One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and twenty-two. Horror, hot weapons!

122. Terror, hot weapons!


Time is life now!

Axel broke through the line of defense of the patrol team, and aimed directly at the A3 warehouse, and the girl in the vest followed closely.

"It's not that simple." By this time, the young scientist's expression became a little dignified. In just a minute and a half, he knocked down a full 8 robot security guards. This kind of attack power can be said to be extremely powerful.

"Hey, it's not in vain for me to do this round..." The old scientist shook the coffee cup a few times, and smiled with satisfaction.

"However, this is just the beginning. This strength alone is not enough to dispatch Mech God G2. This is just an introduction." The young scientist said in a deep voice, frowning, as if he couldn't believe it, "According to the information, Said that these two people are C-level heroes of the Hero Association, which makes me very strange, can the C-level heroes of the Hero Association be so powerful?"

"Hmph, those wastes of the Heroes Association, most of the C-level heroes are extremely difficult even a robot, let alone deal with so many!" The old scientist sneered. I understand, "Obviously, the strength of these two people has surpassed the C-level heroes. Even among the B-level heroes, there are not many who can beat them."


After rushing past these patrols, regardless of the other robot security guards who rushed over after the alarm sounded, Axel went straight to the direction of the warehouse. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that the security guards who rushed over probably had The appearance of the two or three teams is basically the teams that I saw during the observation time. On the whole, including the robot security guards that I eliminated, there are no more than 20 robot security guards in total!

"The number is a little abnormal. Could it be that these guards have gone to other places today, or that this organization stronghold has an underground layer, and they have not yet come out of the underground layer?" Axel was puzzled, but his feet There was no pause at all.

He punched the iron lock on the door of the A3 warehouse, pushed the door with both hands, and pushed with all his strength. Suddenly, the door creaked open to both sides, revealing the extremely empty warehouse inside——

In the center of the warehouse, a robot was chained with both hands and feet, and then hung high in the air. It was the machine god G1, the armed staff chief.

At this moment, he raised his head heavily, and a red light burst out from those electronic eyes.

"Captain, vest!" The armed staff chief shouted loudly.

"We're here, I'll save you here." Axel said in a deep voice, his eyes fell on a robot squad under the armed staff chief, the appearance of this squad was different from those robot security guards , the leader is actually the two organizational robots during the raid on the home of evolution, one of which looks like a human, and the other hand is replaced by more than a dozen short mechanical pliers. It seems that these robots should be small boss.

"Girl in the vest, block the door!" Axel said in a deep voice. Once more than a dozen robots from outside rush in, the enemy will cause great pressure on him. The most important thing now is to destroy the robot in front of him. It is the best policy to save these robots, and then rescue the armed staff leader.

"You're not ashamed to say it." The humanoid robot said with a sneer.

"Yeah, it looks like he wants to deal with the two of us alone?" The other robot with more than ten mechanical pliers also smiled, and he looked very relaxed.

"Let's go, captain, leave me alone!" The voice of the armed staff chief was a little hoarse, and the mental impact on him at that time still had a profound impact.

"At this time, you just need to watch quietly." Axel walked very slowly, he was not clear about the strength of the two robots in front of him,

There was no rash attack. On the other side, the girl in the vest had already closed the gate and stood guard at the gate.

With a sound of "Boom...", it was obvious that the robot outside started to hit the door, while inside, the girl in the vest used all her strength to resist the door, creating a chance for Axel to destroy the enemies inside first.

"Captain, hurry up, they are not something you can deal with now, they have hot weapons!" The chief of the armed staff was in a hurry. Although Axel is very strong now, he is only a C-level and B-level hero after all. Weapons still pose a great threat to him. It is no exaggeration to say that many A-level heroes cannot ignore the threat of hot weapons.

Hot weapons!


Axel's heart tightened. The most powerful thing about a robot is naturally the long-distance attack and super destructive power of thermal weapons. Just like Genos, a single shelling can destroy a building. If you want to hide Can't hide, unless your speed has exceeded his attack speed.

"Hey, want to leave? Dreaming!" The humanoid robot sneered and took a step forward.

"Bring it to your door, there is only one dead end." More than ten pliers of the pincer robot kept clamping, making a clicking sound.

With his eyes fixed, Axel took the lead in launching the offensive. Since the opponent is a hot weapon, once he seizes the opportunity to shoot bullets at him continuously, he may not even have a chance to get close. Moreover, the girl in the vest There is also a lot of pressure, and these two guys must be resolved as soon as possible.

"You still want to strike first?" The humanoid sneered, as if looking at a dead person, "I heard that you are a C-level hero, but I want to tell you that not long ago, a passing C-level hero was beaten by me. Became a sieve!"

Amidst the roar, the humanoid robot raised his right hand, and the five fingers suddenly turned into five barrels, with tongues of fire spewing out from them. This is actually a machine gun!

The moment the opponent raised his right hand, Axel began to move forward in an S shape. Sure enough, a large number of bullets from the humanoid robot hit the ground after he ran, leaving a string of very clear lines on the ground. bullet holes.

"Huh, I still have some skills!" The humanoid robot sneered, "However, I want to tell you that in front of hot weapons, the speed of human movement is simply ridiculous!"

Immediately afterwards, he raised his left hand, which was also a machine gun, but aimed at Axel's landing point at the same time. The machine gun in the right hand drove Axel in one direction, but the machine gun in the left hand intercepted Axel at the landing point. This was an unsolvable tactic.

"Die, turn into a sieve, ridiculous, and come to save people!?" The humanoid robot looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Captain, run away!" The armed staff chief also yelled. He has been here for almost 2 months, and he has a very clear understanding of the strength of the robots in the organization stronghold. The thermal weapons of this humanoid robot Facing humans, with the lethality of a machine gun, a hero without armor like Axel is simply a living target!

Seeing that the pouring bullets hit him head-on, Axel could no longer dodge. After all, the speed of the bullets far exceeded his moving speed!

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