121. Mechanical Patrol

"In this case, let's charge directly!" The girl in the vest said in a deep voice. It is already 7:45 in the morning, and it is less than fifteen minutes away from the so-called destruction. There is no time for detours. It is impossible to do it at night. "Crush them completely, and run away with the armed staff chief!"

With the current strength of the two of them, even with the armed staff chief on their backs, they can run at extremely high speeds, so there is hope for them to escape. The key now is to break through the opponent's defense and snatch the armed chief of staff out.

Axel frowned, "Don't you think it's a bit strange to receive a communication from the driving knight at this point in time?"

Indeed, it stands to reason that the driving knight didn't even know that Axel had come to the organization's stronghold to carry out a surprise attack, and the driving knight probably didn't know much about the dynamics in the organization's stronghold, all of this was suspicious .

"However, we don't have time. Now even if it's a sea of ​​fire, we have to jump into it." The girl in the vest tightened all the joints on her body.

Axel's eyes focused a little bit. Indeed, time was too tight, even if it was a conspiracy, they didn't have time to investigate it. Moreover, if you don't go, you won't be able to touch the opponent's conspiracy at all...

"Like before I came here, I'll go first, you'll go second!" Axel stepped forward, heading straight for the logistics gate of the organization's stronghold, followed by the girl in the vest.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, let's go directly to Yang Gong!

"Who, stop and check your identities, otherwise, we have the right to fire on you!" The robot security guard at the logistics gate said in a very high warning voice.

Axel and the girl in the vest didn't answer, they just moved forward at a faster speed.

Relatively speaking, after this period of practice, Axel's speed has greatly improved, and the distance of 100 meters is only five or six seconds. The girl in the vest is determined to keep up, but there is still a big difference. But now, she pays more attention to the power of killing with one blow.

In an instant, Axel had come to a place less than a few meters in front of the logistics gate.

Sirens are ringing!

"Huh?" In the control center, the old scientist frowned and looked at the screen.

"Someone really invaded." The young scientist stood beside him. The information seemed to be true, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. "It's really someone who is looking for death, and they don't want to see where this is?"

"I don't want them to die too soon, hehe..." The old scientist leaned back on the chair, while the operators in the control center moved a large number of Axel, the girl in the vest, and those from the organization's strongholds. The real-time monitoring of the robotic security team was placed on a large screen for monitoring.

"Let's see if they are qualified enough, let Megod G2 do the actual combat test..." The young scientist sneered, his eyes full of contempt, "Humans are still too fragile compared to mechanical power. It can be said that mechanical power It is the direction of human evolution in the future, and stupid humans still don't understand this."

"Let's wait and see, I hope they don't let us down. If I want to test the machine god G2 now, I don't want to put it in the village of ordinary people and kill it. That way, it is no different from trampling a group of ants to death, and it can't attract people. For any of my interests, only heroes and strong men who are strong enough are our goals." A pair of small eyes of the old scientist revealed an extremely indifferent light, as if all human beings were not life in front of his eyes generally.


"Please don't approach, we are going to use force against you!" The mechanical security guard drew a baton from behind, a pair of electronic eyes flashed a red light, and rushed towards Axel.

"The first grade of the second stage of Whirlwind Slashing Iron Fist... Rock and Iron!" Axel tilted his head to avoid the opponent's baton,

The iron fist of his right hand slammed into the opponent's chest, and immediately, the alloy steel plate about 2mm thick was ruthlessly torn apart by Axel, exposing the mechanical and electronic circuits inside.

"I'll leave it to you!" Axel didn't stop there. What he needed was an assembly-line fighting, which was the most efficient and could rush to the A3 warehouse where the armed staff chief was located as quickly as possible.

With a dodge, Axel pounced on another mechanical security guard like a cheetah with strength, and it was also rock and iron!

"Understood!" The girl in the vest snorted, rushed to the front of the first mechanical security guard, poked her hands out, like two dragons coming out of a hole, and plunged into the hole in the mechanical security guard's chest, flipped her wrist, clamped her fingers, and then Crush the various electronic devices inside, and then pull out the wires inside.

"Crackling..." The mechanical security guard screamed strangely, his whole body was like a mechanical dance that was out of control, he twitched crazily a few times, and a few electric sparks appeared all over his body from time to time, then he knelt down on the ground, It collapsed into a pile of scrap iron and could no longer move.

"Very good, it works!" The unease in the vest girl's heart dissipated instantly. Although the shells of these robots are made of alloy steel plates, if they break through this layer of defense, the electronic structure inside is also very fragile. If the connection between the center and other parts of the body is broken, the robot immediately becomes a pile of scrap iron.

In less than 20 seconds in the blink of an eye, the two robot security guards at the door were quickly knocked down, and Axel and the girl in the vest rushed towards the warehouse.

"It's quite capable." The young scientist looked at it coldly. "The C-level heroes of the Hero Association would find it difficult to face the robot security guards alone, but they can solve it in an instant. They should have reached the B-level level."

"Hmph, it's just B-level, and there's nothing to look forward to..." The old scientist looked at the big screen, picked up the coffee in his hand, took a sip, and his expression was very indifferent. I don't feel bad at all.


"Who!?" A small group of robot security guards who were patrolling the warehouse roared. There are 6 robots in this team. Compared with the security guards at the door, they are always in a fighting state and are more elite.

"Death seekers!" Axel doesn't care who you are, he has only one goal now, to knock down anyone who stands in front of him, and then rescue the armed chief.

The fight at this time made the results of his cultivation with Brother Tyrannosaurus immediately manifest, and he was like a cunning loach shuttling among several people.

"The first one!" Axel did the same, that is, tore up the armor of the robot in front of him, and then rushed to the second one without hesitation. At this time, he had to trust his teammates to be able to do it. Maximize efficiency.

the second!

Dodging two electric batons, Axel shredded the chest of the third robot and smashed the neck of the fourth robot with one punch. On the ground, but still rushed over fiercely.

"Sure enough, they can still act when they have the link." Axel grabbed the wire at the neck of the fourth robot and pulled it violently, breaking the mechanical head, but the head Still staring at him fiercely, his mouth opened and closed, as if he wanted to bite him, and even that body that was fearless of death still charged forward, and he didn't know what method the body used to detect Axel. of the location.

"Sure enough, we still need to destroy the circuit in the chest." Axel elbowed back, crushing the chest of that torso.

A minute later, the mechanical patrol team of this small group was wiped out, and the alarm sounded loudly in the entire organization stronghold, and it suddenly boiled up, and patrol teams and combat teams from all walks of life swarmed in.

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