worry, Saitama is not weaker than me."

Then Chalanzi, the only disciple of Silver Fang Bang, began to explain the martial arts moves to everyone in the most straightforward way.

Why did he use straightforward words? It was because Saitama couldn't understand the professional terms of martial arts at all.

"If the physical fitness and strength of the two people are similar, then the outcome of the fight between the one who knows martial arts and the one who doesn't is almost certain."

"That is, the party that does not know martial arts at all will be completely defeated, and sometimes martial arts can even help the weak defeat the strong."

Chalanzi tried his best to explain the effect of martial arts so that Saitama could understand. Chalanzi was lucky because Saitama just wanted to find a martial arts master other than Fang Xuan to fight recently, so he was a little interested in the martial arts conference he mentioned.......

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